MDF Files - MATLAB & Simulink (2024)

Read and write data in ASAM measurement data format (MDF) files; sort and finalize files; manage attachments

The toolbox provides read and write access to MDF files. You can sort and finalize MDF files, and add, save, or remove attachments.

Use mdfDatastore to access a datastore comprised of large or multiple MDF files.


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mdfInfoAccess or create MDF file metadata (Since R2019b)
mdfChannelGroupInfoGet channel group metadata from MDF file (Since R2023a)
mdfChannelInfoGet channel metadata from MDF file (Since R2023a)
mdfReadRead channel data from MDF file (Since R2023a)
mdfVisualizeView channel data from MDF file


mdfCreateCreate MDF file with metadata (Since R2022a)
mdfWriteWrite timetable data to MDF file (Since R2022a)
mdfAddChannelGroupMetadataAdd channel group and channel metadata to timetable (Since R2022a)

File Operations

mdfSortSort MDF file by ASAM standards (Since R2019b)
mdfFinalizeFinalize MDF file by ASAM standards (Since R2021b)
mdfSaveAttachmentSave embedded attachment files from MDF file (Since R2023a)
mdfAddAttachmentAttach file to MDF file (Since R2022a)
mdfRemoveAttachmentRemove attachment from MDF file (Since R2022a)
mdfDatastoreDatastore for collection of MDF files
readRead data in MDF datastore
readallRead all data in MDF datastore
previewSubset of data from MDF datastore
resetReset MDF datastore to initial state
hasdataDetermine if data is available to read from MDF datastore
partitionPartition MDF datastore
numpartitionsNumber of partitions for MDF datastore


  • Transition Your mdf Object Code

    Update your code to directly access MDF files, instead of using mdf objects.

  • Troubleshooting MDF Applications

    Troubleshoot common issues with MDF file applications.

Related Information

  • File Format Limitations
  • Platform Support
  • Datastore

Featured Examples

Read Data from MDF FilesRead channel data from an MDF file.

Open Live Script

Read Physical and Raw Data from MDF FilesRead channel data from an MDF file as physical values and raw values.

Open Live Script

Work with Unfinalized and Unsorted MDF FilesWork with unfinalized and unsorted MDF files. The unfinalized MDF file used in this example, MDFUnfinalized.MF4, was recorded by a CANedge2 CAN bus data logger from CSS Electronics.

Open Live Script

Get Started with Writing Timetable Data to MDF FilesWrite timetable data into an MDF file. The MAT-file used in this example MDFTimetables.mat contains two timetables.

Open Live Script

Customize Metadata When Writing Timetable Data to MDF FilesCustomize the file, channel group, and channel metadata when writing timetable data to an MDF file.

Open Live Script

Overwrite Channel Group Data in an MDF FileProcess data logged in a channel group of an MDF file and write the updated data back to the same channel group. The MDF file used in this example VehicleData.mf4 contains data logged from two simulations in two channel groups, but the example only works with data in channel group 1.

Open Live Script

Write Channel Group Data from an Existing MDF File to a New MDF FileProcess data logged in a channel group of an MDF file and write the updated data to a new file. The MDF file used in this example VehicleData.mf4 contains data logged from two simulations in two channel groups, but the example only works with data in channel group 2.

Open Live Script

Work with MDF Attachment FilesAdd attachment files to an MDF file, remove attachment files from an MDF file, and save attachment files embedded in an MDF file to disk. The MDF file used in this example VehicleData.mf4 currently has one embedded attachment named ReadMe.txt.

Open Live Script

Decode and Write CAN Data in MDF FilesImport and decode CAN data from an MDF file in MATLAB® for analysis, and write the decoded data back to the same file.

Open Live Script

Decode J1939 Data from MDF FilesImport and decode J1939 data from MDF files in MATLAB® for analysis. The MDF file used in this example was generated from Vector CANoe using the "System Configuration (J1939)" sample. This example also uses the CAN database file, Powertrain_J1939_MDF.dbc, provided with the Vector sample configuration.

Open Live Script

Get Started with MDF DatastoreUse the MDF datastore feature of Vehicle Network Toolbox™ to quickly and efficiently process a data set spread across a collection of multiple MDF files. This workflow is also valuable when there are too much data to fit into available memory.

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Analyze Data Using MDF Datastore and Tall ArraysWork with a big data set using tall arrays and the MDF datastore feature. Tall arrays are commonly used to perform calculations on different types of data that do not fit in memory.

Open Live Script

Data Analytics Application with Many MDF FilesInvestigate vehicle battery power during discharge mode across various drive cycles. The data for this analysis are contained in a set of vehicle log files in MDF format. For this example, we need to build up a mechanism that can "detect" when the vehicle battery is in a given mode. What we are really doing is building a detector to determine when a signal of interest (battery power in this case) meets specific criteria. When the criteria is met, we will call that an "event". Each event will be subsequently "qualified" by imposing time bounds. That is to say an event is "qualified" if it persists for at least 5 seconds (such a qualification step can help limit noise and remove transients). The thresholds shown in this example are illustrative only.

Open Live Script

Map Channels from MDF Files to Simulink Model Input PortsProgrammatically map channels from MDF files and consume their data via input ports of a Simulink® model. It performs the gathering of input port names of a Simulink model and correlates them to the content of a given MDF file. A linkage between them is then created which consumes channel data sourced from the MDF file when the model runs.

Open Live Script

MDF Files
- MATLAB & Simulink (2024)


Can Matlab read a MDF file? ›

The toolbox provides read and write access to MDF files.

How do I get data from an MDF file? ›

SSMS Method to Learn How to Extract MDF File & View All Data
  1. Open SSMS in system & connect with SQL instance.
  2. Navigate to Object Explorer & right-click on databases.
  3. Now, Go to Attach & Click on Add button in the window.
  4. Browse to Select the MDF file from the system & Click Ok.
Jan 18, 2024

How do you read a MDF file? ›

5 Quick Steps for MDF File Opener
  1. Step-1. Launch Tool to Open MDF File of SQL in System.
  2. Step-2. Add MDF File using the Add File Button.
  3. Step-3. Select Quick or Advance Scan Option.
  4. Step-4. Open and View MDF Files in System.
  5. Step-5. Close the MDF File Opener Finally.
Sep 2, 2024

What is the MF4 file format? ›

What is an MF4/MDF4 file? Measurement Data Format version 4 (MDF 4) is a standard file format by ASAM used by the automotive industry for storing measurement data in binary file format. It records CAN, CAN FD, LIN bus data, sensor data from an engine control unit (ECU), offering interoperability across many CAN tools.

What is the best software to open MDF files? ›

EaseUS software offers the best MDF viewer software - MS SQL Recovery to help you download and apply to check, and view the MDF or NDF files for free. You can also use this software to open corrupted MDF/NDF files with detailed information and repair the file without installing a new MS SQL Server.

What file format is MDF? ›

MDF (Measurement Data Format) is a binary file format to store recorded or calculated data for post-measurement processing, off-line evaluation or long-term storage. The format has become a de-facto standard for measurement & calibration systems (MC-systems), but is also used in many other application areas.

Can Microsoft Access open MDF files? ›

Microsoft Access can't process an MDF file. That requires SQL Server. If you want to use Microsoft Access, you must have a copy of SQL Server running, with the MDF file attached. You can then create Linked Tables that enable Access to treat tables in the SQL Server database as if they are local tables.

Can Excel open a MDF file? ›

MS Excel program also has a built-in feature to import data from MDF fields and records i.e. Get Data.

Can MDF files be deleted? ›

Can we delete MDF and LDF files? These files can be deleted manually by using Windows Explorer. Drop the database is just to bring it offline. You need to manually delete the mdf and ldf file (see here on how to ...

How to use a MDF file in a computer? ›

Opening an MDF File
  1. Launch SQL Server Management Studio (or your system's MDF file opener).
  2. Connect to the SQL server on your device.
  3. Right-click the “Database” folder in the right panel.
  4. Select Attach → Add.
  5. Select the MDF file you want to open and click Ok.
Jun 7, 2024

What can I use to open MDF files? ›

Ans – With the help of SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), you can easily open your MDF file and preview all database objects like records, tables, triggers, rules, functions, etc. But if your MDF file is corrupted or damaged, you may also use the Aryson SQL Viewer Tool.

What plays MDF files? ›

Media Descriptor File (MDF) is a proprietary disc image file format developed for Alcohol 120%, an optical disc authoring program. Daemon Tools, CDemu, MagicISO, PowerDVD, and WinCDEmu can also read the MDF format.

What is the data structure of mdf4? ›

MDF Blocks

mf4) is organized in binary blocks where each block consists of a number of contiguous bytes that can be seen as a record or structure of data fields. There are different types of blocks, and the block type defines the block's purpose and content.

What is the difference between AMF and 3MF file? ›

3MF is also XML-based and features geometry representation similar to . AMF, but in a more compact and size-friendly format. The file defines all standard, optional, and mandatory parts, with complete model information contained in a single archive.

What is XDM file? ›

XDM (file format), the Extensible Device Metadata open format for including depth maps and other metadata in standard image files. XQuery and XPath Data Model. Cross-document messaging, that works around the limits set by the same origin policy in a web browser.

What file types can MATLAB read? ›

  • Text Files. Delimited and formatted text files.
  • Spreadsheets. Microsoft® Excel® spreadsheets.
  • Image Data. JPEG, TIFF, PNG, and other formats.
  • Scientific Data. netCDF, HDF, FITS, and CDF formats.
  • Audio and Video Data. ...
  • Structured Data and XML Documents. ...
  • JSON Format.

Can MATLAB read bin files? ›

A = fread( fileID ) reads data from an open binary file into column vector A and positions the file pointer at the end-of-file marker. The binary file is indicated by the file identifier, fileID . Use fopen to open the file and obtain the fileID value. When you finish reading, close the file by calling fclose(fileID) .

How do you read HDF data in MATLAB? ›

To read data from an HDF5 file, use h5read . data = hdfread(hinfo) returns all the data in the data set specified by the structure hinfo , returned by the hdfinfo function.

What application opens MDF files? ›

Launch SSMS and connect to your SQL Server instance. Right-click on “Databases” in the Object Explorer and select “Attach.” Click “Add” to locate and select your MDF file. Confirm the attachment and navigate through the database objects to access your data.


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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

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Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.