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Drugs - Royal Commission of Inquiry - Report - Book E - Part XV

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The Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia



Book E: Part XV

21 December 1979

Presented by Command and ordered to be printed 18 March 1980

Parliamentary Paper No. 29/1980

jstralian Royal Commission of Inquiry into Drugs EPORT BOOK E

The Government of The Commonwealth of Australia and the Governments of the States of Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia and Tasmania

Australian Royal Commission of Inquiry into Drugs Commissioner: The Hon. Mr Justice E. S. Williams


Book E: Part XV

Australian Government Publishing Service Canberra 1980

(c) Commonwealth of Australia 1980

ISBN for this volume: 0 642 04835 5 ISBN for set of volumes: 0 642 04778 2

Publisher's note

In order to make this volume available as rapidly and economically as possible the text has been reproduced from originals prepared as computer print-out.

The publishers recognise that this method has its limitations and regret any lapses in typographical quality.

Printed by C. J. T h o m p s o n , Commonwealth Government Printer, Canberra


T his v o l u m e i n c l u d e s a compre h e n s i v e index to

the C o m m i s s i o n ' s Report. In addition it contains lists

of the s ources used and o v e r s e a s contacts made by the

C o m m i s s i o n in o b t a i n i n g i n f o r m a t i o n relevant to the

terms of r e f e r e n c e . A list of the staff of the

C o m m i s s i o n is also g i v e n . The lists are current to

21 D e c e m b e r 1979, the d ate of signature of the letters

of trans m i t t a l w h i c h a c c o m p a n i e d the earlier volumes as

p r esented to the c o m m i s s i o n i n g Governments.

The R eport will be completed by a further

v o l u m e w h i c h is in the c o u r s e of p r e p a r a t i o n . That

volume, w h i c h w ill be i ssued as an Annex to the R e p o r t ,

will c o n t a i n d r a f t i n g p r oposals for l e gislation

r e c o m m e n d e d e l s e w h e r e in the Report.

3 M arch 19 8 0

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BOOK A (Pages A1 - A463)

Part I Introduction

II Drugs of Abuse and their Effects

III Patterns of Drug Use

IV The Factual Terms of Reference

V Legislation


(Pages B1 - B473)

Part VI Organisations with a Direct Enforcement Role

VII Organisations with an Indirect Enforcement Role

VIII Coastal Surveillance

IX International Initiatives

BOOK C (Pages Cl - C403)

Part X Treatment

XI Drug Education

XII Drug Use Controls

XIII Improving Some Existing Controls

BOOK D (Pages D1 - D121)

Part XIV A National Strategy on Drug Abuse

List of Recommendations


(Pages El - E192)

Part XV Index

Conventions and Legislation

Overseas Sources

Witnesses and Submissions

Exhibits - open

Exhibits - confidential

Commission Staff


I i



Conventions and Legislation

Overseas Sources

Witnesses and Submissions

Commonwealth and State bodies which made submissions (persons who gave oral evidence in support indicated where


Organisations (other than Commonwealth and State bodies) which made submissions supported by oral evidence (persons who gave oral evidence indicated).

Persons, other than those mentioned above, who gave oral evidence.

Other organisations and persons who made written submissions to the Commission.

Exhibits - open

Exhibits - confidential

Commission Staff










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Abbott Chemical Pty Ltd, A179 acetone, A71 ACOA, A209, B48 ACOSS, C130, C134 acupuncture, C4l, C52 Adams, H.F., A311 Addcare Service, C39 addiction

see dependence Administrative and Clerical Officers Association, A209, B48 adulteration, A248--53

cannabis, A252--53 cannabis oil, A259 heroin, A259--60, A350--53 advertising, C166--67 controls, C130 criticisms of, C130 and drug education, C128--34 effects on drug use, A132--36,

C128--29 industry viewpoints, C131 — 33 prescription drugs , C129, C133--34 proprietary drugs, A135--36,


recommendations, B259--60, 0 46, D100, D109 see also under specific drugs and drug types advertising, anti-abuse, 0 3 2 - ­


advertising, mass-media, C128-- 30 Advertising Code for Proprietary Medicines, Voluntary, 0 7 4 Advertising Federation of

Australia, A132 , 0 29 aerosol sprays, A94 AFADD, C3 AFPOL

see Australian Federal Police aid, overseas see overseas aid aiding and abetting, A380 Air Force

see RAAF air traffic control radar, B285, B405--06 .

aircraft suggested acquisitions for surveillance, B418--21 unauthorised flights, B362

use for importation, B362--69 airfields, remote, A218, B366--69 airport curfews

effect on Customs inspections, B268--69 Aitken, D. , C386 alcohol, A8 , A11--12, A13, A23,

A75, C70, 0 4 7 , C262, C264-- 65, D3, D4--5, Dll, D50, D54, D55, D57 abuse, D4, D5 advertising of, A136, 058,

0 6 4

and cannabis, C222--24, C239-- 41 controls, C157--64, D55--56 customs and excise duties on,

C157--58, 0 6 0 effects of, A33--36 expenditure on, A78, D8--9 extent of use, A78--81, D7

licensed premises, 0 5 9 licensing fees, D56 licensing laws, C158--61 and other drugs, C162--63

recommendations, D55, D120 and regulation of professional occupations, 0 6 4 and road accidents, C162--63 and traffic laws, C161--63 users, A79--81 withdrawal syndromes, A36 Alcohol and Drug Addicts

Treatment Board, South Australia, B254, C6, 030, 0 4 4 Alcohol and Drug Authority, Western Australia, B254, B256,

C7 , C122--23 Alcohol and Drug Commission of British Columbia, Canada, 096,

0 9 7

Alcohol and Drug Dependence Service, Queensland, B254, B255, C6

Alcohol and Drug Dependence Unit, Australian Capital Territory, B255, B256

Alcohol and Drug Dependency Act 1968, Tasmania , A449--50 Alcohol and Drug Dependency Board, Tasmania, B255, B256, C8


Alcohol and Drug Dependent Persons Service, Victoria, C5 Alcohol and Drug Problems Association of the Capital

Territory, B256 alcohol, ethyl see alcohol alcohol, methyl

effects of, A36 Aldred, J. E. , A164, A313, C341, C352 aliens, B267 AMA, C50, C203, C346 AMA, South Australian Branch,

Cl 18

AMA, Tasmanian Branch, C358--59 American Institute of Ultrasound, C306 American Medical Association,

C216, C221, amitriptyline, A89 amphetamines, A75, A88, B244, C208, C262, D5

charges of possession or use, A299--300 controls, B242, C205 diversion of, A314 effects of, A47, A48 extent of use, A88, A99,

A215, A298, B188 monitoring of, B246, B252 production, A176, A194--95, A220, A240 seizures, A220, A221, A302 thefts, A317--18, A333 toxicity, A47--48 trafficking, A247--48 users, A298--300 see also methamphetamine,

methadrine and methylamphetamine amyl nitrite, A94, A247--48, C151

prices, A248 amylobarbitone, A53, A221, A302 Amytal, A53, A302

see also amylobarbitone analgesic nephropathy, C169, C170, Cl71, C174 analgesic powders, A43 analgesics, A75, A309, C70,

C147, Cl71, C260, D4, D5, D8 abuse of, A81--84 advertising of, C172, C174 consumption of, A82, A83

C170, Cl71, C174 controls, C169--75

dependence, C170 effects of, A41--43 extent of use, A84, A85, D7

recommendations, C175, D109 see also paracetmol, phenacetin, salicylates and the names of specific drugs analgesics , combination, A43,

C169, C174 analgesics, minor, C169, C171, C173 analgesics, narcotic

see narcotic analgesics analgesics, simple, C169 analysis of drugs see drug analysis angel dust, A69

see also PCP anilines, C169 Anoa (yacht), B113, B117, B125, B126, B435, B436, D18 Anro Australia (ship), B125,


anthranilic acids, 0 6 9 anti-abuse advertising C132--33 anti-anxiety drugs, A56 anti-smoking campaign, 0 6 6 antibiotics, D4 anticonvulsants, A309 antidepressants, A86, A87, A89,

A303, A309, A311, D5, D8 charges of possession or use, A299--300 antihistamines, D25 appetite suppressants, A49 Arafura patrol craft, B417,


Army, B400--01 Army Military Dog Centre, C289 arrest, powers of Commonwealth legislation,

A439--40 states and territories legislation, A440--42 arrests

states and territories police forces, B188--90 arrests, overseas, drug offences, A232, B273 arrival cards, B30 aspirin, A41--42 , 0 69 , 0 70,

071, 072, 0 7 3

Aspro, 0 7 0 Astill, K.S., A159, A169 atropine, A186 Attack class naval patrol craft,

B292, B397--98, B400 Auer, - , B91


Ausburn, L.J., C79, C80, C122 Australasian Society of Nephrology, C130, C170 Australia

geographical position, A238 Australia Crime Intelligence Centre (ACIC), A165, A300,

B173, B174--75, B181, D38, 076 recommendations, B181, D97 statistics, A219, D67 Australia--New Zealand Travel

Arrangement, A237, A238, A241, A347, B264--66, B268, B269--70 recommendations, B271, D101 — 02 Australia Post

see Australian Postal Commission Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, C119 Australian Army, B400--01 Australian Capital Territory

Police, A157 manpower, B184, B187, B194 Australian Coastal Surveillance Centre, B81,

B146--47, B161, B163, B165, B166, B167--68, B283, B401--02, B441, B442, B443, D41

recommendations, B165, B166, B167--68, B441, B442, B443, D90, D91, D93, D103--04 Australian Council of

Social Service, C130, C134 Australian Development Assistance Bureau (ADAB), B457--59 Australian Federal Police,

B1--2, B158--59, B160, B173--81 co-operation with Health Department, B166

co-operation with Narcotics Bureau, B68 co-operation with other agencies, B180--81, B226 co-operation with states

and territories police forces, B159, B235--36 Criminal Drug Intelligence Centres, (proposed), B179--80 functions, A325, B176--77,

B178--79 Internal Investigation Unit, B180

interpreter services, B236 recommendations, B164, B165, B169, B180--81, B239 , C375 , D89, D91, D95, D97, D99, D114

role, B72, B176, B181, B226 seconding of personnel, D39 territorial responsibilities, B179 Australian Federal Police

Act 1979, B173, B176, B177--78, B183, B226 Australian Fisheries Council, B313 Australian Fishing Zone, B313,

B325, B326 Australian Foundation for Alcohol and Drug Dependence, C3 Australian Government

Analytical Laboratories, B296--98, B301, B306, B307, C311, C313--14, C321 Australian Kidney Foundation,

C130, C169, C170, C174 Australian Law Reform Commission, B160, B228, B229, B230, B268, C387--89,


Australian Medical Association see AMA Australian Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association,

A180, A186, A194 Australian Police College, B63, B176 recommendations, B238, D98 Australian Postal Commission,

B347--51, C379 — 84 Australian Public Service Association (Fourth Division Officers), B71, B85--86,

B98--100 Australian Royal Commission of Inquiry into Drugs acknowledgements, A28

arrangements with New South Wales and South Australian Commissions, A21--22

computer use, A26--27 confidentiality, A25--26, A321, A326 evidence, A22--23, A24--26 evidentiary approach, A23--24 exhibit list, A17--18 hearings, A3--4, A21 incidental matters, A17--29 information, A3--4


inhibition of departmental action, A27 inspections, A5 Interim Report, A18, B162--63 investigations, A20, A340,

A327--29 letters patent, A3, A9, A19 multiple commissions, A1 , A3--4, A19 no law enforcement role,

A27--28 no requirement to name suspected persons, A27-- 28, A174 overseas visits, A5--6 Report preparation, A17--29 Report recommendations, A27

reporting arrangements, A17--18 Special Reports, A18 staffing, A19-20 urgency, A18--19 witness list, A17--18 Australian Ship Reporting

System (AUSREP), B408 Australian Taxation Office A329, B206, B339--41, C370--73, D33

recommendations, C376 — 77, D115 Australian Telecommunications Commission, B347, B348, B351 Ayres, D.T., A185, A193, A268,

B193, C342, C356

Baden, Μ., A234, A294 bail, A442--44, B154 absconding, B222--23 breaking of recognizance,

A443--44 conditions attaching to, A443 recommendations, B171--72, D97 Bail Bill, Queensland, A442,

A443, A444 Bain, D.E., C113, C114 Baker, G. D . , A159, A162, A188,

A192, A239, A258, A264, A265, A266, A279, A281, B191, B192, B193, B194, B203 Banking Act 1959, B343 Banyan House, C23 barbiturates, A75, A87, A89,

A90, A308--09, A310, C151, C261, D5, D61 clinical use, A52, A53

diversion of, A314 effects of, A51--54

extent of use, A90, A91, A99 prices, A248 seizures, A220--21, A302 thefts, A333 toxicity, A53 trafficking, A247--48 withdrawal syndrome, A54 Barclay, R., B407 Barcus, F.E., C125, C133 Barge, A . J., B22 Bates, B.C., B55, B68, B70, B119 Bates, Η., A188, A201, A202,

A204, A218, A225, A232, A241, A242, A264, A331, B51, B55, B63, B66, B70, B76, B79, B84, B90, B93, B94, ΒΙΟΙ, B102, B 116, B118, B 119, B125, B296, B299, B300, B310, B361, B460, B461 Battard, R.N., C284, C294 Baume, P.E., A117, A134,

C157, C165 , C190, D78 see also Senate Standing Committee on Social Welfare Bavington, N.E., C97, C98 Bayer Company, Germany, C177 Beach Report, Victoria, B229 Beattie, R.J., A211, A240, B373, B388 Beatty, R.J., see Beattie, R .J ., Beckers Pty Ltd, C174 Beilin, L.J., C188 Belk, G.M., D35 Bell,-, C127 Bennett, H.T., C331 Bennett, P.P., B48, B332 , B358— 59 Benowitz,-, C228 Benzedrine, A47, A302 see also amphetamines benzene, A71 benzodiazepines, A54, A55, A56 see also tranquillisers Besley, M.A., A182, A184, A185, A188, A194, A197, A198, A205, A230, A234, A237, A240, A241, B3, B4, B23, B28, B29, B31, B37, B43, B56, B57, B58, B59, B62, B66, B70, B71, B76, B83, B84, B86, B90, B92, B93, B96, B98, B100, B114, B116, B119, B358, B361, B375, B460, B461, C290, C291, C292 Bessire,-, B78, B79, B91 Bex, Cl70, C171, C174 Billington, J.R., C223, C242


birth certificates, B279 Blewett, N., C153, C154, C233, C236, C243, C244, C247 boats

see small craft body searches see under Customs inspections Bond, B., C121, C352 Botsman,-, C80 Bourke Street Drug Advisory

Centre, New South Wales, C51 Bowen, H. , D82 Brady, J.L., C379 Brain Reports, United Kingdom,


Brecher, E.M., C128 Bridge Programme, Sydney, C42 British System, the, C34--38, C196, C198 Broadcasting and Television Act

1942, C129, C166 Broadhurst, N.A., C245, C247 bromides, A54, A55 Brotman, R . , C74 Browne,-, C80 Bryant, A.J.M., A169 Buckham, J.L., C123 Buddha sticks, A28, A63, A188,

C215, C299 charges of possession or use, A293, extent of use, A196

importation, A217, A225 importation methods, A203, A205, A211, A212, A213, A214

prices, A255--58, A262--63 production, A196 seizures, A221, A226, A230--31, A302

trafficking, A246--47, A253, A262, A284 see also cannabis bufotenine, A187 Bureau of Customs

see Customs Bureau Burgess, P.F., A199, A242 Burma, B453--54, B458, B459,

B462, B469, B470 Business and Consumer Affairs, Department of, A23, B1--B139

Detector Dog Development Program, B39 functions, B3--4 Management Review Report on

the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Resource

Utilization in the Australian Narcotics Bureau, 1977, B59, B93--94, B94--95, B119--24, B156--58

delay in producing, B93--94, B119, B156 National Review of Prevention Operations (NROPO) Committee,

1976, B23, B24, B26, B42, B48--50, B144--45 recommendations, B166--67, B169, D91--92, D94 seizures, A220 see also Customs Bureau

and Narcotics Bureau

caffeine, A43, C169, C171, C172, DIO effects of, A48, A49 toxicity, A49 Cahill, J.W., B8, B9, B19,

B33, B70, B389, B414, B425 Calder,-, A292, B187 Call, D., C79, C80, C122 Campbell,-, C219 Canadian Commission of Inquiry

into the Non-Medical Use of Drugs see Le Dain Commission cancer, A38 cannabidiol, A63, C215 cannabinoids, B298, C215, C218

cannabinol, A284, A302, C215 charges of possession or use, A293 effects of, A63 seizures, A221, A302 cannabis, A75, A368, B242, B298,

B309, B361, B363, B433, B434, B435, B465, C147, C152, C257, C273, C286, C289, D5 , D6--7,

D8, DIO, Dll, D67, D86 adulteration, A252--53 and alcohol, C222--24, C239-- 41 black market and crime,

C234--35, C266 botany, A187, A190 charges of possession or use, A293

controls, C215--69 counterfeit, A189--90 countries of traditional use, C249--50 dependence, A65, C228--29 droughts, A279--80, A342


effects of, A63--65, C220, C261 effects on adolescents, C261 effects on the brain & mental

functioning, C219— 21 effects on cardiovascular system, C225--26 effects on cellular processes,


effects on driving skills, A64, C222--24, C248--49, C262--63 effects on endocrine system,

C226--27, C260 effects on psychomotor functions, C222--25, C262--63 effects on pulmonary system,

C225--26 effects on reproductive system, C260 exportation, A237, A240--41,

A243, A244 expunging of convictions, C267--68 extent of use, A99, A101--02,

Α ÎΟ, A187 — 89, A290— 93, C231, D6--7 and health, C215--30 importation, A200--01, A217,

A225, A235, A241, B103, B106--07, B113--15, B117, B125--27, B130--31, B137 importation methods, A206,

A207, A211, A212, A213, A214 and law enforcement, A196, C235--37, C266 class discrimination, C235,


corruption of police, C235 measurement of intoxication, C225, C264 metabolism of, C217 — 18 methods of use, A187--89 and narcotics, A165 and organised crime, A333 prices, A255--59, A275--76 and progression to other

drugs, C241 recommendations, C269, D110 seizures, A221, A223, A224, A225, A226, A227, A228--29

A231, A235, A301, A302, A304 B103, B106--07, B110--11, B113--14, B115, B117--18 B125--27, B130--31, B134-- 35, B137, B139 social penalties, C233--34

and society, C230--43 TEC content, C266 therapeutic applications, C229--30, C243 tolerance, A65, C228--29 toxicity, A65 trafficking, A245, A246,

A252--53, A264--66, A272--76, A284--85, A286 and heroin trafficking, A278--81 methods, A252--53 users, A291--93 withdrawal, A65

see also Buddha sticks, cannabis leaf, cannabis oil, cannabis tops, hashish and marihuana cannabis debate, C152, C215--69 cannabis leaf, C265 cannabis legislation, C231,

C237, C241 administrative costs, C234, C264, C266 distinction between users

and traffickers, C250--51 distinction from more dangerous drugs, C237 effect on crime, C245--46 effect on usage, C244--45 penalties, C251--52, C266--67 problems of definition, C246 protection of the young and

weak, C241 reform, C243--60, C264 cannabis oil, A63, A188--89, B349, B361, C215, C230, C265,

C286, C299, C374, C379, C395 adulteration, A259 importation, A346, B92, B110 — 11, B114, B118,

B134--35, B139 importation methods, A199, A202--03 , A205--06, A207 prices, A255--57, A259

seizures, A224, A226, A229, A231, A235, A302, A304, B110— 11, B114, B 115, B118, B134--35, B139 trafficking, A246, A284--85

extent of, A286 methods, A252--53 cannabis policy options, C252--60 free availability, C253,

C259--60 modified prohibition, C253, C257--58


prohibition/criminal penalties, C252--55 prohibition/pecuniary penalties, C252, C255--57

regulation controls, C253, C258--59 cannabis production, A189--94, B188

Australia, A175 Australian Capital Territory, A189 extent of, A187--94

geographical locations, A187-- 89, A266 methods of, A187--94 New South Wales, A189,

A190--92 Northern Territory, A189, A194 Queensland, A189--90 South Australia, A189,

A192--93 Tasmania, A189, A193 Victoria’, A189, A192 Western Australia, A189,


Cannabis Research Foundation, A189, A262, A292, C130, C215, C223, C230, C234, C237 , C238 , C239, C242, C243, C245, C248,

C257--59 cannabis resin see hashish Cannabis sativa, A63, A187,

A376, B309, C215 cannabis tops, C281, C285, C286 cannabis use (a victimless

crime?), C153--54, C156, C237--39 Cape class vessels, B404 Capital Territory Health

Commission, B255, B256, C9, C109--10, C326--27 Carington Smith, D., A116, A124 Carmody, R.J., B33, B45

Carr, J .T ., C106 Cartledge, J.M., C359 Cartwright, L. , C215 Cashion, T.N.W., A116, A 181,

A186, A193, A227, A240, A265, A268, A269, A292, A295, B220, B221, B365 CASOS, B4, B16, B56, B69, B81 ,

B147, B160--61, B163, B164, B165, B166

recommendations, B164, B166, B442, D89, D91, D104 surveillance resources, B375-- 81, CBD

see cannabidiol CBN see cannabinol Central Drug Education Unit,

New South Wales, C91--92 central nervous system depressants see depressants central nervous system

stimulants see stimulants Central Information and Research Bureau, B4, B16,

B56--57, B69, B160--61, B164, B165 recommendations, B164, B165, D89 , D91 Champion,-, C127

Chant, N ., A120 Chaseling, T.A., A213 Cheetham, J.S., C79, C80, C122 Chenoweth, J.L., D81

Chesher, G., C217, C218, C219, C220, C222--24, C226--28, C230 Chipp, D .L ., A199 chloral hydrate, A54, A55, A81

chlordiazepoxide, A56 chloroform, A71 chlorphentermine, A49 CHOGRM, B460 CHOGRM Working Group, B68 Chynoweth, R., C118 CIRB

see Central Information and Research Bureau civil liberties, B203, C54, C152--56, C386--87, civil liberties organisations

see individual listings Claffey, T.J., C203 Clark, L.G., C314--15 Clayer, R., C49 Clein, L., C204 Clemenger, J.L., C131

clinical pharmacologists, C117 Coastal Air Sea Operations Support Group see CASOS

coastal patrols, volunteer, B415 coastal surveillance see surveillance, coastal


Coastal Surveillance Standing Committee (CSSC), B282--83, B290 coastguard, B423--24 coastwatch, B426--27 coca, A182--83 cocaine, A88, A176, B253, B453,

C37, C152, C261, C274, C283, C285, C287 charges of possession or use, A299--300 effects of, A45— 46, A182--84 extent of use, A99, A183--84

A214--15, A248, A298 importation, A202, A214, A215, A225 prices, A248 production, A182--84, A196

seizures, A22I, A224, A226, A231, A300--01, A304 trafficking, A248, A284 United States legislation, A183 users, A298--300 Code of Good Manufacturing

Practice, Australia, B249— 50, C171 codeine, A43, C151, C167, C171, C172, C173

effects of, A57--61 international conventions, A357 production, B245 seizures, A221, A301 cold tablets, C173 cold turkey, A59--60, C24 College of Pharmacy

Limited, Victoria, C120, C349 Collins, P.A., A267 Colmer, E., A212, A233 Commission of Inquiry into the

Non-Medical Use of Drugs see Le Dain Commission Committee of the Privy Council 1957, United Kingdom, C387 Commonwealth Department of

Health see Health, Department of, Commonwealth Commonwealth Director-General

of Health, C239 Commonwealth Heads of Government Regional Meeting see CHOGRM Commonwealth Police Force

see Compel

communications, interception of, A421--26, C271, C272, C385--94 civil liberties issues, C385--


controls, C388--93, C394 devices, C393--94 powers, C388--93, C394 recommendations, C393--94,

D43--44, D117--18, D120 United States Debate, C387--88 see also telephone tapping Community Addiction Service,

Hunter Health Region, C93--94 community drug education see under education, drug Community Drug Liaison

Committees (proposed), D8I--84 recommendations, D83, D121 Community Health Program, D56 Compol, A20, B1--2, B142, B159,

B162, D18, D38, D76 co-operation with Narcotics Bureau, B82, B83, B162 co-operation with others,

A178--79 , B174--75 co-operation with states and territories police forces, A219, B219--20, B235--36 criticisms of, B175 effectiveness, B178--79 functions, B173--74 organisation, B173--74 personnel, B173 public service limitations,


role, B178--79 compulsive drug use definition, A30 compulsory treatment

see treatment, compulsory computer system, police national see Police National Computer System (proposed) concealment, internal body

see under importation methods Conference for the Suppression of Illicit Traffic in Dangerous Drugs, 1936, A357 confiscation provisions, A349,

A444--48 confrontation, C38--40 Connellan, E.J., B420 Conservation, Department of,

Victoria, B318


containerised cargo see under importation methods contiguous zone, the, A362--63 continental shelf, the, A363--64 Continental Shelf (Living

Natural Resources) Act 1968, B313, B314, B320 Convention on Psychotropic Substances 1971, A7--8, A29,

B166, B242, C202 delay in ratification, A358--59 Cook, G., A258 Corby, K.P., D24 corruption Customs officers, B29 external investigation of,

B232, B239 internal investigation of, B29, B154--55, B169, B179--

80, B239 law enforcement officers, A274, A281, A323, B225 New York, Î’210--Î , B232

recommendations, D99--100, B239 Management Review Report see under Business and

Consumer Affairs, Department of police officers, B73, B207--14, B229--33, B239,

C235 allegations, B208--10 investigation of, B210--12, B232

New South Wales, B212 opportunities for, B209 planting of drugs, B231 prevention of, B209--10 Queensland, B211--12

recommendations, B239, D99--100 public officials, A199, A323 cough mixtures, A85--86, A95 Council for Civil Liberties,

Northern Territory, C386 Council for Civil Liberties, Queensland, C152, C 154, C234, C235, C244, C248, C252, C386 Council for Civil Liberties,

South Australia, C247 counselling, C38--40, C69 couriers see under importation methods Craft, D.J., A264, A269, A278,

A310, B194 Crews, W.D., A132, A136, A167, C41 , C130 '

Cridland, K.H., A296 Cridland, M.D., C186 crime, drug-related, A143, A146, A157--62, A321--54

Commission's examinations, A327--29 evidence, A326--27 financial aspects, A347--53 hierarchy, A322--23, A324

investigation of, A323--27 law enforcement attitudes to, A324 obtaining convictions, A339--


and other crime, A157--62, A347, C367 persons involved, A333--34 types of, B224--25 United States connection,

A340--42, A343 crime, organised see organised crime Crimes Act 1914, A371, A420,

A428, A429, A431, A440, B72, B155 criminal drug intelligence national system of, D35--47 Criminal Drug Intelligence

Centres (proposed), B145-- 46, B159, B161, B162, B164-- 65, B 167, B168, B179--80, B227--28, B237, B238, B239, B337, C373, C376, C390, C391, C392, C401, D27, D28, D32, D33, D86

recommendations, B164--65, B181, B237, B238, B239, B271, D90, D97--98, D99, D101 role, D40, D43 see also National Criminal

Drug Intelligence Centre (proposed) and State Criminal Drug Intelligence Centres

(proposed) criminal justice system role in treatment see under treatment Crisp, C.S., C320 crop destruction, B465, B466 crop substitution, A177,

B454, B455, B456, B458, B462--66 , B473 effectiveness of, B465, B469, B470

recommendations, B473, D105 suitable crops, B464


CSIRO, B322 Curator of Standards, C316 curfews, airport effect on Customs inspections,


Curriculium Development Centre, C90 Customs Act 1901, A36l, A369-- 72, A374--75, A379, A423,

A424--25, A430, A435, A439, A445, A451, A452, Bl, B3, B33--34, B35, B50, B57, B75 — 7 7 , B90, B141, B143, B149--54, B157, B160, B164, B169--72, B242, B243, B290, B291, B310, B349 , B383, C277, C299, C380--81, D26, D89, D94, D95, D97, Dill — 12

analgesics, C171 body searches, A202 Customs barrier, A435 drug offences, A369--71,

A374--76 forfeiture provisions, A372, A445 listening devices, A424--25 Narcotics Bureau powers,

B75--77 narcotics offences, A370--72, A374--75 penalties for narcotics

offences, A371--72, A374--75 powers of arrest, A439 prohibited imports, A452, C306--07 quarantine regulations, B331,

B333--34 recommendations, B169--72, D94--97 search powers, A431 unaccompanied baggage, B33--34 under-bond system, B35 Customs and Excise, Department

of (former) , seizures, A220 Customs and Excise duties, B9, B15

alcohol, C157--58, Cl60 Customs and Excise Notice, B51 Customs barrier, A435, B142--45, B164--65, B180 Customs Bureau, Bl, B3--17

conclusions, B141--55 co-operation with others, B145--46, B147, B167 corruption, B29

functions, A324--25, B8--15 history, B141--42 industrial relations, B26--27, B28--29, B49 inspections

see Customs inspections Internal Affairs Unit, B29, B154--55, B169 legislation, B149--54 primary screen, A213, A214,


and quarantine, B331--33 recommendations, B164--72, B442, B443, D89, D90, D91, D92, D93, D94, D104, D120 responsibilities, B3--8

restatement of role, B142--43 Customs Bureau Operations, coastal surveillance, B146--47, B163, B381--91

computer systems, B7 control of incoming craft and cargo, B5--8, B147--49 diving units, B41 drug detector dogs, C274--75,

C277--79 recommendations , C297--98, D94, D110--11 inspections

see Customs inspections intelligence sources, B165 launch fleet, B147, B157, B167--68, B381--91, B426 overseas, B9 PASS, B7, B45, B56, B69, B265 preventive procedures,

B30--36, B50 radio communications, B165 resources, B157, B163, B166 Customs Bureau organisation,

B8 — 17, B19--23 Central Office, B9--11 Collectorates, B8, B9, Bll, B12--15, B21--23

department relocation, B155 establishment, B9 outports, B46--48 and the Public Service,

B16--17, B25--29 regional autonomy, B146, B167 reorganisation 1978, B16 Customs Bureau performance,

B38--39, B148, B169 complaints against, B154--55 Customs Bureau personnel career structure, B25,

B27--29, B49


Investigator Aide Scheme, B24, B62--63 management of, B23--27, B49 morale, B25--27, B28, B29,

B49, B50 recruitment, B23--24, B27--29, B49 secondment, B165 staff associations, B17, B48 staff levels, B43--48 training, B167 Customs declarations, B30 Customs inspections

aircraft, B36 aircraft passengers screening, B30--32 and airport curfews, B268--69 baggage, B32--34 body searches, A202--03

recommendations, B169--70, D95 cargo, B34--36, B151 recommendations, B168--69 container cargo, B34--36,

B148--49 and drug detector dogs, B40, B168 legislation, B149--53 recommendations, B168--69,

B170--71, D94, D96 inspection concept, B27--29, B50, B143--B145 implementation difficulties,

B144--45, B166--67 urgency, B145, B166 saturation searches, B32, B35, B36, B37, 6148 search warrants

see under search warrants ship, B36 ship passengers screening, B34 workload, B5 Customs officers

authority, B171 duties, B4--8 functions, B22--23 law enforcement role, B24--25,

B27--29, B35, B39--40, B48, B49, B142 powers, A439, B3, B4 of arrest, A439 Customs Officers Association,

B48 .

Customs Preventive Service, the see Preventive Service, the Customs revenue see Customs and .Excise duties

Customs Search Warrant, A430-- 31, B160 cutting, A248--53 cyclones, A69

see also PCP

Daddo, P.N., C131 Dahl, C., B298 Dainis, I., B297, B299, C315 Dalmane, A55

see also flurazepam Dalton, M.S.Y., A106, A292, A295, A298, C208 Darrington, H.C., A240, A267

datura, A186--87 Davis, J.L., A184, D24, D78 Davis, J.M., A188, A198, A205, A239, A296 DAWN, United States, D60, D70 Deane-Spread, D., A212, A233

deaths, drug-related, A166, A308--11 by hypno-sedatives, A91 by minor tranquillisers, A92

Defence, Department of coastal surveillance, B167, B287--91, B391--93 conclusions, B292, B293 indirect enforcement role,

B287--93 recommendations, B167--68, D93 defence forces incidence of drug abuse and

trafficking, B294 recommendations, B442, D104 see also Army, RAAF and RAN Deimos, P.J., C280, C282, C286,

C288, C290 Densen-Gerber, J. , A242 dentists, B253, B256 departing passengers, random

checks recommendations, D116 dependence, B254 infection aspect, C49--50

multiple, A168 notifiable disease aspect, C22--23 opiate, A59 physical, C19, C24, A31, C57,


psychological, A30, C19, C24, C57, C59 reasons for, D5 relapsing condition, C57 TEC, C228--29 deportation, B267--71


depressants effects of, A51— 56 seizures, A224 Deputy Crown Solicitors, B100 DESC

see Drug Education Sub-Committee desomorphine, B242 de Souza, D ., A 131, A170, A184,

A185, A189, C190--91, C207-- 09, C250, C352, D60 detached worker programs, C39 detector dogs

see dogs, drug detector detoxification, C24--25, C69 dexamphetamine, A47, A302, B242, B246

seizures, A302 see also amphetamines dexedrine, A302 dextromoramide, A92--94, A293,

A297, A313— 14, A315 , A318, A378, C339--42, C349 extent of use, A93--94, A99 seizures, A221, A301 see also Palfium diacetylmorphine

see heroin diacetylmorphine hydrochloride see heroin diamorphine

see heroin diamorphine hydrochloride see heroin diazepam, A56, A87,

A91, A303, A314, A377, C339--41 seizures, A221, A303 see also Valium Dick, T.H.G., A290

Diehm, A.P., C51, C53, C54 diethylpropion, A49 diethylthiambutene, A301 di Gusto, J ., C27 Dilaudid, C349

seizures, A301 see also hydromorphone dimethoxyamphetamine,5-, A247 diphenhydramine, A90, C201, C203 diphenoxylate , A60

see also Lomotil dipipanone, C37 Disprin, C171 Distillation Act 1901, C158 diversionary programs

see under treatment Dixon, R .E ., B82

DMA (5-dimethoxyamphetamine), A247 DMT (dimethyltryptamine), A303 doctors' surgeries, breaking and

entering of, C343 dogs, drug detector, B39--41, B104--11, B 112, B113, B 115 , B125, B126, B128--35, B146,

B148, B168, B206, B349, B471, C271, C273--98, C383 conclusions, C294--96 extent of use

Australia, C274--79 British Army, C273 Customs Bureau, B39, C274--75, C277--79 Germany, C273 mail exchanges, C277, C278 overseas, C273--74, C278 RAAF, C275, C277 states and territories

police forces, C275— 77 United States, C283--85, C294, C295 handlers, C283 Kamarn Breeders Foundation,

C280, C282, C291, C295 recommendations, B169, C297--98, D94, D110— 11 role, C273 seizures, A205--06 selection of, C279--84, C297 source of, C291 success of, C277, C286--88 training, B148, B168, C280,

C288--94, C297 Donovan, J.B., A349, A353, D78 Donovan, J.W., D72 Doriden, A54 Dove, R.W.G., C275, C289, C292 Drew, L.R.H., A308, A311, C23,

C39, D69--71 Driscoll v The Queen (1977) 51 A.L.J.R. 731, 15 A.L.R. 47, B229 driving skills, drugs and, B207,

C222 — 24 drop-in centres, C39 droughts, A169, A279--80, A342 drug abuse, D3

Australian initiatives, B457--62, B463, B472 community attitudes, B224--25, B227--35 definition, A30 growth of, B187--90 implications, D5


international controls, B447--51 international initiatives, A15 , B445--62

conclusions, B469--72 effectiveness of, B463--68 recommendations, B472--73, D105

suggestions for change, B462 international trends, A217 legal drugs, A75--95 passim, A318--19, C70, C87 legislation, D49--58 misconceptions, D3 multiple

see drug use, multiple national strategy, B237, D1-- 121 and Australian Federal

Police, B180 community understanding, D86 and co-operation, D17--22 cost considerations, D87 and Drug Information Centres

(proposed), D67--68 the future, D85--88 legislative initiatives, D22--25 need for national support,


outline, D17--28 policy options, D10--11 priorities, D13 public accountability, D87

recommendations, B237, D28, D87, D97, D118, D121 uniform laws, D22--24 drug addiction

see dependence Drug Alert Warning System United States, D60, D70 drug analysis, B207, B234, B240,

B296--310 certificates, B309--10, B311 fragmented approach, B296-- 310 workload, B301, B306--07 Drug and Alcohol Authority,

New South Wales, B254, B255, C4--5 drug controls, C147--270 amphetamines, B242, C205

analgesics, C169--75 cannabis, C215--69 development of, C149--50 heroin, C177--200

methadone, C62, C70, C211--14 methaqualone, C201--05 nicotine, C165--68 pentazocine, C207--09

recommendations, D109--10 state and territories, legislation, A436--37, A454--62, B249--54

see also other drugs and drug types drug dependence see dependence drug detector dogs

see dogs, drug detector drug education see education, drug Drug Education Sub-Committee,

C75--76, C83, C85 , C87 , C88--92, C121, C142— 43 Drug Education Unit, South Australia, C100-01 Drug Enforcement Administration, United States, A196, A234,

A244, B63, B467, C398 drug exportation see exportation drug importation

see importation Drug Information and Advisory Service (DIAS), Tasmania, C108 Drug Information Centres,

(proposed) B238, C269, C362, C403, D57, D87--88 co-ordination of, D66 expectations of, D85--86 information flows, D66

recommendations, B238, D98 see also National Drug Information Centre (proposed) and State Drug Information

Centres (proposed) Drug Intelligence Centres, Criminal see Criminal Drug Intelligence

Centres Drug Intelligence Reports, A219, D38, D76, D77 Drug Intelligence Unit (DIU),

United Kingdom, C312 drug law enforcement see law enforcement, drug drug legislation

see legislation, drug drug liaison committees, local community, D81--84 recommendations, D121


drug manufacturing licences, B244--45, B251 drug offences see offences, drug drug offenders

see offenders, drug drug overdoses see overdoses drug poisoning, A202--03 drug production, A175--96, A456,

B244--45, B247--48 illegal, A175--96 licensing of, A456, B251 recommendations on premises,

B259--60, D100--01 regulation of, B244--45, B248 Drug Referral and Information Centre, Canberra College of

Technical and Further Education, CIO drug-related crime see crime , drug-related drug-related deaths

see deaths, drug-related drug squads see police drug squads drug trade

Perth's role, A331 suppression, B466--68 Sydney's role, A264--65, A266, A268--69, A275, A331--32 drug trade, financial

implications of, A198--99, A270--71, A333--34, A340, A347--54, B228, B236, B239, C365--68

controls, C271, C272, C365--77 controls in the United States, C368--70 recommendations, C375--77,

D99, D113--15, D116 drug trafficking see trafficking drug use, All — 12, A99--113,

A230, A287--311, A318--19, B247, B255, C89, D3--15 by age, A101--02, A110 by ethnic background, A108--

09, Alll misuse, A12--13, A318--19 multilple see drug use, multiple by religions, A109--10, Alll by school students, A103,


by sex, A100--110

socio-economic considerations, A104--06 , A107, A110 sources of information, A100 by states and territories,

'A106--08 by youth, A103--04, A110 drug use, compulsive definition, A30 drug use, legal, A75--95,

A3I8--19 drug use, illegal definition, A157, A99, A287

extent of, A287--311, see also under specific drugs and other criminal activities

false pretences, A157, A158 forged prescriptions, A158 prostitution, A161 sex crimes, A162 thefts of drugs, A158, A159 thefts of other items, A160,

A161 trafficking, A159 drug use, multiple, A163--71 definition, A163

extent of, A163--70 reasons for, A170--71 drug use, reasons for, A115--38, D4--5, Dll

advertising, A132--36 availability, A131--32 cultural influences, A128--31 curiosity, A115--16 family influences, A122--28 historical, A29, A30 mood altering influences,

A120--22 peer group pressure, A116-- 20 religion, A136 drug use surveys, A75--113 drug users

detention of offenders, C23 , C47--51, C64 profiles of, A139--55 varying backgrounds of, A99--


Drug Users Parents Aid Foundation of Victoria, A123, C40, C144--45, D83 drugs

advertising of, A461, C146 authorised possession, A455--56 classification of, A377--78 confiscation, A444--48


definition, A7--8, A29, C142 dispensing of, B245 , B248, B249 disposal of, A461--62, B214

distribution of, B251, B256 diversion of, A176, A311, A313--18, B241--43, B247, B248 , B256— 57, B258

extent of, A12, A311, A313--18, A322 heroin, A196, A199, A242 methods, A313--18, B2 and driving skills, B207,

C222--24 droughts, A169, A279--80, A342 expenditure on, D8, D9

interaction with alcohol, C162--63 manufacturing, A456 monitoring of, B241, B247,

B256--57, B258, D53--54, D55 packaging and labelling, A454--55

patterns of use, A73--172, D4--5 and the postal system, C271, C272, C379 — 84

recommendations, C383--84, D116--17 prescribing controls, A456--58 prices, A232, A253--60

see also under specific drugs progression in use, A111--12, A163, D5 pushing, A280--81, A342--43

records, A458 registers, A458, B252 sales, A456, B245, B248

scheduling and licensing, A454 security of, B243, B244, B247, B248, B251, B252, B254 self administration, A460--61 storage of, A458--59, B254,


thefts, A158--59, A316--18, A333, B258 drugs of abuse types, A175--76 drugs of dependence

uniform scheduling, D50 Drugs of Dependence Acts, (proposed) B226, B260, D13,

D25 , D27, D28, D31, D49--58, D63, D65 .

Commonwealth, D53--54 expunging convictions, D52-- 53 recommendations, D120, D121

states and territories, D50--51 uniformity of, B258--59, B269, D25, D49--50 Drugs of Dependence Bill (draft

bill, 1975), D24 D,rugs of Dependence Monitoring System, A87, A90, B246--47, B250--51, B252, B258, C201,

C207, C211, D22 recommendations, B259, D100 Drugs of Dependence Units (proposed), D22, D51, D54--55,

D86 recommendations, D120 drugs hotline, B376--77, B406 drugs, prescription

see prescription drugs drugs, proprietary see proprietary drugs Duerden, D.H., D24 Duncan, D.W., A292, A295, A298 Dunlop, C50, C204

DUPA see Drug Users Parents Aid Foundation of Victoria Durack, P ., A423 Dzialowski, Μ., B78--80, B91,


Eadie, M.J., C193, C352 Eastwell, H.D., A127, A128, A131 eavesdropping

see communications, interception of Eccles, P.B., B324, B325, B368, B369, B379 , B400, B402, B404,

B406, B409, B414, B421, B431, B440 Education, Department of, Northern Territory, C109 education, drug, B238,

B255--56, B258, C73--146, Dll, D13, D86 and advertising, C128--34, C146

alternatives to drugs, C77, C114 Australian philosophy, C75--79

community approach, C81, C83, C89, C90, C94--95, C96--97,


C100, C106, C108, Clio, Cl13, Cl 14, C124 conclusions, C141--45 defence forces, C90 evaluation, A288, C88, C97,

C99, C103, C108, C135— 40, C141, C 145 family influence, C144--45, C146, D4 funding, C85--87, C88, C103,

C106, C143--44, C146, D57 recommendations, C146, D109 general public, C83, C98--99, Cl 15 and health education, C76,

C80, C82, C88--89, C96--97, C98, C101--02, C103, C107, C109 industry, C94 medical profession, C74, C80, C116--120 monitoring of programs, C89, C90, C99, C143 need for research, C98--99, C137 nurses, C121--22 objectives, C74--83, C93, Cl12, Cl35 overseas experiences, C81--83 pharmacists, C120--21 police role, B196 preventive aspect, C74, C81, C90, C95 problems of alienation, C138 problems of credibility of source, C74 problems of fear arousal, C83, C85 , C104, Cl14, C123, C126, C138 , 0 44 problems of inciting experimentation, 0 2 6 , 0 2 8 , 0 3 7 program content, C88, C89, C93, 0 13, 0 4 1

programs, B195, C85--114 anti-smoking campaign, 0 6 6 Australian Capital

Territory, C109--10 Community and Drug Awareness Project, C110 Hospital Benefits

Association (HBA) of Victoria, Clll New South Wales, C91--95 non-governmental organisations, Cl 10--14

Northern Territory, C108-- 09 Queensland, C98--100 Rotary Clubs, Cl 10 South Australia, C100--02 Tasmania C106--08 Victoria, C95--98 Western Australia, C102--06 recommendations, C145--46,

D108--09, D119 role of media, 0 23, C125--28 schools, C96--110, 012, 0 1 3 self-medication, 0 1 4 target groups, C98--99,

C115--24, 0 4 5 teachers, C122--23 training of educators, C90, C91, C101, 0 07, C110,

0 14, 022, 023, 0 4 4

education, health, C76, C80, C98, C101, 002, 007, 066, 0 6 7 electronic sensors, remote,

B425--26 electronic surveillance see surveillance, electronic elephant tranquilliser, A69

see also PCP Emmerson, B.T., 0 8 7 English, P.W., B46, B388--89 Entick v Carrington (1765) 19

State Tr. 1407, A427 Equanil, A56 Erickson, W.H., C387 ethchlorvynol, A54, A55 ether, A71, A302 ethnic groups, A191--92, A195,

A211, A271, A333-34, B344--47, A354, B236, B239 trafficking, A267, B266--67, B269 ethyl alcohol

see alcohol ethyl ether, A71 etorphine, A301 Evans, C.P.V., A13, A195, A318,


Evans, G .J ., C387 Everingham, D. , 0 3 0 Everist, S . L ., A189 Exclusive Economic Zone, B313,

B325, B326 exportation, A237--44 controls , B241, B242--44, B248, 0 71

definition, A8 , A9 extent of, A10, A322

methods, A10, Δ224, A238, A243--44 prohibited goods, A369--70, A374--75

recommendations, D113--15 trans-shipment, A237--39, A241--43

transit countries, A238, A243

Falls , R., B410 Fardell, B.W., A269 fauna and flora protection, B327 , B333--37, B335

conclusions, B336 legislation, B331--35 recommendations, B336--37, D103 Fenton, B.K., C44 Ferguson, T.N.W., A161, A186,

A207, C344 Festival of Light, C238, C240, C242, C245, C246, C249, C253 Fielding, F.D.O., C244, C248,


Fife, W., B37, B41, C275, C285 Fiji, B459 financial controls see under drug trade,

financial implications of First International Congress on Drug Education, Switzerland, 1973, C95, Cl 12 Fisheries and Wildlife,

Department of, Western Australia, B320 fisheries authorities recommendations, B167, D93

Fisheries, Department of, South Australia, B319 fisheries protection Commonwealth role, B313--15

conclusions, B326 legislation, B313--16 organisations, B313--26 recommendations, B326, D103

role of states and territories, B315--16 fishing industry and coastal surveillance,

B322--25, B408--09 Fisse, W.B., C387 flora see fauna and flora

protection flurazepam, A54, A55, A56 Foreign Affairs, Department of, B273--79, B457--61

conclusions, B277--78 recommendations, B279, D102 foreign exchange controls, A334, B343--45

recommendations, C375--77, D113--14, D116 foreign nationals recommendations, B271, D101 forensic laboratories, B176

B206, B296, B301, B302--03, B304--06, B308 , C271, C309--37 conclusions, C335--36 need for a National

Forensic Science Research Institute, C309--35 organisations, C313--29 recommendations, B311--12,

C336--37, D102, D103, D112— 13 services supplied, C313--30 states and territories,

B301--03 see also National Forensic Science Research Institute (proposed) Forensic Science Laboratory,

Northern Territory Police, C325 forfeiture, A372, A444--48 forged prescriptions see prescriptions, forged Forster, J.E., C108 Fortral, A57, A301, A377,

C208 , C339, C340 effects of, A57--61 extent of use, A93 seizures, A221, A301

see also pentazocine Foster, B., C342 Foster, I.A., B40, C275, C280, C282, C284, C293 Fotheringham, B.G., A127 Frank et al, C228 Fremantle Port Authority, B321 Fryxell, J.R., Gill Furnass, S.B., A129

Gabrynowicz, J.W., A115, C21, C57 Gaffey, P.J., C133 Gallagher, J.G., B71, B385--86 gambling, illegal, A346, A332 gambling taxes, C161 Garrett, W.J., C300, C301,

C302--04 Geneve, N .J ., C348


Ghani v Jones (1970) 1 Q.B. 693, A435 Gibbins et al, C228 Glancy, J.E.M.A., C36 Glaxo Australia Pty Ltd, A179 glue, D5 glue sniffing, A71, A94--95 glutethimide, A54 Goedegebuure, W.L., A159, A194,

A233, A240, A269, A272, A285, B193 Goggins, R.W., C341 Golden Triangle, South-East

Asia, A176--78, A195--96, A242, B361, B456, B457, B463, B465--67 Gordon, D.A., A167, Cl11 Gorman, M.J., B26--27 Goverment Analyst Laboratories,

Tasmania, C323--24 Government Chemical Laboratories, Western Australia, C322 Government Chemical Laboratory,

Queensland, C319--20 Graham, J.R., C119 grandmothers case, the, B78, B90--91, B 114 grass

see marihuana grass sticks, A246--47 see also Buddha sticks Graves, G.D., A129 Gray, K.D., B355, B373,

B418, B420, B422, B423, B425, B431 Green, A.A., C341 Griffiths, W. , C174, C342 GROW, C13, Cl 11, C112— 13 Grumman Tracker aircraft, B291, B396--97 Gullard, I.F., C355, C356 Gurd, C.H., A296, C109, C342, C352, D78 Gusfield, J.R., C135 Gust, I.D., A311 Guthrie, W.J., C131

Hall, M.C., A195, A230, A254, C203, C315, C316, C333 hallucinogenic mushrooms, see mushrooms, hallucinogenic hallucinogens, A67--70, C262

charges of possession or use, A299--300 controls, B244 effects of, A67--70

extent of use, A215 production, A184--87 seizures, A303 trafficking, A247--48 types of, A184--87 users, A298--300 Hamilton, W.L., C100 Hanke, Η., B78, B79, B91 Harbour and Light Department,

Western Australia, B320 Harbours and Marine, Department of, Queensland, B316 Harding, Η., C326 Harris, L.H., C227 Harrison Narcotics Act

1914, United States, A183 Hartnoll, R ., C34 hash oil see cannabis oil hashish, A63, A188, B242, B361,

B453, C215, C230, C265--66, C281, C285 , C286, C374, C380 charges of possession or use, A293 extent of use, A292

importation, A199, A202--03 A204, A206, A211, A212, A213, A214, A217, A225, A235, A346, B78--80, B103, B108--09, B114, B115, B118, B125, B127, B132--33, B138 prices, A255--57, A259

seizures, A221, A226, A228, A231, A235, A302, A332, B103, B108--09, B114, B115, B118, B125 , B127 , B132--33, B138 trafficking, A246, A252--53,

A262, A284, A286 hashish oil see cannabis oil Haswell, D.H., A189, A204, A229 Hatton, J.E., B322, B431 Hawker de Havilland

(Australia) Pty Ltd., B369, B418--20, B423--24, B425, B426, C299--300, C302 Hayes,-, B78, B79, B91 Headland, N. , A328 Heads of National Narcotic

Law Enforcement Agencies, B68, B461 health authorities, states and territories, A157--58,

B2, B248, B249 — 60 co-operation, B248, B259 recommendations, B259--60 D100--01


role and functions, B249 , B256, B259--60 Health Commission of New South Wales, B250, B254, B255, C4,


Health Commission of South Australia, B250, B255, C7 , C144

Health Commission of Victoria, B250, B254, B255 , C5 Health, Department of, Commonwealth, B 2 , B241--48,

B259, C108--09, C138, C216, C219, D61, D62, D120 and Australian Federal Police, B166 co-operation with states and

territories health authori­ ties, B248, B259 Drugs of Dependence Section, B241--42, B243, B246, B248

littoral quarantine searches, B283 recommendations, B166, D91 role and functions, B241--42,


Health, Department of, Northern Territory, B250, B255, C9 Health, Department of, Queensland, B250, C6 health education

see education, health Health Education Centre, Victoria, C95--96 Health Education Council,

Western Australia, C102--06 Health Education Unit, Tasmania, C106--07 health inspectorates, B250 health legislation

see legislation, health Health Services, Department of, Tasmania, B250, B256, C9 Heath, R . , C219--20 Heedes, G.M., C355 Hendtlass, J ., D79 Hendy, E.N. B421

hepatitis, A311--12 herbal medicine, C52 Herha,- and Obe,-, C228 heroin, A75, A92, A370, B242,

B295, B349, B361, B363, B365, B370, B372, B433, B434, B435, B453, B466--68, C37, C147,

C152, C177 , C181, C183, C261, C273, C281, C283, C285 , C286, C287, C299, C342,, C374, C379,

D 4 , D5 , D6, D 9 , DIO, Dll, D86 adulteration, A232--33, A234, A249--52, A259--60, A350--53 and cannabis droughts, A279--


charges of possession or use, A297 classification, C178 from codeine, A181--82 comparison with other drugs,

C181--84 controls, C177--200 dependence, A60 drug-related deaths, A308--11 effects of, A57--61, C177,


expenditure, A349--53, D8--9 exportation, A244 extent of use, A99, A101, A110, A225, A233--35, A286,

A293--97, A350--53, C177--79 financial implications of heroin trade, A349--53 illicit laboratories, A181--82 importation, A199--210,

A212--15, A217, A225, A230, A235, A239, A268, A269, A271, A346, A350--53, B103--05, B112, B115, B117, B128— 29, B136, C178 international conventions,

A357--59 marketing, A350--53 medical use of, A94, C179--99 new markets, A196, A199, A242

and organised crime, A332--33 overdoses, A308, A309 prices, A254--60, A271, A275, A350--53

production, A177, A181--82, A195--96, A240, B356 profit margins, A259--60 and prostitution, A334--36

recommendations, C200, D109 seizures, A221, A223, A224, A226, A228, A230--31, A332, B103--05, B112, B115, B117,

B128--29 , B136 serum hepatitis B, A311--12 Sydney, A264--69 trafficking, A245, A246,

A249--52, A260--62, A266, A272--75, A278--81, A284--85, A286, A342--43 treatment of opiate dependent

persons, C195--99, C200


types of, A177, A246, A249--52, A351--53 users, A293--97, A350--53 WHO recommendation, C177, C178 withdrawal, C24--25 Herriott, B.A., C190 Hickingbotham, L.G., C352 Hill, R.E., C360 Hollier, F . , A120 HONLEA, B68, B461 Honorary Royal Commission

Inquiring into the Treatment of Alcohol and Drug Dependence (1973), Western Australia, D60 Hope, R.M. , D38 Hospital Benefits Association

(HBA) of Victoria, Cl11 Houghton, V., Clll Howley, W.P., B211 Hughes, P.V., C355 Hulse, G., C293 Hunt, R.J.D ., C85 Hutchison, A.E., A213, B32, B44 hydrocarbons, inhalation of, A71 hydrocodone, A57 hydromorphone, A57, A221, A301,


hyoscine, A186 hyoscyamine, A186 hypno-sedatives, A75, A86, A87, A90, A91, A308--09, A310

charges of possession or use, A299--300 drug-related deaths, A91 hypnotherapy, C41, C52 hypnotics, A86, A87, A89, C201,

C203, C204, D8 effects of, A54--56

Ihlein, G.R., B71, B98, B99 Ilbery, P., C187--88 illegal drug use see drug use, illegal

imipramine, A303 Immigration and Ethnic Affairs, Department of conclusions, B269--70

functions, B263--64 indirect enforcement role, B263-71 recommendations, B271, D101 importation

controls, B241--44, B248, C171 definition, A8, A9 detection difficulties, A218, A229--35

extent of, AID, A197--98, A214, A215, A217--35, A271, A337, B103--19, B355--56, B434--35 measurement of extent, A217,

A219, A229--35 routes, A198, A200 see also specific drugs importation legislation

prohibited goods, A369--70, A374--75 importation methods, A10, A197 — 215 , A218, A231--32,

A270--71, A333--34, A337--38, B121, B361 aircrews, A213 cargo, A265--66

children as couriers, A201 concealment on body, A203--04 concealment in personal effects, baggage, A204--06 containerised cargo, A209--11,

A266 recommendations, B168--69, B170--71, D94, D96 couriers, A199--206,

A231--32, A245, A265, A267, A271, A334 false-bottomed suitcases, A205, A206, A232, A243 internal body concealment,

A202--03, C299--307 legislation, C306--07 recommendations, C306--07, Dill — 12 light aircraft, A266,

B362--69, B433--34 motor vehicles, A211--12, A214 postal system, A197, A199, A206--08, A213--14, A265,

C379--84 sea drops, B371--72, B434, B435 ships' crews, A212--13 by small craft, B369--71, B434 unaccompanied baggage, A212,

B33--34 recommendations, B171, D97 Income Tax Assessment Act 1936, B339, C372--73

recommendations, C376--77, D 115 Indian hemp, A187, C215 see also cannabis and Cannabis sativa Indicator Dilution Method, A294 Indonesia, A179, B456, B459


Industrial Development, Department of, Northern Territory, B322 industrial legislation

machinery and drugs, D463 informants, A325 , B65--66, B197--98, B234 payment of, B197--98

protection of, B82--83, B154 information centres, (shopfronts), C69 Information Research and

Investigation System, B7 INSPECT, B7 Inspection Concept see under Customs inspections

Institute of Forensic Science, Queensland (proposed), B304, C320 Integrated Nationwide System to

Process Entries from Customs Terminals, B7 intelligence importance of, D35--37

A National System of Criminal Drug Intelligence, D35--47 need for aggregation, D35--38 interception of communications

see communications, interception of Inter-Departmental Committee on Coastal Surveillance, B392,

B396, B398 Interim Report, B162--63 internal body concealment see under importation methods Internal Revenue Service, United

States, C370 International Convention on the Continental Shelf, A363--64 International Convention on

Fishing and Conservation of Living Natural Resources, A364 International Convention on the High Seas, A363

International Convention on Territorial Seas and Contiguous Zones, A362--63 International Criminal Police

Organisation (ICPO), see Interpol international drug conventions, A357--59 .

international initiatives, recommendations , B472--73 , D105 international liaison see under law enforcement

International Narcotics Control Board (INCB), A358, B244, B447— 48

International Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs see Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs 1961 Interpol, B68, B173, D35, D41 Investigator Aide Scheme, B24,

B62--63 IRIS, B7 Irwin, R.P. , C87, CHS, C135, C136--37

J class launches, B388, B391 James,-, C326 Jankowski, S.M., C125, C133 Jindalee project, B396, B425 JIO

see Joint Intelligence Organisation Johnson, N ., C133 Johnson, R.W., A190, B309 Joint Intelligence Organisation,

B289--90, B293, D41 Joint Task Force on Drug Trafficking, A20, A22, A330-31,

B214--15, C398--403 joint task forces see task forces, joint Jolly, H.M., D82 Jones, H.B., C113, C156, C233,


Jones, R.T., C217, C218, C219, C220--23, C225--30, C261--62 Jones, R . T. et al, C228 Judiciary Committee of the

United States House of Representatives, C368--69 jurisdiction, A361--67 Commonwealth, A361--2, A364--


Commonwealth--State, A364-- 67 extra-territorial, A362--64 State, A361--62, A364--67

Kailis, M.G., B323, B370, B388, B408--09, B422--23 Kalant,-, C221 Kalant, H. & 0.J., Al17, A120--

21, A134 Kamarn Breeders Foundation, C280, C282 , C291, C295 Karralika Therapeutic Community,

Australian Capital Territory, CIO


Kau, Μ., Α290 Keating, J.G., B70, B381, Î’388, Î’436 Keefer, K.F., C352 Kelly,-, B91 Kelly, F.I. , B70 Kelly, N.R., A194, A242,

C129, C134, C352 Kelso, J.R., B448--49 Keogh, C.B. , C 112 , C155, C232, C254 ketamine, A69 ketobemidone, B242 ketones, A71 Kidney, R.J., A289 Kildea, H.B. , A128, C118 Kilien, D.J., B400 Kincaid-Smith, P., C169, C170,


King v The Queen (1969) 1 A.C. 304, A428, A429 Kirby, M.D., B228 Kossoff, G., C300, C301, C305 Krupinski J., A115, A129, A131,

A132, A164 Kumar,- and Kunwar,-, C228

laboratories, forensic see forensic laboratories laboratories, scientific see scientific laboratories Labour Council of New South

Wales, Cl24 Lamb, P.J., A328, B202 Landsat, B180 Laos, B456, B459 Larkins, K.P. , A166 Lasagna, L ., C184 laughing gas, A71, A94 laundering of funds, A244, A340,

A349, A352 law enforcement abuse of powers, B228--31 attitudes towards, B224--25

need for specialisation, B73--74, B185--86 and organised crime, A324--25, A354 territorial boundaries,

A324 — 25 , A354, B178— 79, B184, B190, B218, B226, B236 law enforcement, drug adequacy of, A14--15 Commonwealth responsibilities,

A324--25 conclusions, D12

co-operation, A330, B217, B220--21, B235--36, D17--20 effectiveness of, B225 and ethnic groups, A345 existing controls, C271--403 international liaison, B67--68,

B160, B163, B166, B236, D102, D105 national policy, B217--18, B225--26, B227 organisations with an indirect

role, B261--351 public accountability of agencies, D87 recommendations, B166, B238,

B239, D99 role of scientific laboratories, B295--312 scale of, B224--25, B227 states and territories police

forces, B183--240 strategy, A214, B225--26, B227 undercover operations, A325, B66--67, B197, B199--20 use of informants, B197--98 law of the sea conferences, A362 Law Reform Commission, C161 Lawrence, P.A.G., A259, A336,

B191, B216, B235 Le Dain Commission Alll, A116, C33--34, C134, C198

cannabis, C216, C243 drug education, C82--83 importation methods, A214 methadone, C212, C213 multiple drug use, A163

statistical shortcomings, D60 legislation alcohol, C157--64, D55

bail, A442--44, B222--23 cargo control, B149--53 Commonwealth offences and penalties, A369--76 Customs, B149--54 extra-territorial

jurisdiction, A362 fauna and flora protection, B331--35 fisheries protection, B313--16 forfeiture and confiscation,

A372, A444--48 importation offences, A370--71 income tax, B339--41, C372-- 73, D115 informants, B154


inspection of aircraft and ships, A435--37 interception of communications, A421--26 internal body concealment,

C306--07 listening devices, A424--26 police criticisms of, B221--23 postal services, C380--84 powers of arrest, A439--42 prescriptions, A456--58

quarantine, B327--29, B331--33 records of drug supplies, A458 searches and seizures, A427--37 small craft control, B153 legislation, drug

Australian Capital Territory, A395--97, B250 advertising, A461 analgesics controls, C169--75 authorised possession,

A455--56 cannabis, C231, C237, C241 criminal provisions, A378--79 compulsory treatment, A450,

C47 Tasmania, A449--50 controls on use, C149--56 disposal of drugs, A461--62 drug abuse, D49--58 inspection of premises, A435--37 international conventions, A357--59 manufacture of drugs, A456 national strategy on drug abuse, D22--25 need for uniformity, B226,

B228, B260, D22--24 New South Wales, A380--82 nicotine, C165--68 Northern Territory, A393--95

offences see offences, drug packaging and labelling, A454--55 penalties, B223 poisons, B190, D24, D25

prescriptions, A459--60 Queensland, A384--87 recommendations, C363, D113, D119 -

records and registers, A458 sale, A456 scheduling and licensing, A454--55 .

seizure of assets, B222 self-administration, A460--61 South Australia, A387--88 states and territories, B190,

B218 offences and penalties, A377--419 storage of drugs, A458--59 Tasmania, A391--92

treatment, A460, C68 need for uniformity, D24 notifiable diseases aspect, C22 Victoria, A382--84 Western Australia, A388--91 legislation, drug trafficking,

A365--67 need for uniformity, B228, D26, D27 recommendations on uniformity,


see also Uniform Drug Trafficking Act, (proposed) legislation, drugs of dependence,

see Drugs of Dependence Acts (proposed) legislation, health, B249, B259--60

Commonwealth, A452--53 states and territories, A453--62, B249 legislation, industrial

machinery and drugs, A463 legislation, mirror, A366--67 legislation, motor traffic and drugs, A463 legislative powers and

jurisdiction, A361--67 Commonwealth, A361--62, A364--67 Commonwealth-State, A364--67 State A361--62, A364--67 Letcher, D ., D78 Levi, J .A ., C191 Librium, A56

licences distribution of drugs, A454, B251 export of drugs, B243

import of drugs, B242 manufacturing of drugs, B244--45, B251 licensed premises, C159 licensing fees, alcohol, D56 licensing laws, alcohol,



Liddy, M.J., A310 Lifeline, C39 lignocaine, A88, A183, A298 Lira, D . , A308 Lindner, B .C ., CIO 1 Liquor Act 1912, Queensland,

C158--60 , C161 liquor taxes, C159--60 listening devices, A424--26, D32

see also surveillance, electronic littoral quarantine searches, B402--03 local community drug liaison

committees (proposed), D81--84, D121 Lomotil, A60, C24 Lonergan, J.P., B301 Loosely, S ., C130 Lovell, S.H., C185, C194 LSD, A185— 86, A378, B187--88,

B242, C262, C286, C365 charges of possession or use, A299--300 effects of, A67--68 extent of importation, A225 extent of use, A99, A185--86,

A298--300 importation methods, A207, A213, A214 prices, A247--48, A255 production, A176, A185--36, A240 seizures, A220, A222, A224,

A226, A300, A303, A304 trafficking, A247--48, A284 users, A298--300 Lucas Report, Queensland, B229 Luckman, A.B., B45 Luger, Μ ., A130 Luxton, T.R., C280, C282, C295 Lymburn, I., B356

lysergic acid diethylamide see LSD

McAulay,-, A295 McCarthy, R.C., A313, C207--08, C353, D24 McCaskill, T.J., C123 McCoy, A.W., A242, B465--68 McCrudden, J., Clll McCulloch, R ., C27 McCune, D.A., C74 McGorey, C.J., B362 McKay, Μ ., A189 Mackenzie, A., A164 Mackenzie, C.E., C183 McKenzie, J., A262, A264, C260

Mackey, D.P., C358 McKinlay, D.R., B362 Maclachlan, B.C., A305, D76 Maclaine, J .D ., D78 McMahon, R.P., B31, B41, B71,

B386, C285 McMullan, V.B., B71 McNee, D., B229 MacPhee, I.M., B400 McWhirter, W, , C189 mail

see postal system Malaysia, A178--79, B456, B459 Maloney, T.J., C208 Management Review Report on the

Efficency and Effectiveness of Resource Utilization in the Australian Narcotics Bureau see under Business and

Consumer Affairs, Department of Mandrax, A55, A90, A195, A309, A377, C201, C202

charges of possession or use, A299--300 diversion of, A314, C204 extent of use, A99 and overdose cases, C203 recommendations, C205, D109 seizures, A221, A302 trafficking, A284 see also methaqualone Manning, R.W., C353, D25 Manoch,-, C326 manufacture of drugs

see drug production manufacturing standards therapeutic goods, B249, B259--60 Manzie, P.P., A168 marihuana, A187, B349, C215,

C230, C281 and other drugs, A164 seizures, A220 THC content, A63 see also cannabis marihuana debate, C215--69 Marine and Harbors, Department

of, South Australia, B319 Maritime Services Board, New South Wales, B150--51, B318 Mark, R .,

see Mark Report Mark Report, B159, B173, B175-- 77, B180, B229, B230, C314, C330--33, C335, C337, D30,

D39, D44


establishment of Australian Federal Police, B175— 77 investigation of police, B229--30 Marriott, J.E., C142, D18, D88

see also Senate Select Committee on Drug Trafficking and Drug Abuse, 1971 Marshall, W.J., D81 mass-media advertising, C128--


massage parlours, A161--62 Matsuyama et al, C228 Matthews, J.P., C344, D25 Medcalf, I., C322 media, B240 , C125 — 28

and community attitudes, C125 influence of, C127--28 modelling on personalities, C125 National Drug Education Program

viewpoint, C126--27 as scapegoat for social problems, C125 medical examinations

and internal body concealment, A435 medical practitioners loose prescribing practices,

A313--15, C27, C41, C62 restrictions on, B253— 54, B256--57, B259--60 role in treatment, C40--41 medical profession

drug education of, C116--20 Melzer, J.I., C237 Mendelson et al, C228 Mental Health Act, New South

Wales, C51 Meperidine, C261 meprobamate, A56 merchant shipping,

and coastal surveillance, B407--08 mescaline, A184, B242 effects of, A67--69

seizures, A222 methadone, A75, A92--94, A293, A297, A301, A313--14, A315, A318, B247, C25--34,

C37, C70, C147, C152, C181, C183, C262, C339, C340, C341, C342, C349, Dll comparison with other drugs,


controls, C62, C70, C211--14

Commonwealth, C211--12 conclusions, C214 international, C211 National Health Scheme, C212

states and territories, C212--13 diversion of, C214 and driving, C212--13 effects of, A57--61, C29, C31,


exportation, C211 extent of use, A93, A99, A101, A306--07, C211 importation of, C211 National Policy on

see National Policy on Methadone and other drugs, A164 and pregnancy, C29--30, C62 recommendations, C69, C70,

C214, D107, D109 seizures, A221, A301 toxicity, C182 trafficking, A247--48, A284 methadone treatment programs,

A92--94, A305--07, C25--34, C211--12, D24 controls, C28, C31

efficacy of, C30--31 honeypot effect, C31 maintenance, C26--27, C52, C262, C342

high-dosage, C26, C27, C29, C52 low dosage, C26 natural experiment,

Queensland, C28, C63 objections to, C30--32 objectives of, C211 prescribing by general

practitioners, C27 recommendations, C69--70, D106, D107 in Tasmania, C28 withdrawal, C25--26, C31, C52 methamphetamine, A47

see also amphetamines, methedrine and methylamphetamine methaqualone, A75, A90, A195,

A377, B244, B252, C147, C214 controls, C201--05 conclusions, C204--05 effects of, A54--55 extent of use, A90, A99,

A298, C201--02, C202--04


prices, A248 recommendations, C205, D109 seizures, A221 thefts, A317--18 trafficking, A247--48 users, A298--300 methedrine, A302

see also amphetamines, methamphetamine and methylamphetamine methyl alcohol

effects of, A36 methylamphetamine, A302, B242, B246 seizures, A221, A302

see also amphetamines, methamphetamine and methedrine methylated spirits, C151 methylphenidate

see Ritalin Methyprylone, A54 Mickleburgh, W.E., A167 Migration Act 1958, B271

definition of alien, B267 recommendations, B271, D101 Mill, J.S., C153, C155 Miller, G., C38, C198 Milne, J.V., B323--24, B408 Milner, G., A111--12, A165, A294, A295, C155--56, C222, C224, C236, C240, C244, C246, D74--75 Miltown, A56 minor analgesics, C169, C171, C173 mirror legislation, A366--67 Misuse of Drugs Regulations 1973, United Kingdom, C349 Mitchell, D.J., A185, A188, A189, A197, A214, A232, A237, A243, A266, A276, B80 Mitcheson, Μ . , C34 Mitford-Burgess , A.D., C289--90, C293 Moffitt, A.R. see Moffitt Report Moffitt Report, A337--39, C371 Mogadon, A55, A56, A87, A89, A90, A302, A309, A314, C340, C341, C342 seizures, A221, A302 see also nitrazepam Moriarty, P.M., A295 morphine, A92, A93, A293, A297, A301, B466, C169, C181, C183, C207, C229 , C261, C349, Dll

comparison with heroin, C181--83 effects of, A57--60 extent of use, A93 international conventions,


production, B245 seizures, A221, A223, A224, A226, A301

trafficking, A284 Morrison Report, B426--27 Moss, J.R., A122--23 motor traffic legislation,


Mr Melbourne (1), A205, B370 Mullaly, T.J., B71, B78, B98, B99 multi-spectral photography,

B180 ......

multiple drug use see drug use, multiple Mundy, B.G., A186 Murdoch, D.W., C245 Murrell, T.G.C., A123, C119 Murton, Μ., A180, C342 mushrooms, hallucinogenic,

A184, A303, D5 cultivation, A186 effects of, A67, A69

naloxone, A59 Narcan, C25 narcotic analagesics, A310, C169, effects of, A57--60 Narcotic and Psychotropic

Drugs Act 1934, South Australia, A387--88, A433, A446--47 narcotic antagonists, A59,

C24--25 Narcotic Drugs Act 1967, A369, A372--73, A375, A435--36, A453, B3, B57,

B244--45 , B251 Narcotic Drugs Amendment Act 1976, A372--73 narcotic maintenance

see treatment, opiate maintanence narcotics, A86, A87, A92, C261, €263, €288, €341,

@342, €379, D8 and cannabis, A165 drug-related deaths, A308--11 effects of, A57--61 extent of use, A92, A293--97 import quotas, B242


manufacturing quotas, B244 offences relating to, A370--71 overdoses, A309 penalties for offences,

A371--72 production, A175, A176--78 seizures, A220 thefts, A180--81, A316--18

users, A294--95 Narcotics Bureau, A27, B459, B460, C313, D38 co-operation with Australian

Federal Police, B68 co-operation with Compel, B82, B83, B162 co-operation with other

agencies, B67, B80--84, B141--42, B156--57, B159--60, B162 co-operation with RAAF, B67,

B81, B92 co-operation with states and territories police, B82--84, B89--90, B92,

B156--57, B159, B162 and drug detector dogs, B40, B42 expenditure on, B59

functions, A324 history, B51--57, B141--42 image, B74, B162--63 Interim Report on, B162--63

international liaison, B67--68, B160, B163 joint operations with police, B114— 15, B126— 27, B128— 35 media treatment, B90--93,

B162--63 objectives, B57--59, B69 and the preventive service, B41--43, B47--48, B50, B123 Q groups, B64, B65, B66

recommendations, B164, D89 resources, B59--64 role, B57--59, B69, B122--24 Narcotics Bureau operations

informers, B65--66 methods of, B64--68 overseas, B67--68 priorities, B59, B103, B115--

18, B120--24, B136--39, B155--56, B162--63 surveillance, B66--67, B77 types of investigation,

B64--65 , B121--24 undercover , B66--67

Narcotics Bureau organisation, B51— 57, B122 — 24 CASOS see CASOS CIRB

see Central Information and Research Bureau regional autonomy, B86--90, B123, B157, B163 reorganisation 1978 , B16,

B52, B54 reorganisation 1979, B53, B54--55 specialisation, B158--59 staffing, B55, B59--62 Narcotics Bureau performance

competence of officers, B59, B93--101, B119--24 criticisms and responses, B69--139 evaluation, B156, B162--63 judicial and legal opinion,

B96--100, B162 law enforcement reputation, B75--76, B83 leadership, B86--90 limited legislative basis,

B76--80 limited powers, B75--77 prosecution statistics, A229, B118 public service limitations,

B72--76, B87--88, B157--58, B163 seizures, A218--19, A223, A225, A226, A235, B91--92,

B93, B101--19, B125--39, B156, B162--63 size limitations, B156--57 staffing limitations, B78-- 80, B122--24 Narcotics Bureau personnel

career structure, B84--86, B158, B163 morale, B86--87, B89, B142-- 45, B158, B163

recruitment, B62--63, B95, ΒΙΟΙ, B122--23, B163 secondment, B24, B42--43, B62--63, B85 training in law enforcement,

B62--63, B93--101, B122--23, B159, B163 Narcotics Bureau Police Handbook, B76 National Alcoholism and Drug Dependence in Industry Program, C3


National Broadcasting Company, United States, A135 National Cancer Institute, United States, C183, C192 National Commission for the

Review of Federal and State Laws, United States, C387--88 National Committee on Health and Vital Statistics, (NCHVS), D72 National Criminal Drug

Intelligence Centre (proposed), B161, B179--80, B181, B473, D32, D34 administration and staffing,

D40--41 information flows, D41--42 management and co-ordination, D41, D42 overseas liaison, B236 Policy Committee, D41

recommendations, B164, B165, B166, B167, B168, B237, B238, B239, B271, B337, B442, C298, D89, D91, D92, D93, D94, D97, D98, D99, D102, D103, D104, D105, Dill, D118, D119--20, D121 see also Criminal Drug

Intelligence Centres (proposed) national drug abuse prevention program, B241 National Drug Education Program,

B242, C75--77, C79, C80, C82--83, C85, C87, C90, C96, C110, C121, C126, C135, C136 implementation, C88--90 philosophy, C141--42, C143 National Drug Information Centre

(proposed), B166, B181, D54, D63 Policy Committee, D63 recommendations, B181, C70--71, D97, D108, D120--21 responsibilities, D64--65 see also Drug Information

Centres (proposed) National Drugs of Dependence Monitoring System see Drugs of Dependence

Monitoring System National Forensic Institute Committee of Inquiry, C309, C310 National Forensic Science

Research Institute (proposed) need for, C309--35

recommendations, C337, D112--13 National Health Act 1953, A369, A373, A436, A451, A452, B245, C339, C340, C341, C342, C362,

C363 inspection powers, A436 National Health and Medical Research Council, C25, C70

analgesics, C171, C172, C173, C175 heroin, C178, C184 methaqualone, C201 pentazocine, C207, C209 smoking, C166--67 National Health Scheme, B245,

C25, C212 frequency of forged prescriptions, C339--42 methadone, C212 prescription pads, C345--47, National Information Service on

Drug Abuse (NISODA), C87, C105 National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), United States, C222 National Policy on Methadone,

C24, C25--27, C31, C211— 12, C214 constraints, C25--27 National Standing Control

Committee on Drugs of Dependence, B84, B246, B258, C121, C142, D20--22 Assessment Team, C88--89 ,

C91 — 93, C96--98, C100, C101, C102--10, C136, C139 composition of, D21 Drug Education Sub-Committee

see Drug Education Sub­ Committee education philosophy, C75--76, C85, C87, C90,

C92, C98 effectiveness, B220--21, D22 evaluation of programs, C88--90 heroin, C184 terms of reference, D21 National Standing Control

Committee on Drugs of Dependence, Legislation Working Party terms of reference, D23--24 national strategy on drug abuse

see under drug abuse Navy see RAN


NDEP see National Drug Education Program Nembutal, A302

see also pentobarbitone Nesbitt, V.M., A116, A130, A131, A134, A137 New South Wales Police Drug

Squad, B186, B191 New South Wales Royal Commission into Drug Trafficking, A20, A22, A328,

A329, C64, C398, C400, D88 and cannabis production, A190--91 and drug education, C124 extent of heroin use,

A234, A294, D6 intelligence system recommendations, D39--40 Joint Task Force on Drug

Trafficking, A330--31, B214--15 and murders associated with drug trafficking,

A281--82 national strategy on drug abuse, D19 New York Joint Task Force,

C397--98 New York Police Department, B232, C398 New Zealand, A238, A239 ,

A240--41, A242, A243 travel arrangements with Australia, A237, A238, A241, A347, B264--66, B268,

B269--70, B278 recommendations, B271, D101--02 Newton, L.R., B366--67, B368 NH & MRC

see National Health and Medical Research Council NHS see National Health Scheme Nicholas Pty Ltd, C172, C174 Nichols et al, C228

nicotine, A75, A76, C147 and advertising, C166, C167 controls, C165--68 Commonwealth, C165--67

states and territories, C167--68 Customs and Excise duties on, C165

effects of, A37--39 poisoning, A37 see also tobacco Nile, F.J., A121, B372, C113,

C232, C241, C242, C245--46, C249, C253 nitrazepam, A55, A56, A87, A89, A314, C340, C341, C342

seizures, A221, A302 see also Mogadon nitrous oxide, A71, A94 Nixon, P., B372, B424 Nolan, J.M., A288, C90, C135, C140 Nomad aircraft, B165, B400, B403, B420--21 Norris, R., B296--99, B308 Northern Territory drug security, B254 Northern Territory Police, B322 Northern Territory Port Authority, B322 notifiable disease aspect of drug dependence, C22--23 Novacain, A298 Nowlis, Η., A131 NSCC see National Standing

Control Committee on Drugs of Dependence nurses drug education of, C121--22

Obe,- and Herha,-, C228 offences aiding and abetting, A380 bail, A444

by companies, A380 offences, drug arrests and convictions, B188--90

Customs Act, A369--71, A374-- 76 dealing, A404--08 disposing, A404--08, A416--17 exporting, A369--71, A374--76 forged prescriptions, C343 importing, A369--71,

A374--76 possession, A369--71, A374-- 76, A400--03, A412--15 production, A375, A408--11,

A418--19 trading, A376 trafficking, A379, A404--08,



use, A400--03, A412--15 offenders, drug by state, B188--90 statistics, A289, A293, A297,


Olsen, I., B45 ombudsman desirability of in corruption investigations, B232, B239 Ombudsman, New South Wales,

B212, B232 O'Neill, P.J.J., A119, A131, C93--94 Operation Crest, B67, B92,

B113, D18 opiate dependence, A59 opiate maintenance see treatment, opiate

maintenance opiates, C263, D5 effects of, A57--61 medical use of, A58

toxicity, A58--59 trafficking, A246, A284 withdrawal, A59--60 opium, A195, A297, A369, A370,

B349, B434, B463--65, B466, C149, C273 effects of, A57--61 extent of use, A225 importation, A225, A346 importation methods, A212 international conventions,


medical use of, A58 poppy straw extraction, A179--80 production, A175, A176--78,

A179--82 thefts, A180--81 trafficking, A178--79, A284 seizures, A221, A223, A224,

A226, A301 opium poppies licensed cultivation, A179--

80, B251

Opium Protocol of 1953, A358 Orford, J. , A137 organised crime, A231--32, A285, A321--54, B72, B121,

C367 characteristics of groups, A322--23 Commission's investigations,

A327--29 counterfeit notes, A198 and drugs. A13, A175, A347

evidence, A326--27 financial implicatons of drug-related crime, A347--53 investigation of, A323--29 and law enforcement, A324--25,


meaning of organised basis, A322--23 Mr Big(s), A342--44 obtaining convictions, A339—


state of flux, A343--44 in the United States, A340--42, Λ343, A347--48, A354 Organised Crime Control Act,

1970, United States, A347--48 Organised Crime Control Division, New York City Police, B210--11 Orion aircraft, B291, B393--95,


Orr, R., C183 Oscar, G.M., C344 O'Shea, K.M., B349 outpatient drug-free programs,

C39 see also treatment methods outpatient facilities, C69 see also treatment facilities outreach programs, C69

see also treatment methods over-prescribing, B257, B259--60 over-the-counter drugs

abuse of, A81--86 over-the-horizon radar system (Jindalee project), B396, B425 overdoses

admissions, A306--09 hypno-sedatives, A90--91 minor tranquillisers, A92 Prince of Wales Hospital,

Sydney, A309 overseas aid programs, B457--62 recommendations, B473, D105

training of personnel, B471--72 overseas arrests drug offences, A232, B273 Owen, K .T ., B332 oxazepam, A56, A87, A91

seizures, A222, A303 see also Serepax oxycodone, A57


seizures, A221 oxymorphone, A57

packaging of drugs, A454, B244 Palfium, A75, A313--14, A315, A318, A378, C339, C340, C349 , Dll

legal consumption of, A93--94 seizures, A221, A301 see also dextromoramide Panadol, C171 Papaver bracteatum, B251 Papaver somniferum, A57, B251,


Papaveretum, A301 papillary necrosis, C169 paracetamol, A42, A43, C169, C171, C172

Paraggio, P.R., A209--10, B48 paraldehyde, A54, A55 parcels post seizures, B104--11, B112, B114, B128--35

parole, D33 Parsons, A.W., A189, A292, C130, C215, C223, C230, C234, C236, C239, C242, C248,

C257--59 PASS (Passenger Automatic Selection System), B7, B45, B56, B69, B265 passengers

arrival numbers, B30--31, B32, B33, B37, B38 entry and exit records, B268--69

recommendations for random departure checks, C377, D116 screening of, B30--32 ship checks, B34 passports, B273

abuse, B274--78 issue, B274--75, B278, B279 purpose of, B274 recommendations, B279, D102

thefts, A334 Passports Amendment Bill 1979, B277 passports, Australian

eligibility for, B274 passports, false, A200, A202, A208, B274--75, B278 passports, forged, A334, A338,

B274, B275 , B278 Paterson, J.W., C186 patrol boats, B421--23 Pauling, T.I. , A296, B363

PBS see Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme PCP, A185

effects of, A67, A69--70, A187 toxicity, A70 production, A187 Peck, W . , A209, B48 penalties bail offences, A444

Customs Act narcotic offences, A371--72, A374--75 drug offences, B223, B237 importation offences, A214 Penang, A271 pentazocine, A57, A92, A93,

A301, A377, B243, B244, B253 , C147, C183--84, C339, C340, C341, D51 controls, C207--09 effects of, A57--61 extent of use, A93, C207

recommendations, C209, D109 seizures, A221, A301 see also Fortral pentobarbitone, A53, A302 see also Nembutal pentobarbitone sodium, A90 Pentothal, A53 Perez-Reyes et al, C228 Permanent Control Opium Board, A357 Perth as importation centre, A331 Peters, F.E., B298, B299, C329 pethidine, A92, A93, A293, A297, A313, A314, B253, C152 , C339, C340, C341, C342, C349, Dll effects of, A57--61 extent of use, A93, A99

seizures, A221, A301 petrol, D5 petrol sniffing, A94, A95

cultural influences, A131 family influences, A127 Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee, B245 Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme,

A86, A87, A89--93, C201, C202 Pharmaceutical Society of Australia, C120 Pharmaceutical Society of

Australia, South Australian Branch, C120 Pharmaceutical Society of Victoria, C120


pharmacists drug education of, CI20--21 pharmacology education, universities, C117--18 Pharmacy Board of Victoria,

Cl 18, 0120 Pharmacy Guild of Australia, South Australian Branch, C120 pharmacy inspections, B252--53,

B254, B257, B259--60 recommendations, B259--60, D100--01 phenacetin, A42, A43, C169, C171

phencyclidine see PCP phenmetrazine, A49, B242, B246 Phenobarb, A53 phenobarbital, A302 phenobarbitone, A53 phenoperidine, A221 phenotehizines, C262 phentermine, A49 phenylalkanoic acids, 0 6 9 Philippines, B459 Phillips, D.M., C130 Phillips, R.J., A160, A198,

A279, A292 pholcodine, A221, B245 physeptone

see methadone pilots, aircraft coastal surveillance by, B409--10 Pitman, I.H., 018, 020, C349 poisoning, drug, A202--03 Poisons Act, 1962, Victoria,

A382--84, A429, A432, A436--37 , A445 , 0 73 Poisons Act 1964, Western Australia, A390--91, A447 Poisons Act 1966, New South

Wales, A380--82, A446, C349--50, C363 Poisons Act, 1971, Tasmania, A391--92, A433, A447, B251,


Poisons and Narcotic Drugs Ordinance 1978, Australian Capital Territory, A395--97, A447 poisons legislation, B190, D24,


poisons schedules, A377 police accountability, B73, B229-- 30, B239

clerical support, B206, B237

corruption see under corruption education of, B194--96, B233--34, B238 and growth of the drug

problem, B187--90 and the media, B240 need for national police college, B176 problems with public service

structure, B177 restoration of property, B235, B239 rotation of staff, B73--74,


secondment of officers, B180, B195, B218--19, B233, B236, B238 specialisation, B185--86 training, B159, B163, B194--96 uses of scientific

laboratories, B295 Police Act 1892, Western Australia, A388--90, A434, A447 Police Drug Bureau, Tasmania,


police drug squads, B186--87 female component, B193, B237 manpower, B77--78, B186--87, B192--94, B233, B237 officer characteristics,

B194--95 priorities, B216--17 recommendations, B237, D98 role, B191--94, B234, B238 police forces, states and

territories, B2, B159, B162, B183--204 arrests, B188--90 convictions by, B188--90 co-operation with Australian

Federal Police, B159, B235--36 co-operation with Compel, A219, B219--20 co-operation with other

agencies, B214--21, B226, B227, B228, B233, B235--36, B238 co-operation within, A219, B216 criticism of legislation,

B221--23 drug detector dogs, C275--77 history, B183--84 manpower, B77--78, B184--87,

B191, B193, B233


survey by Commission, B194--95 organisation of, B185— 87 priorities, B226--27, B234,


recommendations, B169, B237--40, D95, D97, D98, D99, D100

reliability of statistics, B188 role, B183--84 security of seizures, B212--

14, B232--33, B239 Police Forensic Science Laboratory, Victoria, C319 police interpreters, B239 police methods of operation,

B197--205 overseas liaison, B236 undercover operations, B199--201 Police National Computer System

(proposed), B176, B177--78, B180, D39, D44--47 Police Offences Act 1935, Tasmania, A447 Police Ordinance 1927, Australian

Capital Territory, A434 police powers, B73, B235 abuse of, B228--31 discretion in exercising,

B191 — 92

Police Regulation (Allegations of Misconduct) Act 1978, New South Wales, B212, B232 police research planning unit,

national, B176 poly-drug abuse, C37, C268 poppies, see Papaver somniferum

Poppy Advisory and Control Board, Tasmania, A179 Port Melbourne Authority, B318 Port of Brisbane Authority, B317 Portland Harbour Trust

Commissioners, B319 possession, A293, A297, A299 possession, authorised, A455-- 56 possession offences, A369--71,

A374--76, A400-03, A412--15 possession, unlawful, A289, A293, A297 , A299 postal regulations, C380--82

Postal Services Act 1975 interception of communication, A423--24

Postal Services Regulations recommendations, C383--84, D116--17

postal system, first class mail, A206--08, A213--14, B8 and importation of drugs,

A197 , A199, A206 — 08, A213--14, B8 , C379--84 interception of mail, D43 screening of mail, B8 pot, C215

see also marihuana Potts, F.D., C207, C249, C342, C352, C356--58, C361 Pre-Sate, A49 prescription drugs,

abuse of, A86, A87, A88 advertising of, C129, C133-- 34 extent of use, D8

recommendations, B259, B260, D100, D101, D113 prescription pads, recommendations, C363, D113

Schedule 8 drugs, C351--60 Western Australian pilot scheme, C351, C353--56, C357, C358 security of, C346 thefts, A333, C343--45,


prescriptions, A143, A157, A158 checking of, B252--53, B256--57, B259--60 controls, A398--99 and false pretences, A157--

58, A313--15 legislation, A456--58 obligations of prescribees, A459--60

regulation of, B245 verification by pharmacists, C347--51, C360 prescriptions, forged, A94,

A158, A314--15, A318, A333, A397 — 98, B245 , B253, B258 , C271--72, C339--63, D55

conclusions, C360--63 frequency of, C339--45 methods, C345--46 offences, C343 prevention of, C346, C347--


recommendations, C363, D113 Preventive Officers, B19--27


passim, B143--45 relations with Narcotics Bureau officers, B42--43 role, B30 Preventive Service the, B4, B5,

B6, B7 , B19--50 career structure, B25, B27--29, B49 conclusions, B141--55 detection of corruption, B29 drug detector dogs, B39--41 effectiveness, B48--50 history, B141--42 industrial relations, B26--27,

B28, B29, B49 inspection concept, B27--29, B50 morale, B25--27, B28, B29,

B49, B50, B142--45 New South Wales workload, B44, B48 Northern Territory workload,

B46, B48 organisation, B19--23 outports, B46--48 personnel management,

B23--27, B49 preventive procedures, B30-- 36, B50 procedures at main ports,

B147--49 Queensland workload, B45, B48 recent operational changes, B37--39 recruitment, B23--24, B27--29 relations with Narcotics

Bureau, B41 — 43, B47--48 , B50, B123 role, B22--23, B142--43 secondment, B42--43 South Australian workload,

B45, B48 special units, B39--41 staff levels, B43--48 Tasmanian workload, B45--46 training, B24--25, B27--29,


underwater searches, B41 Victorian workload, B44--45, B48 Western Australian workload,

B45, B48

prices of illegal drugs, A232, A253— 60 profit margins, A259--60, A270, A335, A349

see also under specific drugs

prisons and drugs, A186--87 Pritchett, W.B., B419 private medical practitioners role in treatment, C40--41

procaine, A183--84, A298 production, A175--96 controls, B244--45, B248 definition, A 8 , A9

extent of, A10, A240, A322 legal, B245, B248 national policies, A175--76, A178--79

offences, A375, A408--11, A418--19 opiates, A176--82 production countries, B453--56 production methods, A10 professional occupations

regulation of, C164 progression in drug use, A163, A165, A168--69, A342-- 43 Prohibited Drugs Ordinance 1977

Northern Territory, A393--95, A433, A448 propoxyphene, A60 Proprietary Association of

Australia, C114, C174 proprietary drugs advertising of, A135--36, C132 proprietary oral analgesics

see analgesics prosecutions drug offences, A224, A229--30, B118 prostitution and drugs, A161--

62, A334--36 Protocol Amending the Single Convention 1972, A358 Pryor, C .J., B396 psilocin, A184, A186

seizures, A222 psilocybin, A184, A186, A303, B242 effects of, A67, A69

seizures, A222, A303 Psychotropic Substances Act 1976, A369, A373, B3, B57 psychotropics, A7--8, A29--30,

B245, B248, C341 see also under specific drugs Public Health Department, Western Australia, B250, B256 Public Health Laboratory,

Australian Capital Territory, C327--28


Public Service Board recommendations, B166--67, D92 public service structure, B16-- 17, B25--29, B157--58, B163 pyrazole derivatives, C169

Quadrio, C ., C134 quarantine and Customs, B331--33 legislation, B327--29, B331--33

recommendations , B336--37 , D103 Quarantine Act 1908, B327--29 quarantine organisations, B327--33

conclusions, B336 quarantine searches, littoral, B402--03 Queensland Fisheries Service,


Queensland Police Department, B316--17 Queensland Police Force, B211 Queensland Water Police, B317

quinalbarbitone, A53, A302 see also Seconal

R. v Burgess; ex parte Goya Henry (1936) 55 C.L.R. 608, A365 R. v Poole; ex parte Henry

(1939) 61 C.L.R. 634, A365 R. v Tillett; ex parte Newton (1969) 14 F.L.R. 101, A428 RAAF

co-operation with Narcotics Bureau, B67, B81, B92 and drug detector dogs, C275, C277

role in coastal surveillance, B288--93 passim, B429 surveillance resources,


RAAF Police Dog Training Centre, C289 Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organisations Statute

(Title 18 USCA of 1961), United States, A348, C369--70 radar, air traffic control, B285 radar installations, B424--25

radar, meteorological, B410--13 Rahme, K.D., B91--92 Ramsay, P.D. C130 RAN

role in coastal surveillance, B288— 93 passim, B396— 400

Rankin, D.W., C95--96 Rankin, J.G., C66 Ratcliffe, E.V., C203 recommendations,

advertising of drugs, B259--60, C146, D100, D109 alcohol, D120 analgesics, C175, D109 Australia Crime Intelligence

Centre, B181, D97 Australian Coastal Surveillance Centre, B165, B166, B1&7--68, B441, B442, B443, D90, D91,

D93, D103--04 Australian Federal Police, B164, B165, B169, B180--81, B239, C375, D89, D91, D95,

D97, D99, D114 Australian Police College, B238, D98 Australian Taxation Office,

C376--77, D115 bail, B171--72, D97 body searches, B169--70, D95 Bureau of Customs, B164--72,

B442, B443, D89, D90, D91, D92, D93, D94, D104, D120 cannabis, C269 , D U O CASOS, B164, B166, B442, D89,

D91, D104 Central Information & Research Bureau, B164, B165, D89, D91 coastal surveillance, B441,

D103--04 Commonwealth Department of Health, B166, D91 Community Drug Liason

Committees (proposed), D121 containerisation, B168--69, B170--71, D94, D96 corruption of law enforcement

officers, B239, D99--100 Criminal Drug Intelligence Centres (proposed), B164--65, B181, B237 , B238, B239, B271,

D90, D97--98, D99, D101 crop substitution, B473, D105 Customs Act 1901, B169--72, D94--97 defence forces, B442, D104 Department of Business and

Consumer Affairs, B166--67, B169, D91--92, D94 Department of Defence, B167--68, D93

Department of Foreign Affairs, B279, D102


Department of Immigration & Ethnic Affairs, B271, D101 diversionary programs, C70, D108 drug abuse

international initiatives, B472--73, D105 a national strategy on, B237, D28, D87, D97, D118, D12I drug detector dogs, B169,

C297--98, D94, D U O — 11 Drug Information Centres (proposed), B238, D98 drug legislation, C363, D113,


drug production premises, B259--60, D100, D101 drug use controls, C175, C200, C205, C209, C214, C269,

D109--10 Drugs of Dependence Acts (proposed), D120, D121 Drugs of Dependence Units,


education, C145--46, D108--09, D119 fauna and flora protection, B336--37, D103 financial implications of the

drug trade, B239, C375--77, D99, D113--15, D116 fisheries authorities, B167--68, D93 fisheries protection, B326,

D103 foreign exchange controls, C375--77, D113--14, D116 foreign nationals, B271, D101 forensic laboratories,

B311--12, C336--37, D102, D103, D112--13 forged prescriptions, C363, D113 funding of education, C146,

D109 funding of treatment, C68, C69, D106 health authorities, B259--60,

D100--01 heroin, C200, D109 Income Tax Assessment Act 1936, C376--77, D115 interception of

communications, C393--94, D117--18, D120 internal body concealment, C306--07, Dill — 12

international initiatives, B472--73, D105 international liaison, B166, B239, B271, B473, D91, D99,

D102, D105 law enforcement co-operation, B238, B239, D99 law enforcement training, B238,


Mandrax, C205, D109 methadone, C69--70, C214, D106, D107, D109 methaqualone, C205, D109 Migration Act 1958, B271, D101 Narcotics Bureau, B164, D89 National Criminal Drug

Intelligence Centre (proposed), B164, B165, B166, B167, B168--69, B181, B237, B238, B239 , B271, B337, B442,

B473, C298, C393— 94, D89, D91, D92, D93, D94, D97, D98, D99, D102, D103, D104, D105, Dill, D118, D119--20, D121 National Drug Information

Centre (proposed), B181, C70--71, D97, D108 , D120--21 National Drugs of Dependence Monitoring System, B259, D100 National Forensic Science

Research Institute (proposed), C337, D113 National Strategy on Drug Abuse, B181, D97, D118, D121 overseas aid, B473, DIOS passenger departure checks,

C377, D116 passports, B279, D102 pentazocine, C209, D109 pharmacy inspections, B259--60,

D100--01 police corruption, B239, D99--100 police drug squads, B237, D98 police interpreters, B239, D99 Postal Services Regulations,

C383--84, D116 — 17 prescription drugs, B259, B260, D100, D101 prescription pads, C363, D113 Public Service Board, B166--67,


quarantine, B336— 37, D103 Registrars of Births, B279, D102 Reserve Bank of Australia, C377, D116


Royal Commission of Inquiry (proposed), D121 Schedule 8 drugs, C363, D113 small craft, B171, D96 State Criminal Drug

Intelligence Centres (proposed), B164, B167, B168--69, B239, B337, D89, D92, D93, D99, D103, D117,

D118, D119, D120, D121 State Drug Information Centres (proposed), C146, D108--09, D120--21

states and territories police forces, B169, B237--40, D95, D97, D98, D99, D100 statistics, C384, D117 task forces, B181, D99 tobacco, D120 training of law enforcement

officers, B238, D98, D99 Trans-Tasman Travel Arrangment, B271, D101--02 treatment, C68--71, D105--08,


treatment facilities, C69, C70, D106--07 ultrasound, B168, B170, C306--07 , D93, D95, Dill — 12 unaccompanied baggage, B171,


UNFDAC, B473, D105 Uniform Drug Trafficking Act (proposed), B164, B237, D89, D97, D118, D119 records, passenger entry and

exit, B268--69 records, travel & residence, B269, B271 Reed, C .S .H ., C348 Regional Forensic Science

Laboratories, United Kingdom, C331— 32 registers, drug, B252 Registrars of Births

recommendations, B279 , D102 rehabilitation, D12 see also treatment remote airfields, A218, B360--69 remote electronic sensors,

B425--26 renal damage, C170 Renault et al, C228 Report, Interim, A18 Reserve Bank of Australia,

B343--45, D33 recommendations,' C377, D116

Rexed, B.A., A242, B356, B453, B454, B462, B464 Reynolds, I., C27 Riker Laboratories Australia

Pty Ltd, A195 Riley, M.S., A337--39 Ritalin, A302, B246 effects of, A48

seizures, A221, A302 Robertson, D.C., C131 Robertson, J.M., B365 - Robinson, I., A262, A264, C260

rocket fuel, A69 see also PCP Rogers, M.J., A160 Roland, M.J., A105, A168 Rolleston Report, C34, C35 Ross, J.W., A94 Roussel Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd,


Rowe,-, C127 Royal Australian Air Force, see RAAF Royal Australian and New Zealand

College of Psychiatrists (Queensland Branch), C30 Royal Australian Navy, see RAN Royal Australian Nursing

Federation, C130 Royal College of General Practitioners, Cl19 Royal Commission into Drug

Trafficking see New South Wales Royal Commission into Drug Trafficking Royal Commission into the

Non-Medical Use of Drugs see South Australian Royal Commission into the Non­ Medical Use of Drugs Royal Commission of Inquiry

(proposed) recommendations, D121 Royal Commission on Australian Government Administration

(RCAGA), D19, D20 Royal Commission on Criminal Procedure, B229 Royal Commission on the Police,

Great Britain, B228--29, B230 Rumble, P.R., C238, C242, C245, C251, C252 Rutherford, J.B., C334 Rutter, J.F., A130, A311 Ryall, J.E., B295, B306, C334


Sackville , R., C54 salicylamide, C169, C171, C172 salicylates, A41--42, C169 Salter, W.F., A119, A122, A124,


Salvation Army Mancare Centre, CIO Sargant, W., C204 Scanlon, R.W., C359 Schaetzel, S.S., B413, B417,

B421, C299, C300, C302 Schedule 8 drugs, C212, C351-- 56, D14 recommendations, C363, D113

special prescription pads, C351--60 Western Australian Pilot Study, C353--56 schedules of drugs, A454 Scholes, G. , B392, B396,


school children and trafficking, A274--75 School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine,

University of Sydney, D71 schools and drug education, C96, C97, C100, C101, C104,

C105--10, Cl12, Cl13 Schramm, D.J., B70, B80 scientific laboratories, B206 conclusions, B310--11

inadequacy of, B301, B304--08 indirect enforcement role, B295--312 recommendations, B311--12,

D103--03 Scott, J.G., C107 Scott, M.E., C183 Scullion, D.J., B70 sea drops

see under importation methods SEARCH, B7 search warrants, A427--35 D31, D32, D43

Customs, A430--31, B160 restriction of, B221--22 states and territories legislation, A428--29 searches

incidental to arrest, A434-- 35 legislation relating to, A427--37 without warrant, A430--35,

writs of assistance, A430 Searles, P.L., A123, C40, C144, D83 Seconal

prices, A248 seizures, A302 trafficking, A248 see also quinalbarbitone sedatives, A75, A86, A87,

A89, C70, C201, C205, D8 effects of, A54--56 extent of use, A215 seizures

amphetamines, A220, A221, A302 amylobarbitone, A302 annual statistics, A220, A221--22, A223, A224, A226,

A228--29, A235, A331--32 barbiturates, A220--21, A302 Buddha sticks, A221, A226, A230--31, A302 cannabis, A221, A223, A224,

A225, A226, A227, A228--29, A231, A235, A301, A302, A304, B103, B106--07, B110--11, B113 — 14, B115, B117, B118 , B125--27, B130--31, B134--35, B137, B139 see also Buddha sticks,

cannabis oil and hashish under seizures cannabis oil, A224, A226, A229, A231, A235, A302,

A304, B110— 11, B114— 15 B118, B134--35, B139, cash, A281, B222,

cocaine, A221, A224, A226, A231, A300--01, A304 codeine, A221, A301 Department of Business

and Consumer Affairs, A220 Department of Customs and Excise, (former), A220 depressants, A224 dexamphetamine, A302 dextromoramide, A221, A301 diazepam, A221, A303 diethylthiambutene, A301 Dilaudid, A301 DMT, A303 drug detector dogs,

A205 — 06 ether, A302 etorphine, A301 Fortral, A221, A301


hashish, A221, A226, A228, A231, A235, Α302, Α332, Β 103, Β108--09, Β114, Β115, Β 118, Β125 , Β127, Β132--33, Β138 heroin, Α221, Α223, Α224,

Α226, Α228, Α230--31, Α332, Β103--05, Β 112, Β115, Β117, Β128--29, Β136 hydromorphone, Α301 imipramine, Α303 legislation, Α427--37

LSD, Α220, Α222, Α224, Α226, Α300, Α303, Α304 Mandrax, Α221, Α302 marihuana, Α220 mescaline, Α222 methadone, Α221, Α301 methaqualone, Α221 methylamphetamine, Α221, Α302

Mogadon, Α221, Α302 morphine, Α221, Α223, Α224, Α226, Α301 narcotics, Α220

Narcotics Bureau, Α218--19, Α223, Α225, Α226, Α235, Î’91--92, Î’93, ΒΙΟΙ — 19, Î’125--39, Î’156, Î’162--63 nitrazepam, Α221, Α302 opium, Α221, Α223, Α224,

Α226, Α301 oxazepam, Α222, Α303 oxycodone, Α221 Palfium, Α221, Α301 papaveretum, Α301 parcels post, Î’104— 11, Î’112,

Β 114, Β128, Β135 pentazocine, Α221, Α301 pentobarbitone, Α302 pethidine, Α221, Α301 phenobarbetal, Α302 phenoperidine, Α221 pholcodine, Α221

as a proportion of importations detected, A217, A233--34 psilocin, A222 psilocybin, A222, A303

quinalbarbitone, A302 Ritalin, A221, A302 Seconal, A302

Serepax, A222, A303 statistical reliability, A217, A219--20, A223, A225, A230, A235 , A300--05,

B174--75 stimulants, A224 '

STP, A222, A303 Tofranil, A303 Valium, A221 Senate Select Committee on Drug Trafficking and Drug Abuse, 1971, A75, A242, A358,

C142, D6, D8, D14, D60, D70, D88 Senate Standing Committee on Social Welfare, 1977, A75,

A116, A117, A134, C77, C154, C157--58, C165, C170, C232, C236--37, C238, C239, C240, C245, C254--56, C267, D3,

D 4 , D7, D70 and education, C135 statistical shortcomings, D60 Serepax, A91, A309

seizures, A222, A303 see also oxazepam serum hepatitis Î’, A311--12 Service to Youth Council, Adelaide, C7 Shearer, R.W., C345 Shears, L.W., C80--81 Sheen, G.E., B12, B22, B25, B26, B28, B31, B35--36, B41, B42,

B43, B70, B148, B333, B385, C286 Shepherd, V.B., C346--47 Sheppard, E.R., Cl11 shipping, merchant and coastal surveillance, B407--08 simple analgesics, C169 Singapore, B459 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs 1961, A7--8, A29 , A357 —

58, A372, B51, B166, B244, C149 small craft controls over, B153, B171

importations using, B369--71, B434 recommendations, B171, D96 Smart, R., C197 Smedley, D.J., B71 Smith, K., A122

Smith, P ., Cl30 Smith, P.J.B., B379 Smith Street Clinic, Victoria, C24

smoking in public places, C166--67 smuggling, A370 solvent sniffing, A94, A95 Souief,-, C221


South Australian Police Force, C144 and drug detector dogs, C276 South Australian Royal

Commission into the Non-Medical Use of Drugs (1979), A21— 22, A75, A89, A91, A115, A116, A169, A199, A267--68, C50,

C54, C58--59 , C60, C63, C67, C344, D60, D78 advertising of drugs, A132, C 130, C131, C133, C134 cannabis, C217, C223, C233,

C255, C263, C264, C265, C266, C267 extent of use in South Australia, A292, D7 drug controls, C153, C156,

C198, C199, C213 drug education, C75, C77--79, C 101, C 114, Cl 18, Cl 19 , C120, C121, C123, C125,

C130, C131, C133, C134, Cl 44 evaluation of success, C139--40 drug squad's role, B191 Drug Use in Adelaide, 1978

(survey), A101--02, A105 drugs of dependence legislation (proposed), D49 drugs and driving, B207 and growth of the drug

problem, B187--188 heroin extent of use, A294--97 media influence, C125 opiates

extent of use in South Australia, D6 reasons for drug use, A117, A119, A120, A122, A124,

A128, A129, A132, A136 serum hepatitis B studies, A311, A312 Spanswick, R.G., B48, B332,

B358--59 Spence, W.A., A120 Spirits Act 1906, C157--58 Sprague, C., C120, A131, A292,

Cl 12, C241, C242, D6--7 Stack, E.M., B365, B369, B391 Standing Committee on Coastal Surveillance (CSSC) , B282--83,


State Criminal Drug Intelligence Centres

(proposed), D32, D34, D64 administration & staffing, D40--41 Policy Committee, D41 recommendations, B164, B167,

B168--69, B239, B337, D89, D92, D93, D99, D103, D117, D118, D119, D120, D121 role, D40 see also Criminal Drug

Intelligence Centres (proposed) State Drug Information Centres, (proposed), D63

expected output, D63--64 Policy Committee, D63 recommendations, C146, D108— 09, D120--21 see also Drug Information

Centres (proposed) State Drugs of Dependence Units (proposed) see Drugs of Dependence

Units (proposed) State Fisheries Department, New South Wales, B318 state health authorities

see health authorities, states and territories State Health Laboratory Service, Western

Australia, C323 state police forces see police forces, states and territories statistics

availability, A10, A235 need for, A319 recommendations, C384, D 117 reliability of, A100, B259,

D59--79 see also under seizures seizures see under seizures Steel, R., B432 Stenchever,-, C228

Stephens, T.B., A319 Stevenson,-, B92 Stewart, B.D., C54--55, D73--74 Stewart, J.H., A117, A132, A134,

Cl70, Cl74, D7 stimulants, A86, A88 effects of, A45--49 seizures, A224 Stoller, A., A129 STP (4-methyl-2,5-

dimethoxyamphetamine), A303


seizures, A222, A303 Stuart, R .B . , C74 strychnine, C151 Suffet, F., C74 Sullivan, B.J., B44 superweed, A69

see also PCP surgeries, doctors' breaking and entering of, C343 surveillance, A326, B201--02

definition, B355 manpower requirements, B77-- 80, B202--03 Narcotics Bureau, B66--67 surveillance, coastal, B146--47,

B 161, B163, B165, B287— 90, B313, B330--31, B336, B353-- 443 aircraft, B418--21 by aircraft pilots, B409--10 airways operations units, B284,


Australian Coastal Surveillance Centre see Australian Coastal Survellance Centre Bureau of Customs,

B146--47, B163, B381— 91 CASOS see CASOS Coastal Surveillance Manual,


Coastal Surveillance Standing Committee, (CSSC), B282--83, B290 Coastal Surveillance Supreme

Commander (suggested), B431 coastguard, B423--24 coastwatch, B426--27 Commonwealth drug liaison

course, (suggested), B431 conclusions, B433--41 and control of aviation fuel, B429--30, B440 Customs launches, B147, B157,

B167--68, B381--91, B426 Department of Defence, B167, B287--91, B391--93 Department of Transport,

Commonwealth, B282--83, B401--07 effectiveness' of, B356, B357, B358, B435--37

suggested improvements, B429--32, B440 and electronic surveillance,

B430, B432 fisheries authorities, B167 and fishing industry, B322— 25, B408--09 intrusions, B361--74 law enforcement presence,


lighthouses, B403 and merchant shipping, B407--08 meteorological radar, B410--13

navigation aid vessels, B403--04 need for, B355--59 Nomad aircraft, B165, B400,

B403, B420--21 Orion aircraft, B291, B393--95, B429 patrol boats, B421--23 RAAF role, B288--93 passim,

B396--400, B429 radar installations, B424--25 RAN role, B288--93 passim, B396--400

recommendations, B441, D103--04 regional autonomy, B429 remote electronic sensors,

B425--26 resources, B316--22, B375, B415 rewards system, B431 routine area, B290 sea patrols , B383--91 size of the task, B355 small craft identification,

B431, B440 state organisations, B414--15 strike force concept, B432 suggested aquisitions, B417--


Sydney Harbour, B147, B384--86 Tasmania, B357, B432 upgrading of resources, B437-- 41 surveillance, electronic,

A424--26, B66, B77, B202--05, C386, D32, D43 civil liberties issues, C385-- 86 and coastal surveillance,

B430, B432 controls, B203--05, B232 telephone tapping see telephone tapping surveys of drug use,

A75--113, A287--90


Sydney central role In drug trade, A264--65, A266, A268--69, A275, A331--32 synthetic opiates

effects of, A57--61 System to Select Entries and Report to Customs Houses, B7

Tait, D.R., B91--92, B92--93, B113, B363, B366, B378, B383, B395, B433, B435, B438 Tashkin et al, C225 task forces, B65, B181, C271,

C272, C395--403 overseas experiences, C396--98 personnel, C401--02 precision required, C401 United States experience,


task forces, joint, B226, B234--35, B238 recommendations, B181, D99 see also Joint Task Force

on Drug Trafficking Tasmanian Alkaloids Pty Ltd, A179 Tasmanian Fisheries Development

Authority, B321 Tasmanian Police Force, B205, B220--21 Tasmanian Poppy Advisory and

Control Board, B251 Tasmanian Select Committee on Victimless Crime, C267, D60 Tasmanian Transport Commission,


Tattersall, Μ., C193 taxes, gambling, C161 taxes, liquor, C159--60 Taylor, B., A296 Taylor, D.F., B430 Taylor, M.J., B323 teachers

drug education, C122--23 Teen Challenge, C39 Telecom,

see Australian Telecommunications Commission Telecommunications Act 1975, A421--22 telecommunications authorities,

B347--51 telephone counselling see under treatment methods telephone hotline, B376--77,


telephone tapping, C390— 92, D43 controls, B203-05 Narcotics Bureau, B66, B77 recommendations, C393--94, D32 states and territories police

forces, B202— 05 Telephonic Communications (Interception) Act 1960, A421--22 Telephonic Communications

(Interception) Bill 1979, A422--23 temperance movement, C149--50 Tennant, B. G., C234, C235, C251 Tenuate, A49 terms of reference, A7 — 15, A23,

A173--74 Territorial Sea, A362 territory health authorities see under health authorities,

states and territories territory police forces, see under police forces, states and territories tetrahydrocannabinol,

see THC Tewfik, G. I., A296, C345, C352 Thai sticks

see Buddha sticks Thailand, B455, B458, B459, B460, B469 crop substitution, B462--66 THC, A187, A188, A192— 93, A196

A252--53, C215 dependence, C228--29 effects of, A63--65 effects on brain and mental

functioning, C219--21 effects on cardiovascular system, C225--26 effects on cellular processes,


effects on endocrine system, C226--27, C260 effects on psychomotor functions, C222--25 effects on pulmonary system,

C225--26 effects on reproductive system, C226--27, C260 half-life of, C218 metabolism of, C217--18 therapeutic applications,

C229--30 tolerance, C228--29 thebaine, B245


thefts of drugs see under drugs and specific drugs thefts to finance drug habits,

A160--61, A333 theobromine, A48--49 therapeutic communities see under treatment methods Therapeutic Goods Act 1966,

A373, A453, C171 offences, A376 penalties, A376 thiopentone, A51 thiopentone sodium, A53 Thomas Cahill Cottage, Australian

Capital Territory, CIO Thomas, J .B ., B71 tobacco, A23, A76, C260, C262, D 3 , D5, D50, D55, D57

advertising of, A136, C166--67 anti-smoking campaign, C166 consumption of, C166 controls, C165--68

controls (proposed), D57 expenditure on, D8--9 extent of use, D7 recommendations, D120 users, A76--78

see also nicotine Tobacco Industry Trust Account, C165 Tofranil, A303

tolerance, A30 toluene, A71 Tomasic, R . , A75 Tonge, J . I., B304 Tottman, V. D. , A121, C119 traffickable quantities

need for definition, B222 traffickers A269, A272--74 characteristics, A270, A272-- 75, A282--83, A285

definition, A9--10 school children, A274--75 security measures by, A281-- 82 trafficking, A245--86, A379

as a business, A277--86 cash involved, A281 charges by specific drug types, A284--85

community attitudes, B224--25, B227--35 ' definition, A8, A 9 , A245 distribution arrangements,

A260--75 distribution centres, A263--69

distribution venues, kill, B188 extent of, A10, A246, A275, A276, A277--86, A335, B188

financial implications recommendations, C375--77, D99, D113--15, D116 financiers, A270--71 legislation,

see legislation, drug trafficking multiple drug, A278--81 pyramid arrangements, A245--

46, A260--63, A266, A270 reasons for, A140, A143, A144, A146, A149, A152, A154, A159, A160 , A270, A272--75,

A277--86, A333, A336--37, A344 routes, A263--69 straight line arrangements,

A245--46, A247 street dealers, A272--74 and violence, A281--82 wholesale dealing, A271--72

see also under specific drugs trafficking methods, A10, A265, A275--77, A331--32, B187--88, prostitutes, A334— 36

see also importation methods tranquillisers, A75, A86, A87, A91--92, A303, A308--09, A311,

C70, C151, C261, D4, D8, D61 charges of possession or use, A299--300 diversion of, A314 drug-related deaths, A92 effects of, A56 tranquillisers, minor, A91, A92

Trans-Tasman Travel Arrangement, A237, A238 , A241, A347, B264--66, B268, B269--70, B278 abuses of, B264--66

recommendations, B271 , D101 — 02 transit countries, A178--79, A241--43, B456 Transport Commission, Tasmania,


Transport, Department of, Commonwealth air fleet, B285, B406 airways operations units,

B281, B284 coastal surveillance, B282-- 83, B401--07


conclusions, B285--86 indirect enforcement role, B281--86 lighthouse staff, B283 navigation aid vessels, B284 surface operations, B281--82 travel and residence records,

B269, B271 Travers, D.J., A119, Travers, J.A., A188, A204, A225, A233, A268, A292, A295, B75,

B83, B126, B325 Treasury, Department of the, Commonwealth, B343--45 treatment, B227, B233--34,

B254--55, B258, B260, C1--72, D12 , D13, D86 accessibility of, C19, C22, C59--60, C69, conclusions,_C57--68 controls, A398--99 of convicted persons, C23,

C51, C55, C67 co-ordination, C19--20, C50, C53, C60--61, C63 evaluation of, C21--22, C23,

C43--45, C54, C67, C69 funding, C3--18, C68, C69, D57 and general health care, C20, C63, C68 goals, C19, C25, C26, C43,

C58--59, C61, C62, C68, C69 individual assessments, C19, C59, C70 infection aspect, C58, C61--


legislation, A460, C22, C68, D24 notifiable disease aspect, C22--23 reasons for seeking, C19,

C57, C70 recommendations, C68--71, D105--08, D119 register of drug dependent

persons, C23, C67--69 registration of services, C68 regulations, A460 research, C67--68 role of the criminal justice

system, C47--55 civil liberties issues, C54 diversionary programs, C70, D51 New South Wales diversionary

program, C51 — 55, C64--66

specialisation, C19 specialist training, C20, C68 staff needs, C20, C39, C63 voluntary organisations,

CIO-11, C13--16, C21, C68, C69 treatment, compulsory, A449--50, C43--44, C63, C64--67, C70--71

civil liberties issues, C63 legislation, C47 states and territories, A450 Tasmanian system, A449— 50,

C47--48, C63, C70 treatment facilities, C3--18 Addcare Service, C39 assessment centres, C39

Banyan House, Darwin, C23 Bourke Street Drug Advisory Centre, New South Wales, C51 drop-in centres, C39 information centres (shop

fronts), C69 Karralika Therapeutic Community, Australian Capital Territory, CIO Lifeline, C39 out-patients, C69 Queensland, C12 — 16 recommendations, C69, C70,

D106--07 referral centres, C39, C70 requirements, C21, C60, C69 residential, C22--23, C69 Salvation Army Mancare Centre,CIO Service to Youth Council,

Adelaide, C7 Smith Street Clinic, Victoria, C24 South Australia, C17--18 Teen Challenge, C39 Thomas Cahill Cottage, CIO treatment methods, C19--42

acupuncture, C4l alternative therapy, C41--42 Bridge Programme, Sydney, C44 the British System, C34--38,

C196, C198 confrontation, C38--40 counselling, C38--40, C69 detached worker programs, C39 detoxification, C24--25, C69 Drug Users Parents Aid

Foundation of Victoria (DUPA), C40, C144--45, D83 family support, C40 herbal medicine, C52


hypnotherapy, C41, C52 isolation C22--23, C61--62, C64 methadone treatment programs

see methadone treatment programs opiate maintenance see treatment, opiate

maintenance out-patient programs, C39 outreach programs, C69 preventive-oriented programs,

C49--50 recommendations, C68--70, D105--08 residential programs, C22--

23, C40 role of private medical practitioners, C40--41 spiritual therapy, C42 telephone counselling, C39 therapeutic communities,

C22--23 transcendental meditation, C41 treatment-oriented programs, C49 withdrawal, A59--60, C24--25,


treatment, opiate maintenance, C25--34, C62, C69 the British System, C34--38 heroin, C32--34

intravenous administration, C32--34, C62 methadone see under methadone treatment

programs recommendations, C70, D107 register of persons receiving, C69 treatment, voluntary, C43--44,


Tremayne, D.M., C359 trichloroethanol, A55 trichloroethylene, A71, A72 Tucker, C .J ., C131 Tuinal

prices, A248 trafficking, A248 Turkey, A180 Turnbull, Μ., A233 Turner, L ., C319 Twycross, R.G.·, C180, C181, C182

Ultrasonics Institute, Commonwealth Department of Health, C300, C301--02

ultrasound conclusions, C306 effectiveness in drug detection, C302--04 equipment for examinations

for drugs, C301--02 examination procedures, C305 properties, C300--01 recommendations, B168, B170,

C306--07 , D93, D95 , Dill — 12 safety of, C301, C305--06 techniques, C271, C299--307 use of, C300--01 unaccompanied baggage, A212,

B33 — 34 recommendations, B171, D97 UNFDAC, A184, B447--49, B453, B454, B455, B456, B457, B458,

B462, B463, B472, B473 crop substitution, B463, B464, B465 recommendations, B473, D105 Uniform Companies Act, A366 Uniform Drug Trafficking Act

(proposed), B160, B164, B180, B226, B237, B311, D26--27, D28, D29--34, D43, D49, D64, D89, D97

law enforcement powers, D32--34 methods of enactment, D30 offences, D31

outline, D30--34 penalties, D33, D34 provisions, D31--33 purpose, D30

recommendations, B164, B237, D89, D97, D118, D119 Uniform Poisons Schedules, C149, C150--52, C201 United Nations

drug abuse control organisations, B241, B447--51 United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs, A170, A184,

A189, B244, B295, B447, B448, C178, C179, C204, C250 United Nations Division of Narcotic Drugs, B447, B449 United Nations Fund for Drug

Abuse Control see UNFDAC United States— Australia Science Co-operation Agreement, B299 United States Coastguard

Service, B418 United States Customs Service,


B418, C280--81, C284, C285, C295 United States Office of Education, C81--82 United States Select Committee on Crime, A116 Universal Postal Convention,


Universal Postal Parcels Agreement, A424 University College Hospital, London, C38 Unsworth, B.J., C50, C124 Urquhart, G.S., C49

Valium, A56, A91, A303, A309, A314, A377, C339--40 seizures, A221 see also diazepam Varley, P .J . , A117 verballing, B229 veterinarians, B253--54, B256 Veyvoda, F.J., B210, B211 victimless crime, C153--54, C156 Victoria Police Criminal

Investigation Branch Drug Bureau, B191, B192 Victoria Police Dog Squad, C275--76, C290 Victoria Police Motor Boating

Squad, B318 Victorian Foundation on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, A75 Vietnamese refugee boats,

B356--57, B396, B398, B399 Vincents, C170, C171, C172, C174 Viner, I., D79 Viney, A.E., C81 Vishva Vibhuti, M.V., B125, B127 volatile solvents

effects of, A71, A72 Voluntary Advertising Code for Proprietary Medicines, C174 voluntary code for cigarette

advertisng, C167--68 Voluntary Proprietary Medicine Advertising Code, C129 Volunteer Coastal Patrol,

New South Wales, B415

Waddy, N .S ., A130 Wade, D.N., C116, C184, C192, C196--97, C203, C204 Wadrop, N.R., C101--02 Wald, S.J., C180--81 Wallace, T.B. , C131

Warren, P ., C304 Water Police New South Wales, B318 South Australia, B319

Tasmania, B321 Western Australia, B320 Webb, R.A.J., C95, C128, C154, C232, C237, C256--57 Webb, R.C. , A180, Cl 18, C344 Webster, I .W., Cl 18 Wesley-Smith, R.N., C386 Western Australian Coastal

Shipping Commission, B321 Western Australian Honorary Royal Commission Inquiring into the Treatment of Alcohol & Drug

Dependence (1973), D60 Whaling Act 1960, B315 Whiting, E.W., C111 WHOS (we help ourselves)

Fellowship, Clll— 12 Wighton, G.L., Cl19, C134 Wilkey, I.S. , B306 Wilkins, D . , D82 Williams, E.S., A3, A330, B214,


Williams, R.J.R., C122 Wilson, D. and I., B93, B161--62 Wilson, D.G., B207, C162, C163,

C202, C203 , C213 Wilson, R.A., B154 withdrawal see under treatment methods Wood, C.P., B323, B407, B408 Woodward, P.M., A330, B214,

C64--67, C124, C398, D39, D88 Wordsworth, D.J., B358 World Health Organization, B447,

B450, C177, C306 Wran, N. , B414--15 Wright, G.D., Cl 19 Wright, R .D ., C186 Writs of Assistance, A430

xanthines, A48--49


Conventions and Legislation


Convention for Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS Convention), B408 Convention on Psychotropic Substances 1971, A7--8, A29, A358--59, A373, B166, B242, B447, B469, C202, C207, C268, D53, D91 Geneva Convention of 19 February 1925, A357 Hague Convention 1912, A357

International Convention on Fishing and Conservation of Living Natural Resources, A364 International Convention on Territorial Seas and Contiguous Zones, A362--63, B153

International Convention on the Continential Shelf, A363--64 International Convention on the High Seas, A363 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs 1961, A7--8, A29, A357--58, A372, A453, B51, B166, B244, B246, B447, B469, C149, C178, C199,

C207, C211, C230, C250, C263, C268, C351, D53, D91 Universal Postal Convention, A424 Universal Postal Parcels Agreement, A424


Commonwealth of Australia

Air Navigation Regulations, B362 Aliens Act 1947, B263 Australian Citizenship Act 1948, B263

Australian Federal Police Act 1979, B173, B175, B176, B177--78, B183, B226 Banking Act 1959, B343 Banking (Foreign Exchange) Regulations, B343--45, C374, C377, D116 Broadcasting and Television Act 1942, C129, C166

Companies (Foreign Take-Overs) Act 1972 (and its state counterparts), A366 Constitution, A361, A365, A369, A421, B184, C385, D17 Continential Shelf (Living Natural Resources) Act 1968, B313, B314,


Crimes Act 1914, A371, A420, A428, A429, A431, A440, B72, B155 Customs Act 1901, A202, A361, A369--72, A374--75, A379, A423, A424--25, A430, A431, A435, A439, A445, A451, A452, Bl, B3, B33--34, B35, B50, B57, B75--77, B90, B141, B143, B149--54,

B157, B160, B164, B169--72, B242, B243, B290, B291, B310, B331, B333--34, B349, B383, C171, C277, C299, C306--07, C380--81, D26, D89, D94, D95--97, Dill— 12 Customs Amendment Act 1979, A372, A375, A431--32, A445 Customs (Prohibited Exports) Regulations, A372, B243, B334 Customs (Prohibited Imports) Regulations, A369, A372, A451, A452,

B242, B333--34, C201, C230 Customs Regulations, B3, B57, B152, B171, D97 Customs Tariff Act 1933, A369 Customs Tariff Act 1961, A369 Customs Tariff Act 1966, A369 Distillation Act 1901, C157, C158 Excise Act 1901,. C157


Fisheries Act 1952, B290, B313, B314, B320 Fisheries Amendment Act 1978, B325 Income Tax Assessment Act 1936, B339— 41, B345, C372--73, C376--77, D115 Judiciary Act 1903, A439--40 Migration Act 1958, B263, B267, B271, D101 Narcotic Drugs Act 1967, A369, A372--73, A375, A435--36, A451, A453,

B3, B57, B244--45, B251 Narcotic Drugs Amendment Act 1976, A372--73 National Health Act 1953, A369, A373, A436, A451, A452, B245, C339, C340, C341, C342, C362, C363 Passports Act 1938, B274, B277 Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1967 (and its state counterparts),


Postal Services Act 1975, A423--24, B348, C380--81 Postal Services By-laws, A424 Postal Services Regulations, A424, B350, C380--81, C382, C383--84, D116--17

Psychotropic Substances Act 1976, A359, A369, A373, B3, B57 Public Service Act 1922, B76 Public Service Regulations, B76 Quarantine Act 1908, B327--29, B331--32 Quarantine Amendment Act 1979, B327--29 Spirits Act 1906, C157--58 Telecommunications Act 1975, A421--22, B347 Telecommunications (General) By-laws 1975, A421, A422 Telephonic Communications (Interception) Act 1960, A421--22 Therapeutic Goods Act 1966, A369, A373, A376, A451, A453, C171 Whaling Act 1960, B313, B315 Wireless^Telegraphy Act 1905, B347

States and Territories

New South Wales

Bail Act, 1978, A442, A443, A444 Crimes Act 1900, A428, A433--34, A435, A446, B198 Fisheries and Oyster Farms Act 1935, B315 Justices Act 1902, A442 Listening Devices Act 1969, A425, B205 Mental Health Act 1958, C51 National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974, B335 Poisons Act 1966, A377, A378, A380--82, A397, A398, A400, A402, A404,

A406, A408, A410, A412, A414, A416, A418, A429, A437, A442, A446, A451, A454, A456, A460, B190, C349--50, C363 Poisons Regulations, A418, A451, A454, A455, A456, A457, A458, A459, A460, A462, B260, C349--50, C363, D101, D113 Police Regulation (Allegations of Misconduct) Act 1978, B212, B232 Therapeutic Goods and Cosmetics Act 1972, A437, A461


Alcohol and Drug Dependency Act 1968, C47 Bail Act 1977, A442, A443, A444 Crimes Act 1958, A428, A441 Drugs of Addiction and Restricted Substances Regulations 1966, A451,

A455, A456, A457, A458, A459, A460, A461, C22, C350


Fisheries Act 1968, B315 Game Act 1958, B335 Health Act 1958, A410, A436, A437, A445, A451, A454, A455, A461 Listening Devices Act 1969, A425 Poisons Act 1962, A377, A378, A382--84, A397, A398, A400, A402, A404,

A406, A408, A410, A412, A414, A416, A418, A429, A432, A436--37, A441, A445, A451, A455, A456, A461, A462, B190, B206, C173 Poisons (Hallucinogenic Drugs) Regulations 1977, A451, A458 Poisons Regulations 1963 (No 2), A451, A455, A457 Poisons Regulations 1963 (No 3), A451, A462 Summary Offences Act 1966, A434


The Criminal Code Act 1899, A428, A435 Fauna Conservation Act 1974, B335 Fisheries Act 1976, B315 Health Act 1937, A377, A378, A384--87, A398, A400, A402, A404, A406,

A408, A410, A412, A416, A429, A432, A437, A441, A442, A446, A451, B190, B222, B309, C47 Hospitals Act 1936, C164 Invasion of Privacy Act 1971, A426 Liquor Act 1912, C158— 60, C161 Native Plants Protection Act 1930, B335 Poisons Regulations 1973, A384, A386--87, A397, A398, A399, A412,

A414, A418, A451, A454, A455, A456, A457, A458j A459, A460, A461, A462, C350 Vagrants, Gaming and other Offences Act 1931, A434

South Australia

Alcohol and Drug Addicts (Treatment) Act 1961, A450, C47 Dangerous Drugs Act 1934, B190 Fisheries Act 1971, B316 Food and Drug Act 1908, A452 Listening Devices Act 1972, A426 Narcotic and Psychotropic Drugs Act 1934, A377 , A379, A387--88, A397,

A399, A400, A402, A404, A406, A408, A410, A412, A414, A416, A429, A433, A437, A446--47, A451, A461, B190 Narcotic and Psychotropic Drugs Regulations 1978, A414, A418, A452, A455, A456, A457, A458, A459, A460, A461, C350 National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972, B335 Poisons Regulations, A452, A455, A456, A-457, A458, A459, A462 Police Offences Act 1953, A434

Western Australia

Communicable Diseases Regulations, C22 The Criminal Code, A428 Fauna Conservation Act 1950, B335 Fisheries Act 1905, B316, B320 Health Act 1911, A461

Listening Devices Act 1978, A426, B205 Pharmacy Act 1964, C348, C351 Poisons Act 1964, A379, A388, A390--91, A397, A411, A413, A415, A417, A419, A429, A437, A447, A452, A454, A455, A456, A458 Poisons Regulations 1965, A390, A399, A415, A452, A454, A455, A456,


A457, A458, A459, A460, A461, A462, C350 Police Act 1892, A377, A379, A388--90, A401, A403, A405, A407, A409, A411, A413, A417, A434, A435, A447, B190


Alcohol and Drug Dependency Act 1968, A398, A415, A449--50, A460, C22, C47--48 Coroners Act 1957, C334 Criminal Process (Identification and Search Procedures) Act 1976,

A434--35 Fisheries Act 1959, B316 Justices Act 1959, A44, B223 Mental Health Services Act 1967, C47 National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970, B335 Poisons Act 1971, A377, A379, A391--92, A397, A401, A403, A405,

A407, A409, A411, A413, A415, A417, A419, A429, A433, A437, A441, A442, A447, A452, A454, A455, A456, A460, B190, B251, C334, C357 Poisons Regulations 1975, A399, A415, A452, A455, A456, A457, A458,

A459, A460, A461, A462, C350 Police Offences Act 1935, A429, A447 Road Safety (Alcohol and Drugs) Act 1970, C334 Therapeutic Goods and Cosmetics Act 1976, A437, A461

Northern Territory

Dangerous Drugs Act 1978, A379, A393--95 Dangerous Drugs Ordinance 1977, A393--95, A398, A399, A401, A403, A405, A407, A411, A413, A415, A417, A429, A433, A448, A452, A455, A456, A458, A459, A460, A461

Fisheries Ordinance 1949, B316 Poisons Ordinance 1924, A395, A437, A452, A455, A456, A458, A459 Police and Police Offences Ordinance 1923, A434

Prohibited Drugs Act 1978, A379, A393--95 Prohibited Drugs Ordinance 1977, A393--95, A401, A403, A405, A407, A409, A411, A429, A433, A448, A452, A456 Territory Parks and Wildlife Conservation Ordinance 1977, B335

Australian Capital Territory

Animals and Birds Protection Ordinance 1918, B335 Motor Traffic (Alcohol and Drugs) Ordinance 1977, C327 Noxious Weeds Ordinance 1921, A411 Poisons and Dangerous Drugs Ordinance 1933, A397, A409, A411, A419,

A437, A452, A456, A458, A459, C327 Poisons and Narcotic Drugs Ordinance 1978, A379, A395--97, A399, A401, A403, A405, A407, A413, A415, A417, A429, A447, A452, A455, A456, A457, A458, A460, A461, C327 Poisons Regulations, A452, A455, A456, A458, C350 Police Ordinance 1927, A434 Public Health (Prohibited Drugs) Ordinance 1957, A447--48, A452, A456 Public Health (Sale of Food & Drugs) Regulations, A461

Other Countries

United Kingdom


Dangerous Drugs Act 1967, C35 Dangerous Drugs (Notification of Addicts) Regulations 1968, C35 Dangerous Drugs (Supply to Addicts) Regulations 1968, C35 Misuse of Drugs Regulations 1973, C349

United States of America

Constitution of the United States, C387 Harrison Narcotics Act 1914, A183 Internal Revenue Code, C370 Organised Crime Control Act 1970, A347--48, C369

Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organisations Statute (Title 18, U.S.C.A. , of 1961), A348, C369--70


This table contains legislation referred to by name in the text of the Report, irrespective of the currency of the legislation. Citation is only in terms of the first year of each Act .In some cases Acts are identified by their popular names.



Overseas Sources

Pages A5 and A6 of the Report refer to overseas visits undertaken by the Commissioner and Counsel assisting the Commission. The following notes are intended to give a resume of the Commission's direct overseas sources of information associated with the visits. These are

supplementary to documentary evidence received from abroad and to the evidence of overseas witnesses who appeared before the Commission in Australia.

The account outlines first the visits by the Commissioner and Senior Counsel. These were arranged by the Department of Foreign Affairs. The Commission is indebted to the officers concerned from that Department whose efforts ensured that the Commission's visits achieved the maximum benefit in the limited time available. At most places visited, the

Commission not only had the advantage of inspections and conferences, but also was given voluminous documentary material which was returned to the Commission's head office at Brisbane.

Details are also given of overseas visits undertaken by two of the Junior Counsel assisting the Commission. These visits yielded much information of value to the Commission.



En route to Santiago a meeting was arranged, during the stop-over on 4 July 1978 at Nandi, between the Commissioner and Senior Counsel and the Inspector-in-Charge of the West Division of the Police Department of Fiji. After discussions with him on all aspects of the drug problem,

and particularly the potential for traffickers to use Fiji as a transit point to Australia, the Commission inspected the Customs facilities and had further discussions with Customs officers. As in most airports which the Commission visited, it had the opportunity of closely

examining the systems employed by Customs for detecting and/or apprehending drug smugglers.


The Commissioner and Senior Counsel arrived at Santiago, Chile, on 4 July 1978. The Director-General, Investigaciones de Chile, and his staff provided an overall appreciation of the extent of drug trafficking in South America generally. The opportunity was taken to inspect the

department's Drug Laboratory.

Later the Commissioner and Senior Counsel met with the Sub-Prefecto, Jefe del Departamento de Narcoticos y Drogas Peligrosas (Head of the Department of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs), Investigaciones de Chile, and his staff and had discussions on the enforcement aspects of drug

abuse, including measures for international inter-agency co-operation.


On arrival on 5 July 1978 at Buenos Aires, the Commissioner was met


by senior officers of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Culture. The Commission subsequently had lengthy discussions with these gentlemen and other departmental officers, particularly on aspects of education and rehabilitation. The Director, Centro National de Reeducation Social, conducted the Commission on a visit to the

rehabilitation establishment of which he was the head and explained the program being undertaken by that department for drug abusers.

A conference with the Minister of Social Welfare, and the President of CONATON (National Committee of Dangerous Drugs) and his senior staff was most productive. Much documentary material, including serialised coloured prescription forms for narcotic drugs, was supplied to the Commission.

The relative roles of Federal and Provincial Police in all aspects of drug law enforcement were discussed during a visit to the

headquarters of the Federal Police Drug Squad.

In Buenos Aires, as in most cities visited in the Americas, senior officers of the U. S. Drug Enforcement Administration provided considerable assistance whenever requested.


The Commissioner and Senior Counsel arrived in Brazil, at Rio de Janeiro, on 8 July 1978. They had discussions with the Co-ordinator, Federal Police, and the Chief of the Narcotics Bureau on all aspects of drug law enforcement in Brazil, including the misuse and abuse of prescription drugs. Copies of serialised and coloured prescription

forms for narcotic drugs were made available to the Commission.

Later they were received by and had a lengthy discussion with the Secretary for Public Security for the State of Rio de Janeiro.


The Commissioner and Senior Counsel arrived in Peru, at Lima, on 10 July 1978. They had discussions with the Director-General, Policia de Investigaciones del Peru, and several of his staff, including the Officers-in-Charge of the International and National Sub-divisions of the Narcotics Bureau. The local representative of Interpol attended these discussions. The Commission obtained a detailed description of coca production, its processing into paste and its eventual processing into cocaine powder. The extent of efforts to suppress the illegal trade in those products was discussed. The Commission had the

opportunity to inspect not only some of the seized products concerned, but also a variety of methods used for smuggling them.

The Commissioner and Senior Counsel were received by and had a lengthy conference with the Attorney-General and officers from his Department of Public Prosecutions. Laws relating to the suppression of drug trafficking were the subject of considerable discussion.

The place of laws in the treatment and rehabilitation of abusers of drugs was fully canvassed.



The Commissioner and Senior Counsel arrived in Mexico City on 12 July 1978 and were met by the Australian Ambassador and senior

representatives of the Attorney-General1s Department of Mexico. On 13 July they were occupied with extensive briefing by officers of the Attorney-General's Department on all aspects of drug law enforcement and of drug abuse. A considerable amount of time was devoted to a

discussion on the program for eradicating the growing of opium poppies and marihuana in Mexico and preventing the export from that country of the products of that cultivation. The briefing was conducted by the Sub-Procurador Segundo (Deputy Attorney-General). Subsequently the Commissioner had the opportunity of calling upon the Procurador-General

(Attorney-General) of Mexico and had a most productive discussion with him on all aspects of countering drug trafficking. His direct

responsibility to the President of Mexico for co-ordinating action on behalf of all interested departments made his observations especially valuable.

On 14 July the Commissioner and Senior Counsel flew from Mexico City to Culiacan, in the State of Sinaloa, in north-western Mexico. Here the party transferred to helicopters and were able to see at first hand the measures taken by the Government of Mexico for the prevention and

eradication of illegal drug growing, including the growing of cannabis as well as the opium poppy. They flew among the Sierra Madre mountain ranges and observed at first hand crop-spraying operations. During the course of this exercise they landed and inspected facilities for troops engaged in the follow-up operations, and had discussions with other

senior officers. On return to Culiacan the Commission had extensive de­ briefing discussions with the Officer-in-Charge of the Culiacan operations and officers of the Procuraduria General de la Republica for Culiacan. The Commission had the opportunity of observing at first hand

the detection, detainment and trial of drug traffickers and the methods employed by some of them. The Commission had the opportunity for discussions with officers concerned in operations for the detection from the air of illegal crops; the relative effectiveness of existing and projected photographic techniques (including satellite photography) was

considered in detail.

United States of America

New Orleans: On 17 July 1978 the Commission inspected the Earth Resources Laboratory, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), at Slidell, Louisiana. A very detailed briefing was provided by the Deputy Director of the Laboratory. The Laboratory had been involved

for some time in a program of remotely-sensing illegal drug plantations. The effectiveness of systems for detection of illegal drug plantations was fully canvassed.

During its entire stay in New Orleans the Commission received invaluable assistance and co-operation from all officers of the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) with whom it came in contact. These officers arranged for the Commission to call on and have discussions with a Federal Court prosecutor with special expertise in drug prosecutions, the Attorney-General for the New Orleans region, and a Judge of the Federal Court of the United States. These discussions provided detailed information and background on all aspects of


prosecutions of drug offenders. The discussions also dealt with a variety of methods for detection of offenders, and the regional patterns of drug abuse. Subsequently, with the assistance of DEA officers, the Commission called upon the local Commander of the U. S. Coastguard and

obtained valuable background upon the role of the Coastguard, and of the U. S. Navy, in preventing the illegal importation of drugs from South America through the Gulf of Mexico.

Washington, D . C .: The Commission's program at Washington, D. C. commenced on 19 July 1978 with extensive briefings from the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, East Asian and Pacific Affairs, the Senior Adviser to the Secretary of State and Director for International Narcotics Control Matters, the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, the Deputy Assistant Secretary (Enforcement) of the Department of the Treasury, and their staff. A meeting was held with officers of the U. S. Coastguard chaired by the Chief of the U. S. Coastguard, Office of Public and International Affairs, in which coastal surveillance was particularly discussed. The Commissioner of Customs and senior Customs officers held discussions with the Commission and an inspection was made of the Customs laboratory to see techniques developed and being developed for the detection of drugs and traffickers. The Commissioner and Senior Counsel saw the Detector Dog Training School at Front Royal,

Virginia. Discussions with the Superintendent and Chief Officer of the program and his staff were most useful. Whilst in Washington the Commissioner also had lengthy discussions with the Acting Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and with the Acting Administrator, Drug Enforcement Administration, and senior officers of that Administration. The Commissioner also called upon the Associate Director of the Domestic Staff for Drug Policy (White House).

The Commissioner and Senior Counsel visited the National Institute on Drug Abuse at Rockville, Maryland, and there had a long discussion with the Acting Director on a variety of aspects of drug abuse.

New York: On 21 July 1978 the Commissioner arrived in New York. Here the program of meetings and inspections concentrated on drug education and the treatment and rehabilitation of drug abusers. The Commissioner and Senior Counsel called on and had discussions with the Deputy Commissioner, Office of Substance Abuse Services, the Vice President of the Hunts Point Multi-Service Center (which Center the Commission visited), the Director and senior officers of the Hunts Point Detoxification Clinic (which Clinic the Commission visited), the Chief of Medicine, Morris J. Bernstein Institute and his staff, the Deputy Commissioner of the New York City Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program, the President and Director of Odyssey House Inc. (treatment centres conducted by that body were inspected), the Assistant Professor of Public Health, and the Administrator, Adolescent Development Program. The Commission also visited methadone maintenance clinics, including one

for the maintenance of adolescents conducted by the Cornell University Medical Center.


Ottawa: On 25 July 1978 the Commissioner and Senior Counsel arrived in Ottawa. The Commission had discussions with the Senior Scientist, Intergovernmental and International Affairs, of the Canadian Government who accompanied the visitors during calls upon and discussions with the


Director of the Bureau of Dangerous Drugs, the Director-General and the Directorate for the Non-Medical Use of Drugs, and the Director, Policy and Program Development, Health and Welfare Canada. The Commission also visited a number of establishments of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and met and had discussions with senior officers of that force. The Commission visited the training establishment of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police at the Canadian Police College in East Ottawa. These discussions proved particularly fruitful in providing the Commission with a background to Federal, Provincial, and Municipal law enforcement bodies and the enforcement of criminal law in a Federal system.

The Commission called upon the Officer-in-Charge of Customs Intelligence and had discussions with him and his officers on aspects of detection and enforcement. During these discussions the use of drug detector dogs and other methods for detecting smuggled drugs were fully discussed. The potential for the smuggling of drugs through the postal

services was fully canvassed. Subsequently the Commissioner called upon senior service officers of the Department of Defence and discussed at some length the degree of involvement of the Department of Defence in the detection and apprehension of drug smugglers, particularly by the provision of anti-smuggling surveillance. The Commissioner called upon

and had a most useful discussion with the Hon. Mr Justice Gerald E. Le Dain, Justice of the Federal Court of Canada, the Chairman of the Canadian Commission of Inquiry into the Non-Medical Use of Drugs (which produced the Le Dain Report).

Toronto: The Commission arrived in Toronto on 27 July 1978. A visit to the Clinical Institute of the Addiction Research Foundation had been arranged. The Commissioner and Senior Counsel had discussions with the

Pharmaceutical Services Director, the Head of the Narcotics Dependence Program, and senior doctors in the Psychiatric Department of the Institute. These discussions resulted in useful information being acquired concerning the manufacture, distribution, and prescribing of

pharmaceuticals throughout Canada. The Commission had the opportunity of visiting the Institute's facilities and gained much useful information on problems of education and rehabilitation associated with drug use.

In Toronto the Commissioner had the opportunity of meeting and having discussions with the Officer-in-Charge of Drug Enforcement, the Commanding Officer of a police division within Ontario, and the Officer- in-Charge of the Criminal Operations Branch. The Commissioner learned

in some detail of the degree of co-operation that existed between the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the provincial police, and the municipal police, and the manner in which this had been achieved over the years. Joint operations were discussed, as was the seconding of police from police forces, particularly to and from the RCMP drug squad. The

desirability of a secure central intelligence system was also discussed.

United States of America

New York (revisited): From Toronto the Commissioner proceeded to Edmonton on 31 July 1978 whilst Counsel assisting the Commission returned to New York to fulfil appointments with senior officers of the New York Police Department and with the DEA intelligence officers

located in that city. As a result of these discussions the Commission was able to obtain first hand evidence of the working of task forces, a


centralised intelligence system, and arrangements for the seconding of officers from force to force. The need for combined intelligence, and a free exchange thereof with proper security, was emphasised. The Commission examined various systems for centralised intelligence in operation throughout the USA.

Chicago: On 8 August 1978 Senior Counsel visited Chicago in order to inspect the Robert Crown Center for Health Education. He had lengthy discussions with the Executive Director, inspected the facilities, and observed instruction being given to school children on health, during which drugs of dependence were dealt with.


Edmonton: On 9 August 1978 Senior Counsel rejoined the Commissioner at Edmonton, Alberta and the Commission was able, from discussions with the Commanding Officer of the local division of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, to acquire useful information on all aspects of drug law enforcement at the provincial level.

Vancouver: Senior Counsel visited Vancouver on 12/13 August 1978 in order to study implementation of compulsory programs of treatment for drug abusers. He had discussions with the Chairman of the Alcohol and Drug Commission, and with that Commission's Planning Consultant on special programs. These discussions concentrated, particularly, on aspects of prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation arising out of the heroin 'epidemic' that Vancouver had experienced in recent years.

Senior Counsel called on the Commanding Officer, District 1 of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and learned at first hand of steps being taken for the co-ordination of enforcement activities in the Province of British "Columbia. Integrated intelligence units were discussed.

United States of America

San Francisco: As a result of advice received in Washington, D. C. Senior Counsel on 14 August 1978 visited San Francisco and had

discussions with Professor Reese T. Jones, M. D., Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Francisco, who subsequently gave evidence before the Commission in Brisbane. Senior Counsel called on the Commander of the San Francisco District Office of the U. S. Drug Enforcement Administration and furthered the Commission's knowledge on all aspects of enforcement, particularly co-operation between forces and

integrated intelligence systems.

Honolulu: During a visit to Honolulu on 14/15 August 1978 by the Commission, the Australian Consul arranged a full briefing on all aspects of drug law enforcement. At that meeting the Commissioner had discussions with the special agent of the U. S. Drug Enforcement Administration stationed in Honolulu, the intelligence analyst of that Administration, the District Director of Customs, and the Officer-in­ Charge of the Vice Department of the Honolulu Police Department. These discussions were of particular significance on aspects of international co-operation and international involvement, apart from customary local problems.



In December 1978 the Commissioner in the course of a visit to Hong Kong took the opportunity to have extensive discussions with authorities responsible in the areas of law enforcement, treatment, rehabilitation, and education. He also inspected facilities such as forensic

laboratories and those for drug addict registration, control and treatment. Officials of the authorities in question were the Secretary for Security, the Commissioner for Narcotics, the Commissioner of Prisons and Vice Chairman of the Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation, the Chief Superintendent of Police, Narcotics Bureau, the Commissioner,

Independent Commission against Corruption, the Deputy Commissioner, Controls and Customs and Excise of the Department of Trade, Industry and Customs, the Assistant Commissioner, Customs and Excise Service, the Senior Superintendent (Operations), Customs and Excise, the Officer-in­ Charge of the Forensic Science Laboratory, the Director of Criminal

Investigation, and other senior officers of the Police, Narcotics Bureau.



The Commissioner arrived in Singapore on 11 March 1979. He met with the Director of the Central Narcotics Bureau and the Deputy Director of that Bureau. He later was received by the Minister for Home Affairs and the Deputy Secretary of the Department.


Rangoon: The Commissioner and Senior Counsel arrived in Rangoon on 13 March 1979 and were met by the Australian Ambassador who had made appointments necessary to provide the Commission with full background

material on illegal drugs in Burma and neighbouring countries. The Commission called upon Their Excellencies, the American Ambassador, and the British Ambassador.

The Commissioner was received by and had a lengthy discussion with the Minister for Home and Religious Affairs and the Director-General of the People's Police Force.

The Commission visited the Ministry for Education and had a most useful discussion and exchange of information with the Deputy Minister for Education, the Director-General, Department of Basic Education, the Director of Foreign Relations, the Assistant Director, Health Education Bureau, and the Divisional Education Officer, Rangoon Division. The

Commission called upon the Chairman of the Council of Peoples Justices, who was attended by a member of the Council of Peoples Justices, the Director-General of the Central Court of the Council of Peoples

Justices, and the Director of that Central Court. The Commission made a point of meeting with judges at every place visited although these notes do not always refer to those meetings.

The Commission was conducted upon an inspection of the Rangoon Psychiatric Hospital at Kaba Aye, Pagoda Road, Mayangon by the Medical Superintendent who had in attendance two psychiatrists from his staff.


The Deputy Director of Mental Care, of the Department of Health, also attended a conference, held after the inspection, at which methods of treatment and statistical and other evaluation of methods of treatment were discussed.

The Commission also inspected the Forensic Laboratory of the Criminal Investigation Department of Burma and conferred with the Director and senior officers of his staff.

Whilst in Rangoon the Commission had the opportunity of engaging in a discussion with the United Nations Liaison Officer associated with the U. N.--Burma Program for Drug Abuse Control. During the Commission's stay, it obtained an overall view of the problems associated with the eradication of poppy growing in Burma and the practicality of

implementing effective crop substitution programs.


The Commission was in Thailand from 17 to 23 March 1979. On arrival the Commission was met by the Acting Deputy Secretary (Operations) Narcotics Control Board and senior officers of his staff, as well as by Australian officials. A Police Lieutenant of the Division of Foreign Affairs was assigned to assist the Commission as a liaison officer and

remained with the Commission throughout the entire visit. Whilst in Bangkok meetings were held with the Deputy Minister of the Interior and Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Thailand Military, the Director-General of the Royal Thailand Police, and their senior staff. The Commission visited the Tham Krabog Monastery in Saraburi Province. The Commission was received by the Abbot and observed traditional methods used for

treatment and rehabilitation of addicts. The Commission visited the ThanYarak Narcotic Hospital and Rehabilitation Centre at Rangcit near Bangkok. The Medical Superintendent and his staff conducted the Commission on an inspection of the premises during which various forms of treatment were discussed with the staff and with addicts. Systems for keeping appropriate statistics were also the subject of discussion.

Accompanied by the Australian Ambassador a call was made on the Police Major-General in charge of the Narcotics Control Board. The Commission was given a full briefing on drug enforcement and suppression activities and the difficulties associated with it. Considerable attention was paid to the availability of crop substitution as an eradication measure. The Commission met and talked with many officers of the Narcotics Control Board and had the opportunity of observing large quantities of drugs recently seized.

The Commission visited the Minister of Education and had lengthy discussions with him and his staff. The involvement of the family and teachers, the role of religion, and the support of local councils and communities were canvassed.

The Commission called on the Under-Secretary of State for the Ministry of Public Health in the company of the Director-General and senior officials. The Commission inspected the Department's forensic laboratory, particularly that portion of it associated with the analysis of drugs.

On 20 March 1979 the Commission flew from Bangkok to Chiang Mai


accompanied by the Police Major-General, the Acting Deputy Secretary (Operations), Narcotics Control Board, and other senior officers. Prior to departure from Bangkok Airport an inspection was made of the Customs facilities and of the use of drug detector dogs. On arrival, at the

request of the Commission, a visit to the Chiang Mai Gaol was made and the opportunity was taken to speak with prisoners and prison wardens on drug-related matters. The Commissioner met the Superintendent and senior officers of the gaol.

The Commission travelled by Land Rover to inspect the Thai--U. N. crop substitution project at Mae Sae Mai. The Commission saw at first hand the techniques used for substituting a variety of crops for the growing of opium poppies.

On 21 March 1979 the Commission proceeded by Thai police helicopter to inspect some of the poppy growing areas on the Thai border and some of the crop substitution programs. Apart from narcotics officers and police officers the Commission had the advantage of the company of the UNFDAC representative. The Commission landed at San Muen New and

inspected the U . N. project in that area. The Commission then flew to the border post of Ban Mueng Pok near the Thai--Burmese border and had discussions with the border patrol police. The Commission then flew along the Burma--Thailand border and landed at Chiang Rai. A visit to Mai Sai, on the border of Burma and Thailand and close to where the Laos

border meets both those borders, gave the Commission the opportunity of observing the difficulties of sealing national borders in this area against drug smuggling. The Commission then flew back directly to Chiang Mai, overflying areas which showed the result of 'slash and burn' agriculture.

On 22 March 1979 the Commission visited the Chiang Mai University and spoke with the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture and the Project Manager for the University of Queensland's research undertaking at that university. Crop substitution, pasture improvement, and the problems

and benefits associated with them were discussed in detail. The Commission later had a lengthy discussion with officers of the United States Drug Enforcement Administration. At all times the Commission was assisted by two liaison officers of the Australian Narcotics Bureau

stationed in Bangkok.


Kuala Lumpur: The Commission arrived in Malaysia at Kuala Lumpur on 23 March 1979. A call was made on the Minister of Home Affairs. The

Commissioner and Senior Counsel had a long discussion with the Minister who provided every assistance for the Commission to get the maximum benefit from the visit. The Commission visited Malacca to inspect the Sekolah Henry Gurnay and Air Keruh Schools for delinquent youth.

Lengthy discussions were had with both the staff and the youths attending the schools.

The Commission called on the Minister of Welfare Services for Malaysia and later an extensive briefing on rehabilitation aspects of drug abuse was undertaken by the Director-General of Social Welfare and his staff. During the Commission's visit it inspected the Drug Rehabilitation Centre (PEMADAM) and had discussions with the Director


and senior members of the staff. PEMADAM is a volunteer organisation formed to educate the public on the dangers of drug abuse and to get public participation in the fight against drug abuse. It also assists those with drug-related problems.

An extensive briefing on anti-drug-smuggling measures was provided by the Director-General of Customs, the Assistant Director of the Preventive Branch, the Deputy Director of the Preventive Branch, and other senior officers. In addition the Commission visited the Narcotics Dog Detector Unit and witnessed a demonstration of the effectiveness of the dogs.

The Commission attended an extensive briefing at police

headquarters, presided over by the Director of the Criminal

Investigation Department. The Assistant Commissioner is Officer-in­ Charge of the Anti-Narcotic Unit, now part of the CID. He gave a

comprehensive account of the efforts presently being undertaken to suppress trafficking in illegal drugs. The former Deputy Director of the lately abolished Central Narcotics Bureau was also involved in the discussions.

A visit to the Forensic Division and a briefing by the Acting Director-General of Chemistry, Department of Chemistry (which is a division of the Department of Science, Technology and Environment) provided very useful information to the Commission on matters associated particularly with analysis of drugs. The relative value of a police-

controlled forensic laboratory as distinct from one controlled by an independent State body was canvassed.

Penang: On 28 March 1979 the Commission visited Penang and called upon the Resident Federal Judge and had discussions with him upon aspects of the laws concerning drug abuse. The Resident Judge arranged for the Commission and Counsel to visit the Penang Gaol. The Commission was shown over the entire gaol and had full discussions with senior officers.

In Penang, as in Kuala Lumpur, the Commission again had the

assistance of the liaison officers of the Australian Narcotics Bureau stationed at Kuala Lumpur. It called upon the Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police at Police Headquarters, Georgetown and had a lengthy discussion with him and the Assistant Commissioner on domestic drug problems with particular emphasis on Penang as a transit location relative to Australia and drug source countries.

The Commission wished to learn more of the statistical monitoring system upon drugs being conducted at the University of Science at Penang and a call was made upon the Vice-Chancellor and Deputy Chancellor. After general discussion the Commission had a lengthy briefing, by the Director of Drug Dependence Research, Project of Drug Abuse at the University of Science, upon systems devised by his unit, the statistics obtained as a result of the work already undertaken, and the estimates of success in relation thereto.


The Commission arrived back in Singapore on 31 March 1979. Whilst in Singapore the Commissioner again met the Minister for Home Affairs


and senior officers of his department, including the Permanent Secretary. The Commission called upon the President of SANA at Kallang. SANA is an organisation which enlists public support for the work which the government is undertaking in relation to the rehabilitation and

treatment of drug addicts. The President of SANA, who is also Chairman of the Committee on Treatment and Rehabilitation of Drug Addicts, is a private citizen who has devoted his time fully to developing and carrying out this undertaking. He accompanied the Commission on a full

inspection arranged by the Home Affairs Department of the treatment and rehabilitation centres for drug addicts at Telok Paku and Jalan Awam.

During this visit the Commission had considerable assistance from the Director of Central Narcotics Bureau and senior officers of his staff.

During the stay in Singapore, the Commission also met and had discussions with the Chairman of the Drug Rehabilitation Review Committee and the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

The Commission visited the Department of Scientific Services and had a productive discussion with the Director and his senior staff and took the opportunity to see the methods of analytical testing of drugs at first hand. The workings of the compulsory system of treatment and the part which drug analyses play in it were fully explained to the


The Commission also visited the Police Dog Unit at Ulu Pandan. After discussions with the Assistant Superintendent and his staff, a demonstration by the dogs-in-training was witnessed.

Accompanied by the Intelligence Officer of the Central Narcotics Bureau the Commission inspected the Woodlands Customs and Immigration Checkpoint at the Malaysian border and saw the narcotic dogs in action. The Commission also had the opportunity of meeting with the Senior Superintendent of Customs in charge of the Narcotics Dog Program and his

senior officers.


The Commission arrived at Jakarta on 3 April 1979. The Commission had the assistance throughout its visit to Indonesia not only of His Excellency the Australian Ambassador but also the liaison officer of the Australian Narcotics Bureau. The Commission called upon the Police

Lieutenant-General, Chief of the Indonesian National Police and after discussions with him and his senior staff received a full briefing on the drug problem as it exists in Indonesia.

The Commission also inspected police facilities, including the crime laboratory. During its visit the Commission met with the Superintendent of the Criminal Investigation Department, the Secretary-General and senior officers of Customs, the Director of the Narcotics Co-ordination Board, the Director of the Crime Laboratory, senior officers of the

Information Service and the International Relations Service of the Indonesian National Police, and the Director, Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Control of the Department of Health.


The Commission's visit to Indonesia extended to Denpasar where the Commission had discussions with senior police officers and inspected local facilities. The Narcotics Liaison Officer stationed at Jakarta accompanied the Commission to Denpasar and was of invaluable assistance.


As indicated at page A5 of the Report, in October 1977, prior to the receipt of his Commissions, the Commissioner took the opportunity of having discussions in London with officers of the Home Office and of Her Majesty's Customs having responsibility for drug law enforcement and the monitoring of the use of drugs.


In May 1978, Mr Geoffrey Miller, Junior Counsel assisting the Commission, while in the United Kingdom had discussions with authorities responsible for the treatment of heroin addicts and inspected a number of establishments engaged in such treatment.

Whilst in England he called upon and had discussions with the Principal Medical Officer, Department of Health and Social Security, the Consultant in charge of the Drug Dependence Clinic, University College Hospital, Hampstead Road and with H.M. Deputy Chief Inspector of the Drugs Branch of the Home Office.

Subsequently Counsel visited Tootingbeck Hospital, primarily to observe a slightly different approach to clinical treatment from that utilised at the University College Hospital mentioned above.

During his visit to England, Mr Miller made a close study of the workings of the Drug Dependence Clinics in their various forms. He also looked into aspects of statistics on the misuse of drugs in the United Kingdom and on the evaluation of the programs of the treatment clinics. His report back to the Commission dealt in some length with the results of heroin maintenance for heroin addicted people.

During the same visit to England, Mr Miller visited Heathrow Airport and with the assistance of senior Customs officers inspected all Customs facilities at that airport and had lengthy discussions on the

effectiveness of the various systems employed.


As mentioned in the Report on page A6, in May 1979 Mr Μ. P.

Moynihan, one of the Junior Counsel assisting the Commission, visited the West Coast of the United States in company with two of the

Commission's investigators. The main purpose of the visit was to investigate organised crime links between the United States and Australia, although other topics were also dealt with, including the use of task forces in drug law enforcement, the problems of operating joint criminal intelligence units, and aspects of the international movement of funds involved in drug trafficking.

Honolulu: In Honolulu, Counsel met and had discussions with the United States Special Attorney, Organised Crime and Racketeering Section, United States Department of Justice, the Chief of the Honolulu Police


Department, the Officer-in-Charge of the Honolulu Police Department Drug Squad, the Special Agent-in-Charge, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Hawaii, the Special Agent-in-Charge, Drug Enforcement Administration, the Special Agent-in-Charge, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, Hawaii, the Special Agent-in-Charge, U. S. Customs Service, Officer of

Investigations, Hawaii, the Special Agent-in-Charge, United States Secret Service, Department of Treasury, Hawaii, and the Officer-in­ Charge, Intelligence Division, Department of Treasury Internal Revenue Service. Meetings and discussions were had with other officers of these organisations. In the course of the meetings and discussions, particular attention was paid to the optimum organisation of law

enforcement agencies and the methods employed to deal most effectively with organised criminal activates.

In conjunction with officers of the Honolulu Police Department, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the United States Secret Service, and the United States Customs Service specific enquiries were carried out with reference to connections which had been identified between Australians believed to be involved in drugs and persons in Hawaii.

A Honolulu Police Department 'store front1 operation, acting as a receiver of stolen goods and a selling point for drugs (directed to identifying and obtaining evidence on criminals involved in such activities), was visited and seen in operation.

A joint intelligence operation in which officers of the Drug Enforcement Administration, the Honolulu Police Department, and the Internal Revenue Service collectively working to identify, investigate and obtain evidence against those engaged in large scale criminal

activities was visited.

Los Angeles: Counsel visited the Los Angeles Strike Force Organised Crime and Racketeering Section, the United States Department of Justice and had discussions with the United States Special Attorney-in-Charge, other U. S. Attorneys and personnel attached to the Strike Force. Discussions were held with the Director, Assistant Director and officers

of the Drug Enforcement Administration, Western Region. The

intelligence group of the U. S. Drug Enforcement Administration, Western Region, was also visited.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation, Los Angeles Office, was visited and discussions were held with the Special Agent-in-Charge, the Special Agent-in-Charge Organised Crime Division, and the Special Agents-in- Charge of several Organised Crime Squads, and a number of members of

those squads.

The Los Angeles Police Department, Organised Crime Intelligence Section, was visited and discussions were held with the Officer-in­ Charge and other members of the Section.

During these visits particular attention was paid to the most appropriate Law enforcement organisational arrangements and methods for dealing with organised crime. Attention was also given to experience with the task force approach. In addition, with the co-operation of the

agencies mentioned, inquiries were made into connections between known Australian criminals and United States criminal figures.


San Francisco: Counsel visited the San Francisco Strike Force of the Organised Crime and Racketeering Section, United States Department of Justice. The Drug Enforcement Administration was also visited and discussions were held with the Special Agent-in-Charge and other


The San Francisco Police Department Intelligence Division was visited and discussions were held with officers of that Division and with officers of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.


Witnesses and Submissions In the following listings a single asterisk (*) indicates evidence which was originally presented to the South Australian Royal Commission into the Non-Medical Use of Drugs and which was subsequently

incorporated into the evidence of this Commission. A double asterisk (**) indicates that the evidence referred to includes some material which was originally presented to the South Australian Royal Commission.

Commonwealth and State bodies which made submissions (persons who gave oral evidence in support indicated where appropriate).

ABORIGINAL AFFAIRS, Commonwealth Department of (T 12842A--42D) ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES, Commonwealth Department of (T 5109--19, 6302, 14980 — 81) Lamond, W. D . D ., Chief Photogrammatist, Australian Survey Office,

Canberra, ACT (T 6429-51, 14982— 84) MacLachlan, B . C ., Statistical Officer, Canberra, ACT (T 307— 20) Sheaves, D. J ., Supervising Surveyor, Australian Survey Office,

Canberra, ACT (T 6431— 51, 14982 — 84, 17410— 11) AGRICULTURE, South Australian Department of (T 14254— 55) * ALCOHOL AND DRUG ADDICTS TREATMENT BOARD: St Christopher's Drug Referral Centre, Joslin, SA (T 8425 — 60)

ALCOHOL AND DRUG AUTHORITY, WA Jee, Dr G . F. , Medical Practitioner (T 731 — 37) Parker, G. F. , Secretary (T 738 — 39) Williams, R. J. L ., MLC, (former Chairman of the Authority)

(T 712--30) ALCOHOL AND DRUG AUTHORITY, WA, Education Sub-Committee Fitzpatrick, C. G. , Assistant Director of Planning, Western Australian Department of Education (T 906--77) ALCOHOL AND DRUG DEPENDENCE INDUSTRY COMMITTEE, WA (T 13872--87) ALCOHOL AND DRUG DEPENDENCY BOARD, Tasmania (T 23146--48, 24023— 89,

24273) Clark, C. E., Chairman (T 1248--51H) ATTORNEY-GENERAL'S Department, Commonwealth (T 24094— 95) Mahony, F. J., Deputy Secretary (T 4142--84A) AUSTRALIAN ARMY

Mitford-Burgess, A. D., Captain, Royal Australian Engineers, School of Military Engineering, Officer commanding the Military Dog Section, Casula, NSW (T 21056 — 66) AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING TRIBUNAL

Gyngell, B . , Chairman, NSW (T 11254— 65A) AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF STATISTICS (T 24108--09) AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY SCHOOLS AUTHORITY (T 7365— 72) Collier, I. B. , Principal Education Officer, Curriculum Branch

(T 3464 — 87) AUSTRALIAN FOUNDATION ON ALCOHOLISM AND DRUG DEPENDENCE Garrick, Dr C. E. , University of NSW (T 14431 — 99) Waddy, Dr N. S ., Deputy Director, Central Drug and Alcohol Advisory

Service (T 14431 — 99) Webster, Professor I. W. , Professor of Community Medicine, University of NSW (T 14431 — 99) AUSTRALIAN POSTAL COMMISSION

Brady, J. L. , Secretary, Melbourne, Vic. (T 3363 — 82)


BUSINESS AND CONSUMER AFFAIRS, Commonwealth Department of (T 19283, 20630--32) Anderson, N. D., Sub-Collector, Melbourne Airport, Bureau of Customs, Vic. (T 2519--21A) Bates, B. C., Director, Enforcement and Operations Section,

Narcotics Bureau (T 17031— 46) Bates, H., Commissioner, Narcotics Bureau (T 277— 94/5, 320--63, 386--91, 14985--86, 15341--42, 16674--83, 16685--833, 16952--53, 19877--79, 20634--36, 20643--76) Beattie, R. J. , previously Collector of Customs, Tas. (T1152B--64AJ Besley, M. A . , Secretary, Department of Business and Consumer

Affairs (T 28--110, 16033--174, 17227--33, 23673--731, 24313— 15) Cahill, J. W. , First Assistant Secretary, Operations Division, Bureau of Customs, Canberra, ACT (T 16240 — 84, 19287, 20873— 84, 21264--67) Carmody, R. J. , Collector of Customs, Vic. (T 2513— 16) Clark, D. L. , Assistant Collector, Port and Special Services,

Bureau of Customs, NT (T 5711B— 13) Clout, G. H. , Sub-Collector, Parcels Post, Bureau of Customs, NSW (T 9559— 64) Darrington, H. C., then Officer-in-Charge, Narcotics Bureau, SA

(T 6560— 80) Dingli, R. J., Sub-Collector, Parcels Post, Bureau of Customs, WA (T 794— 96, 19885) Dixon, E. F. , Chief Inspector, Special Services, Bureau of Customs,

Vic. (T 2516— 19) English, P. W. , Collector of Customs, NT (T 5699— 7111A) Foster, I. A., Chief Preventive Officer, Bureau of Customs,

Canberra, ACT (T 20784--806) Gaffney, R. J. , Senior Inspector, Special Services, Bureau of Customs, SA (T 6584— 88) Gallagher, J. G., Senior Assistant Collector, Services, Bureau of

Customs, NSW (T 16386— 98) Gardiner, A. G. , Senior Investigator, Narcotics Bureau, Darwin, NT (T 21489— 520) Hutchison, A. E., Assistant Collector, Air Services, Bureau of

Customs, NSW (T 9537— 44) Keating, J. G. , Chief Inspector, Coastal Air Sea Operations Support Group, Narcotics Bureau (T 17062 — 91) Kelly, F. I., First Assistant Secretary, Operations Branch, Bureau

of Customs, Canberra, ACT (T 16487— 538, 20637— 41, 23159— 60, 23213— 15, 24139— 53, 24288, 24312) Light, G. E., Senior Assistant Collector, Services, Bureau of Customs, Qld (T 4502--10) Luckman, A. B., Collector of Customs, SA (T 6580A--84) Mackay, J. W. , Officer-in-Charge, Narcotics Bureau, Darwin, NT

(T 5917 — 33) McMahon, R. P., Chief Inspector, Special Services, Bureau of Customs, NSW (T 9554— 58, 16418 — 27, 19275 — 81) Mitchell, D. J., Commander, Southern Region, Narcotics Bureau

(T 2319— 50, 17093— 126, 22236--44C) Moore, W. W . , Collector of Customs, Qld (T 4498— 501) Olsen, I., Acting Collector of Customs, WA (T 764— 74) O'Shea, K. M . , Sub-Collector, Parcels Post, Bureau of Customs, Vic.

(T 2521B--22) Phillips, R. J., Commander, Eastern Region, Narcotics Bureau (T 9760A--95F)


Reynolds, K. R. , Officer-in-Charge, Narcotics Bureau, SA (T 22488 — 94) Ridley, B . S . , Officer-in-Charge, Narcotics Bureau, Tas. (T 1165 — 70, 22063— 66) Rogers, M. J. , Commander, Northern Region, Narcotics Bureau

(T 4474— 97 , 17135— 37, 17166— 71) Scanlan, J . L. , Sub-Collector, Brisbane Airport, Bureau of Customs, Qld (T 4513) Schramm, D . J . , Assistant Director, National Enforcement Section,

Narcotics Bureau (T 16983 — 96, 16998--17010, 17030) Scullion, D . J . , Director, Information and Intelligence Section, Narcotics Bureau (T 16956 — 75) Sheen, G. E. , Collector of Customs, NSW (T 9532— 36, 16303 — 45,

16369 — 75, 17721A— 929, 20885 — 95, 23353 — 57) Smedley, D. J . , Director, Applications Section, ADP Branch, Department of Business and Consumer Affairs (T 16549— 59) Sullivan, B . J. , Assistant Collector, Port Services, Bureau of

Customs, NSW (T 9545 — 53) Summers, L. V., Senior Inspector, Special Services, Bureau of Customs, Qld (T 4511 — 12) Travers, J . A., Commander, Western Region, Narcotics Bureau

(T 607 — 52, 670— 72, 22397— 408) Waugh, J . A. McB., Sub-Collector, Parcels Post, Bureau of Customs, SA (T 6587 — 88) Wright, F. J. , Sub-Collector, Parcels Post, Bureau of Customs, Qld

(T 4515 — 17) CAPITAL TERRITORY, Commonwealth Department of the (T 17287— 312) CHIEF MINISTER, Northern Territory Department of the (T 22831--42) COMMONWEALTH BANKING CORPORATION

Healy, P. B ., Bank Officer, Kingston Branch, ACT (T 422--22A) Hiscox, F . G . , Bank Officer, Canberra City Branch, ACT (T 425--25A) Jeffery, A. G. , Bank Officer, Canberra City Branch, ACT

(T 423 — 24) COMMONWEALTH POLICE FORCE (C0MP0L) Adams, J. W. , Detective Senior Sergeant, Officer-in-Charge, Major Crimes Squad, Qld (T 4640--43)

Buchanan, J. , Detective Senior Sergeant, Officer-in-Charge, Crime Intelligence Section, Tas. (T 1202 — 04) Burrows, J., Chief Inspector, Officer-in-Charge, Airport Police Branch, NSW (T 9573 — 77/78) Cook, R. G., Detective Inspector, Officer-in-Charge, Crime

Intelligence Section, Vic. (T 2741 — 44) Davis, J . M. , Commissioner (T 442 — 72, 21161 — 66, 21283 — 88) Dixon, R. E . , Officer-in-Charge, Australian National Central Bureau (Interpol) (T 110— 18)

Gillespie, R . H . , Acting Chief Superintendent and Officer-in­ Charge, NSW (T 9564A--72A) Hall, Dr M. C . , Principal Research Officer, ACT (T 4041 — 131, 23754— 64) Haswell, D. H. , Officer-in-Charge, Drug Section, Australia Crime

Intelligence Centre (T 153— 57, 159 — 92) Headland, N. , Senior Superintendent, Officer-in-Charge, SA and NT, (latterly ACT District) (T 6588— 600, 23316 — 23, 23325A--28) Lamb, P. J. , Detective Inspector (T 23328 — 50)

Spitz, N. F. , Senior Constable, Drug Liaison Officer, Crime Intelligence Section, WA (T 890 — 91)


Taylor, D . F., Inspector, Acting Officer-in-Charge, WA (T 883 — 89) Tilbrook, R. J., Senior Sergeant, Officer-in-Charge, Crime Intelligence Section, WA (T 889--90) COMMUNITY WELFARE, Western Australian Department of

Dufty, B. J., Acting Chief Clinical Psychologist (T 13750--68) CORRECTIONS, Western Australian Department of (T 21095--137) COUNTRY ROADS BOARD, Vic. (T 2875 — 77) CROWN SOLICITORS OFFICE, NSW (T 17187 — 226) CSIRO, ACT (T 22806 — 811) DEFENCE, Commonwealth Department of (T 1 1639 — 40, 22905, 24131— 36)

Jordan, J. C., Air Vice-Marshal, Chief of Joint Operations and Plans (T 1642— 52) EDUCATION, Commonwealth Department of Brooks, M. L., Principal Education Advisor, NT (T 6118— 30)

Gallacher, J. D., Assistant Director of Northern Territory Education (T 13663 — 81) EDUCATION DEPARTMENT, Victoria Bavington, N. E., Inspector of Secondary Schools (T 8874— 93, 8901,

13555 — 56) EDUCATION DEPARTMENT, Queensland Hamilton, W. L., Deputy Director-General (T 2229 — 43, 5222 — 26) Varley, P. J. , Research Officer (T 2244— 47, 2268) ** EDUCATION DEPARTMENT, South Australia (T 8670 — 707, 14172— 229) ** Lindner, B. C., Professional Assistant to the Director of

Research and Planning (T 14140 — 247) ** Wadrop, N. R., Co-ordinator of the Health Education Project (T 14140 — 247) EDUCATION DEPARTMENT, Western Australia

Fitzpatrick, C. G., Assistant Director of Planning (T 906— 77) EDUCATION DEPARTMENT, Tasmania Lennox, D. G. , Student Counsellor (T 4234 — 42) Scott, J. G., Director of Schools and Colleges (T 4233, 4243— 48) EMPLOYMENT AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS, Commonwealth Department of

(T 14633--34) ENVIRONMENT, HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, Commonwealth Department of (T 13539) ENVIRONMENT, South Australian Department of (T 14252, 14256) FOREIGN AFFAIRS, Commonwealth Department of (T 14987— 15000,

21614— 17, 21625 — 49, 23186 — 212, 23220) Kelso, J. R. , Assistant Secretary, International Organisations and Consular Division (T 3429— 584) FREMANTLE PORT AUTHORITY, WA (T 22823 — 24) GEELONG HARBOUR TRUST COMMISSIONERS (T 22793— 94) HARBOUR AND LIGHT, Western Australian Department of (T 22825— 27) HARBOURS AND MARINE, Queensland Department of (T 24120) HEALTH, Commonwealth Department of (T 19891 — 92, 22864 — 72,

23150--52 , 23940--4022) de Souza, Dr D . , First Assistant Director-General of Health (T 140/41— 53, 15075 — 76, 15080--82/4, 21022--52, 21053--55, 22851— 56, 22861--63, 23153--55, 23934— 39, 24296 — 99) Drew, Dr L. R. H., Senior Medical Adviser, Alcohol and Drug

Dependence, Division of Therapeutics (T 20230--97, 20308— 56, 20358— 74, 20597 — 601, 22843— 49, 22918— 21) Evans, C. P. V., Deputy Director-General (T 3606 — 4032, 20308 — 56, 23156 — 57)

Foster, B. , Assistant Director, Pharmaceutical Branch, SA (T 6648 — 59)


Goggins, R. W., Assistant Director, Pharmaceutical Section, NSW (T 9750--55) Green, A. A., Pharmacist, Qld (T 5201--11) Grotowski, F . R., Director, International Education Branch, ACT

(T 3460--64) Kosoff, G. , Director, Ultrasonics Institute, NSW (T 12322--30) McDonough, J. T. , Assistant Director (Pharmaceutical)

(T 22337--44) Mackenzie, C. E . , Acting Director, Drug of Dependence Section, ACT (T 15077--95, 15425--27, 20276--77, 20511 — 601, 23931 — 32) Murdoch, D. , Director, Drugs of Dependence Section, ACT

(T 5097--107) Murton, M . , Acting Assistant Director (Pharmaceutical), Hobart, Tas. (T 1355 — 61) Nolan, J. M. , Acting Senior Executive Officer, Drugs of Dependence

Section, ACT (T 20375 — 404, 21611, 23148 — 49) Webb, Dr R. C ., Commonwealth Director of Health for Victoria (T 2831--48) ---- HEALTH COMMISSION of New South Wales (T 9660— 717, 9733— 41A,

24115 — 17, 24310— 11) Griffin, B. C., Chief Pharmacist (T 9718--32) O'Neill, Dr P. J. J., Co-ordinator of Addiction Services for the Hunter Health Region (T 11746— 66) Rankin, Dr J . G. D . , Director, Division of Drug and Alcohol Service

(T 20920 — 51) HEALTH COMMISSION of Victoria (T 8461 — 65) Aldred, Dr J. E ., Acting Assistant Director, Public Health Division, (Food and Drugs) (T 2462--80, 9087— 104, 22265 — 76,

22881--904) Rankin, Dr D. W . , Chief Health Education Officer (T 3052--69A) Ross, J. W. , Senior Poisons Control Officer, Poisons Division (T 9104 — 21, 24300) HEALTH, Queensland Department of (T 23159, 24276— 80)

Hatch, J . D. , Senior Information Education Officer, Alcohol and Drug Dependence Service (T 15861 — 921,) Keefer, K. F., Chief Inspector, Drugs and Poisons (T 2248— 62, 24396— 400) Urquhart, Dr G. S . , Director of Psychiatric Services (T 2208 — 20) Wilson, Dr. D. G. , Government Medical Officer (T 2071 — 87) HEALTH COMMISSION, South Australian

Davis, J . L ., Senior Pharmacist (T 22443— 79, 23139--42) McCarthy, R. C . , Principal Pharmacist (T 7116 — 88) HEALTH EDUCATION COUNCIL of Western Australia Carr, J. T., Executive Officer (T 13726— 38A)

HEALTH SERVICES, Tasmanian Department of Potts, F. D . , Chief Inspecting Pharmacist, Pharmaceutical Services Section (T 1384 — 404B, 4383 — 414, 21092 — 94, 22107 — 50, 22157--87, 23908, 24090, 24286) Ryall, J. E ., Chemist, Government Analyst Laboratory (T 1405— 16) HEALTH, Northern Territory Department of (T 24295)

Gurd, Dr C. H. , Director of Health, Darwin (T 5874— 90, 21549 — 59) HEALTH COMMISSION, Capital Territory (T 7441 — 52, 12100 — 04, 23157— 58, 24281--85) Bugler, V. F . , Senior Pharmaceutical Inspector (T 1569— 83)

Mickleburgh, W. E., Director, Mental Health Branch (T 1583— 98) HOME AFFAIRS, Commonwealth Department of (T 5115 — 19)


IMMIGRATION AND ETHNIC AFFAIRS, Commonwealth Department of (T 23216— 19, 23221— 42, 24096— 105) Bleaney, K. J., Assistant Secretary, Control Branch, ACT (T 1614— 33) McDonough, E . G., Assistant Secretary, Program Control and

Development Branch, ACT (T 1634— 42) Owen, K. T., Acting Regional Director, Darwin, NT (T 6348— 55) (T 23224— 42) INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT, Northern Territory Department of

(T 22817 — 18) INDUSTRY AND COMMERCE, Commonwealth Department of (T 12841--42A) JUSTICE Department, Queensland Atkinson, H. A. J., Executive Officer, Administration Division,

Brisbane, Qld (T 5086--94) Latchford, J. C . , Chief Stipendiary Magistrate, Brisbane, Qld (T 2088--98) LABOUR AND INDUSTRY, Western Australia Department of (T 19947 — 49) LAW Department, Victoria (T 9500--01) MARINE AND HARBOURS, South Australian Department of (T 22804--05) MARINE BOARD of Victoria (T 22798) MARITIME SERVICES BOARD of NSW (T 22787— 92) MENTAL HEALTH AUTHORITY, Victoria

Krupinski, Dr J. , Director of Research (T 3011 — 34) * MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES, South Australia (T 7518— 51) MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES COMMISSION of Tasmania Fenton, Dr B. K. , Acting Senior Medical Officer, Alcohol and Drug

Dependency Service (T 1204--24) MINES, ENERGY and POLICE, Queensland Department of (T 17279 — 86) MINES, Western Australian Department of (T 13785— 90) MINISTRY FOR CONSERVATION, Victoria (T 22795 — 96) NEW SOUTH WALES DRUG AND ALCOHOL AUTHORITY (T 23913--26)

Stewart, B. D. , Secretary (T 23405 — 27, 23910 — 12) NORTHERN TERRITORY, Commonwealth Department of (T 9897— 901) Donnelly, R. F ., Acting Assistant Secretary, Social Development Branch, Darwin, NT·(T 6198--220) NORTHERN TERRITORY PORT AUTHORITY (T 22819) POLICE Department, New South Wales (T 17187 — 226)

Astill, K. S . , Detective Sergeant. Drug Squad (T 23466 — 68) Lawrence, P. A. G., Detective Inspector, Officer-in-Charge, Drug Squad (T 23459 — 66) POLICE Department, Victoria (T 22775 — 79)

Baker, G. D ., Detective Inspector, Officer-in-Charge, CIB Drug Bureau (T 2749--87B, 17259 — 78, 22205 — 18) Deimos, P. J., Senior Sergeant, Dog Squad, Westmeadows (T 22228 — 35) POLICE Department, Queensland (T 21188, 22780— 81, 24114)

Barratt, 0. D., Inspector of Police, CIB Juvenile Bureau (T 2102— 14) Carter, E. I., Officer-in-Charge, Planning and Research Branch (T 20751 — 71) Ferguson, T. N., Detective Senior Sergeant, Officer-in-Charge,

Drug Squad (T 2040--70) Howley, W. P., Superintendent, Internal Investigation Unit (T 20004— 24) McIntyre, R. N., Assistant Commissioner, Crime and Services

Division (T 2037 — 39) O'Neill, B. R., Inspector, Officer-in-Charge of Records(T 2099— 101)


** POLICE, South Australian Department of (T 8292--380, 8382--424A, 21140--60, 22763— 65) Collins, P. A., Superintendent-in-Charge, Drug, Fraud and Business Agents Squad (T 22479--8S) POLICE AND TRAFFIC, Western Australian Department of (T 17183— 85,

17323--26, 22769 — 71) Ayres, D. T . , Inspector, Administration Officer, Drug Squad (T 507X--38, 22377--96A) POLICE AND ROAD SAFETY, Tasmanian Department of (T 17235— 57,

22772 — 74) Belbin, R. E ., Detective Sergeant, acting Officer-in-Charge, State Drug Bureau (T 22040— 58) Cashion, T. W . , Inspector, Officer-in-Charge, State Drug Bureau

(T 1068--40B, 4275— 86) POLICE, Northern Territory Department of (T 6889, 17314— 21, 22766 — 68) Fardell, B . W. , Detective Sergeant-in-Charge, Drug Squad, Darwin

(T 21521 — 48) Goedegebuure, W. L ., Chief Inspector of Police (T 5662— 98) * POLICE, Australian Capital Territory (T 7411— 25) Craft, D. J. , Detective 3rd Class (T 211 — 25, 227— 53, 23566--603)


Johnson, R . W. , Director, Botany Branch (T 5212— 19, 17537 — 38, 21268) PROBATION AND PAROLE SERVICE of Western Australia George, J. , Deputy Chief Probation and Parole Officer (T 653— 59) PROBATION AND PAROLE SERVICE, Tasmania

Mackay, J . G. , Probation Officer (T 1369 — 80) * PUBLIC HEALTH, South Australian. Department of (T 7117 — 322, 8124--62, 8579 — 618) PUBLIC HEALTH, Western Australian Department of

Griffiths, W., Principal Pharmacist, Pharmaceutical Services Branch (T 857 — 72, 22300--36) PUBLIC SERVICE BOARD, Commonwealth Office of the Woodward, L. B . , Acting Deputy Commissioner, Canberra, ACT

(T 14635 — 71, 15953, 17518 — 20) PUBLIC WORKS, Victorian Department of (T 22799 — 800) QANTAS AIRWAYS (T 21925 — 27) Burge, Μ. E. P. , Employee Relations Director, NSW (T 10050--53)

Chaseling, T. A., Security Manager, NSW (T 10042--49) Howell, Dr D. J. , Director of Medical Services, NSW (T 10053A— 54) QUEENSLAND FISHERIES SERVICE (T 22801) QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT CHEMICAL LABORATORY (T 24111— 13) RESERVE BANK OF AUSTRALIA

Leighton, G. R. , Manager, Exchange Control Department, Sydney, NSW (T 19880--82, 20064--66) ROYAL AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE Dove, R. W. G., Flight Lieutenant, Officer-in-Charge, RAAF Police

Dog Training Centre, Toowoomba, Qld (T 21067— 78) Haywood, R. H. , Flight Lieutenant, Richmond, NSW (T 11667 — 79) Pryor, C. J. , Group Captain, Commanding Officer, RAAF Base, Darwin, NT (T 6303--04) Wimhurst, A.( R . , Flight Lieutenant, Air Traffic Controller, Darwin,

NT (T 6305 — 09)


ROYAL AUSTRALIAN NAVY (T 6519) SCIENCE, Commonwealth Department of Falls, R. , Regional Director, Bureau of Meteorology, Darwin, NT (T 6382— 85)

Goleby, R. S ., Assistant Secretary, Scientific and Technological Policy Branch, Canberra, ACT (T 1998--2006) Norris, R. C . , Acting Government Analyst, Australian Government Analytical Laboratories, Canberra, ACT (T 1977 — 98, 24118— 19) SENATE STANDING COMMITTEE ON SOCIAL WELFARE

Baume, Dr P. E ., Senator for NSW, Chairman (T 12358--75) Walters, Senator M. S .,. Tas. (T 12376--85) SOCIAL SECURITY, Commonwealth Department of (T 13537--38) SOCIAL WELFARE Department, Victoria (T 17540) TASMANIAN FISHERIES DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (T 22815--16) TASMANIAN GOVERNMENT YOUTH SUPPORT PROGRAMME

Ryan, S. J., Regional Officer, Launceston (T 4415--23) TASMANIAN SELECT COMMITTEE ON VICTIMLESS CRIME (T 19288--371) TRANS-AUSTRALIA AIRLINES (T 21919 — 21) TRANSPORT, Commonwealth Department of (T 10571, 11638— 39,

11649— 52, 15086— 107) Brown, W. A. J., Acting Superintendent, Air Safety Investigation Branch, SA Region (T 6889A--89G, 8843) Dunn, M. D ., Assistant Secretary, Environment and Security Branch,

Vic. (T 10566--70, 14794A— 95, 15429--529) Eccles, P. B. , Acting First Assistant Secretary, Coastal Services Division, Vic. (T 10572 — 78, 15735 — 65, 20981 — 1005, 23161 — 62) Elliott, R. R. F., Chief Marine Surveyor, Vic. (T 10558--63) Green, R. M. , Assistant Director, Operations, NSW Region

(T 10582--83) Hendy, E. N. , Director, Coastal Surveillance, Policy and Planning Section, ACT (T 23776 — 83, 24121 — 30) Lane, Dr J. C ., Director of Aviation Medicine, Vic. (T 10553— 57) Leonard, K . J. , Assistant Secretary, Operational Services Branch,

Airways Operations Division, Vic. (T 10579 — 81, 10668 — 72, 10765) Lord, F . B ., Supervisor, Air Traffic Control, Darwin, NT (T 5768 — 75, 6296--301) McGorey, C. J. , Airport Director, Darwin International Airport,

NT (T 5765— 67) McKinlay, D. R . , Assistant Director, Air Operations Branch, Queensland Region (T 4813 — 22) Milne, J. V., Assistant Director, Surface Operations Branch,

Queensland Region (T 4823 — 34) Newton, L. R. , Assistant Director, Air Operations, WA Region (T 990— 1004) Pearson, A., Assistant Director, Surface Operations, NSW Region

(T 10584 — 90) South, D. R . , Psychologist, Road Safety Research Section, Office of Road Safety, Vic. (T 2879 — 2901) Taylor, D. G., Director, Rail Standardisation and Development, Rail

Branch, Land Transport Policy Division, SA (T 10564--65) Taylor, R. M., Deputy Secretary, Surface Operations, ACT (T 10547 — 52) Wood, C. P. , Marine Surveyor, Darwin, NT (T 5758 — 64) TRANSPORT REGULATION BOARD, Victoria (T 2874— 78) TRANSPORT, Western Australian Department of (T 5127— 33)

Scriven, F. H. S ., Senior Marine Surveyor (T 976-89)


TRANSPORT COMMISSION, Tasmania (T 22813— 14) TRANSPORT AND INDUSTRY, Northern Territory Department of (T 6395 — 96) TREASURY, Commonwealth Department of (T 19882A--84)

Pooley, F . G . H. , Assistant Secretary, Canberra, ACT (T 20064--66) VETERANS' AFFAIRS, Commonwealth Department of (T 12307) Barsden, Dr G. N . , Director, Medical Services, WA (T 878— 82) Coleman, Dr R. H ., Director, Medical Services, NSW (T 10510— 19)

Cooper, Dr G. W . , Director, Medical Services, Vic. (T 2848--54A) Phillips, D. L. , Senior Pharmacist, Qld (T 4742 — 45) Rogers, R. B . , Deputy Commissioner, SA (T 6697 — 708) Storen, W. J . , Acting Chief Pharmacist, Repatriation General

Hospital, Daw Park, SA (T 6689 — 96) Todd, Dr B . E ., Director, Medical Services, Qld (T 4735--41, 9901A— 02) WESTERN AUSTRALIAN COASTAL SHIPPING COMMMISSION (T 22820— 22)


Organisations (other than Commonwealth and State bodies) which made submissions supported by oral evidence (persons who gave oral evidence indicated) .

ACTION RESOURCE CENTRE, Vic. Cannon, R. L . , Legal Department,(T 2360--64) Parker, M. J. , Finance and Management Co-ordinator (T 2357--60) ADDCARE SERVICE, Melbourne, Vic.

Appleby, Rev. A. N., Director (T 13512— 17) ADMINISTRATIVE AND CLERICAL OFFICERS ASSOCIATION (Commonwealth Public Service) Paraggio, P. R. , Union Representative (T 12966--83C)

Peck, W . , Federal Secretary (T 12956--83C, 19864) ADVERTISING FEDERATION OF AUSTRALIA Clemenger, J. L., Chairman (T 15922--52) Robertson D . C ., representative of a member company (T 15922--52)

Wallace, T. B . , Director and Secretary (T 15922--52) ASSOCIATION EXPOSING PSEUDO-RELIGIOUS CULTS, Melbourne, Vic. Horwood, R . S ., member (T 17954--73) Plummer, M. S ., Research Officer (T 17954--73) AUSTRALASIAN SOCIETY OF ENGINEERS, Tasmanian Branch


(Western Australia) Jenkins, G. A., President (T 1028--33) AUSTRALIAN BANKERS ASSOCIATION, Queensland (T 19970--20003) AUSTRALIAN GREEK WELFARE SOCIETY

Moraitis, Dr S . , President, Vic. (T 268S--97) AUSTRALIAN KIDNEY FOUNDATION and AUSTRALASIAN SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY Stewart, Dr J. H. , Medical Practitioner (T 10591--667) AUSTRALIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION (T 21884--21916) ** AUSTRALIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, New South Wales Branch

Davies, Dr G. R. W. , Branch Councillor (T 9795G--818A), (T 21719 — 46) Reed, Dr C. S. H. , President-elect (T 9795G--818A) AUSTRALIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, South Australian Branch

Priestley, Dr B. G., Senior Lecturer in Pharmacology, University of Adelaide (T 8772--802) AUSTRALIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Western Australian Branch Blake, Dr L. G., member (T 22419--25) AUSTRALIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Tasmanian Branch

Cartledge, Dr J. M., Honorary Secretary (T 22001— 17) Corney, Dr A. C. D., Medical Practitioner (T 4271— 74) AUSTRALIAN PHARMACEUTICAL MANUFACTURERS' ASSOCIATION Kelly, N. R. , Executive Director (T 12537 — 634, 14671) AUSTRALIAN PUBLIC SERVICE ASSOCIATION (Fourth Division Officers)

Ihlein, G. R. , Senior Industrial Research Officer (T 20808--72) Mullaly, T. J. , member (T 20808 — 72) AUSTRALIAN VOLUNTARY EUTHANASIA SOCIETY Parramore, T. I., National Secretary (T 10765A--81A) AUSTRALIAN YOUNG LABOR

Loosely, S., National Secretary (T 9846--61B) AUSTRALIAN YOUNG LABOR, ACT Branch Quiggin J. C . , President (T 23603 — 45)


BANK OF NEW SOUTH WALES, Curtin, ACT Carolan, P . , Bank Clerk (T 421) BANK OF NEW SOUTH WALES, Woden Valley, ACT Webster, B . A., Manager's Assistant (T 425A--26) BANYAN HOUSE

French, R . , House Director, Forster Foundation for Drug Rehabilitation, NT (T 5891--903) BOYS' TOWN Fleming, Father W. D ., Rector, NSW (T 10789— 91) BUOYANCY FOUNDATION OF VICTORIA

Bryant, A. J. M . , Senior Social Worker (T 3082--99) CALTEX YOUTH FUND OF NEW SOUTH WALES Fitzgerald, A. C ., Chairman (T 14685--90) CANNABIS CONSUMERS LOBBY OF THE NORTHERN TERRITORY

Lawrence, T. E ., Co-ordinator (T 63S6--62) CANNABIS RESEARCH FOUNDATION OF AUSTRALIA Billington, J. R. , Founder (T 10829--47) Livesey, P., Legal Representative (T 23--2S)

Parsons, A. W . , Director (T 2432--S2) CATHOLIC CHURCH IN TASMANIA, Diocesan Pastoral Council Kilby, Father C .B . , Director, Catholic Family Welfare Bureau (T 4208--32C) CHILDREN'S PROTECTION SOCIETY, Vic.

Clemens, A. A., President (T 9151— 57) COMMERCIAL BANK OF AUSTRALIA, Hobart Place, Canberra, ACT Elmer, R. J . , Accountant (T 419--20) COMMERCIAL BANK OF AUSTRALIA, Woden Valley, ACT

Campion, S. C ., Accountant (T 424--24A) COMMONWEALTH POLICE OFFICERS' ASSOCIATION Claydon, L. J., Senior Vice-President (T 4644--S5) COMMUNITY STANDARDS ORGANISATION, Queensland Branch

Cook, G. E . , Secretary (T 2137--42) COMMUNITY SYSTEMS FOUNDATION (AUSTRALIA), NSW Cabban, P. T ., Chief Secretary and Executive Officer (T 11918--58) CUSTOMS OFFICERS' ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA (Fourth Division)

Gorman, M. J., Federal General Secretary (T16590--603) CUSTOMS OFFICERS' ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA (Fourth Division), NSW Branch Bennett, P. P ., President (T 12458--98S)

Spanswick, R. G ., State Secretary (T 12458--98S) CUSTOMS OFFICERS’ ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA (Fourth Division), Victorian Branch Weight, G. H. A., State Secretary (T 9249--51) DARWIN AND DISTRICT ALCOHOL AND DRUG DEPENDENCE FOUNDATION

Wood, Canon C. M . , Foundation Chairman (T 6373--81) DEAKIN SHIRE COUNCIL, Vic. Claridge, N. T . , Assistant Shire Engineer (T 13528--36A) Grummitt, N. W. , Councillor (T 13528--36A) DROP-IN CENTRE, SCOTS CHURCH, SA

Derrick, B ., Full-time Supervisor (T 7335--40) DRUG REFERRAL AND INFORMATION CENTRE, ACT Moriarty, Sister P. M. , Co-ordinator (T 23645--71) DRUG USERS PARENTS AID (DUPA) FOUNDATION, Vic.

Searle, P. L., Social Worker (T 3218--44, 13554--56) EAGLEHAWK AND LONG GULLY COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTRE Hungerford, J. W. B., Social Worker, Vic. (T 9158--64, 9168) EVANGELICAL LAYMANS INVOLVEMENT MINISTRY


Shepherd, R. J., Counsellor, Vic. (T 2906--18) FESTIVAL OF LIGHT, NSW Nile, Rev. F. J. , National Co-ordinator and State Director, (T 10272--400A, 17576) FESTIVAL OF LIGHT, SA ** Phillips, Dr D. M. , Chairman, South Australian Branch (T 6820--88)


McBride, J. W. , Project Officer (T 10735--57- 1 Seaborn, Dr R. F. M., President (T 12251A--o^n) GEELONG CENTRE FOR ALCOHOL AND DRUG DEPENDENCE Larkins, K. P. F. , Director (T 3100--07) GENERAL PRACTITIONERS SOCIETY IN AUSTRALIA, Western Australian

Branch Gulland, Dr I. F . , spokesman (T 22364B--73A) GENERAL PRACTITIONERS SOCIETY IN AUSTRALIA, Southern Tasmanian Branch

Mackey, Dr D. P., President (T 22017--40) G. P. MANN, REIS and ASSOCIATES Mann, G. P . , Public Accountant, Canberra, ACT (T 427--3S) GROW, Marrickville, NSW

Keogh, Dr C. B., Programme Director (T 11292--11545) Ryan, R . , Social Worker (T 11551--53B) Sprague, Dr. C., Leadership Training Co-ordinator (T 11292— 545, 17544--75) HAWKER de HAVILLAND AUSTRALIA PTY LTD

Schaetzel, S. S., Technical Director (T 9609--50E) HOSPITAL BENEFITS ASSOCIATION (Victoria) Sheppard, E. R. , Publicity Manager (T 13495--507) Whiting, E. W. , Assistant General Manager, Marketing (T 13495--507) INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS ASSOCIATION OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA

Dickinson, W. R . , Headmaster, Scotch College, Swanbourne, WA (T 841--57) KAMARN BREEDERS FOUNDATION LTD, Toorak, Vic. Luxton, T. R. , Managing Director and Chairman (T 22276--S7) LABOR COUNCIL OF NEW SOUTH WALES

Unsworth, B. J. , Assistant Secretary (T 16454-86) LANGTON CLINIC, Moore Park, NSW Maclaine, J. D., Psychologist (T 12386--402) Oakes, R. E., Chief Executive Officer (T 12403)

Salemann, Dr C. W. , Medical Director (T 12404) LAUNCESTON LIFE LINK INC. Murphy, P. J., Voluntary Worker (T 4369--72) LIFELINE, Sydney, NSW

Mayr, Η. B., Voluntary Counsellor (T 11707--32A) LIFELINE, Melbourne, Vic. Moore, Dr P. L., Pastoral Counsellor (T 9213--24) LODDON/CAMPASPE REGIONAL DRUG WORKING GROUP, Vic.

Butcher, M . , President (T 13517--24) MACPHILLAMY, CUMMINS, and GIBSON Seaman, P. G., Solicitor, Canberra, ACT (T 416— 17) MARIHUANA PARTY, NSW

Jacobsen, Q. C. B., spokesman (T 23391--403) MUSICIANS UNION, Tasmanian Branch Forster, J. E., President (T 1141--52A)



Richards, E. J ., School Counsellor (T 5810B--10C, 5821--24) ODYSSEY HOUSE Densen-Gerber, Dr J ., Founder and President, New York, USA (T 12216— 51)


Rimmer, S. D . , Executive Officer (T 9651--58) PHARMACEUTICAL COUNCIL OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA Geneve, N. J. , President (T 1021 — 28) Heedes, G. A., Deputy President (T 22344 — 53) PHARMACEUTICAL SOCIETY OF TASMANIA

Scanlon, R. W . , Immediate Past President (T 22094— 99D, 22150— 54) PHARMACY BOARD OF VICTORIA Pitman, I. H . , member (T 2701 — 19) PHARMACY BOARD OF TASMANIA

Hill, R. E . , President (T 22100--07, 22156) PHARMACY GUILD OF AUSTRALIA, NSW Branch Manning, R. W . , Director of Public Relations (T 12897— 938B)

Matthews, J . P ., President (T 12897— 938B) PHARMACY GUILD OF AUSTRALIA, WA Branch Hughes, P. V., President (T 22354— 64A) PHARMACY GUILD OF AUSTRALIA, Tas. Branch

Tremayne, D . M. , Pharmacist (T 22075 — 94) PROGRESS PARTY OF AUSTRALIA, Qld Branch Sturgess, G. L . , member (T 4779 — 812) PROPRIETARY ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA, Sydney, NSW

Guthrie, W. J. , President (T 10923— 11015) QUEENSLAND COUNCIL FOR CIVIL LIBERTIES Fielding, F. D. 0., President (T 15347 — 407, 17407 — 09) Irwin, Dr J . R . McC. , Executive Member (T 15347 — 407) REPROGRAPHICS PTY LTD

O'Brien, J . J. , Technical Director, Qld (T 4941— 58, 6452— 62, 21650— 63) ROCHE PRODUCTS PTY LTD Mulhearn, Dr R. J ., Medical Director (T 11554— 59B)

Purches, J. A., Director, Pharmaceutical Division (T 11560— 62A) ROYAL AUSTRALIAN COLLEGE OF GENERAL PRACTITIONERS, NSW Faculty Manzie, Dr P. P., Lecturer in School of Community Medicine, University of NSW (T 12944--55) ROYAL AUSTRALIAN COLLEGE OF GENERAL PRACTITIONERS, WA Faculty

Sheehan, H. C ., Conference Director (T 14134— 38) ROYAL AUSTRALIAN NURSING FEDERATION, SA Branch Bond, B . , Executive Secretary (T 8621 — 38) ROYAL DISTRICT. NURSING SERVICE, Melbourne, Vic.

Evans, M. , Nursing Administrator (T 2934— 40) SALVATION ARMY Mundy, B. G. , Commanding Officer, Darwin, NT (T 5904— 16A) SALVATION ARMY MALE AND FEMALE COURT WELFARE OFFICERS

Oliver, W. A., Police Court Welfare Officer, Vic. (T 2902--06)


SEAMEN'S UNION OF AUSTRALIA Barklay, R., Union Secretary, SA (T 6665— 67) SERVICE TO YOUTH COUNCIL INC. Kau, M., Director, SA (T 6949--60) SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH, Narcotics Education Service

Bain, Pastor D. E., Director of Health Department, South Pacific Region (T 10781B— 88) SOCIETY OF ST VINCENT DE PAUL, Flemington, Vic. Morrison, L. J., Manager (T 2854A— 58) SOUTH AUSTRALIAN INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS BOARD

Reid, Η. M . , Member of Sub-Committee, Headmistress of Walford Church of England Girls' Grammar School, SA (T 7732— 39) SOUTH AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Sladden, R. G., Senior Counsellor (T 6660--64) SOUTHERN TASMANIAN REGIONAL COUNCIL FOR SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT

Rix, E., Community Development Officer (T 4305--12A) SYDNEY CITY MISSION Hurcombe, Μ. E. , Associate Executive Director (T 10813--22)

Sullivan, D. R., Senior Welfare Officer, Campbell House (T 10823--28) TASMANIAN COLLEGE OF ADVANCED EDUCATION, Drug Information and Advisory Service

Bishop, R. E., Student (T 4299--304A) Davies, M., Lecturer in Social Work (T 4291--93) Humphries, P. S., Student (T 4293--99) TASMANIAN COLLEGE OF ADVANCED EDUCATION, Student Association Council

Ryan, A. J., Communications Officer (T 4248— 54) TEEN CHALLENGE, NSW Jewett, Rev. T. J., Director (T 14519 — 21) TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION SOCIETY, NSW

Brown, S. M., Transcendental Meditation Teacher (T 11732B— 45) Price, J. F., Transcendental Meditation Teacher (T 11732B--45) Taylor, R. V., Transcendental Meditation Teacher (T 11732B— 45) UNITING CHURCH OF AUSTRALIA, South Australian Senate Scott, Dr G. D., Executive Officer, Social Justice Commission

(T 7324--34) UNITED TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA Gregory, R. J., Secretary (T 6709--12C) UNIVERSITY OF ADELAIDE, Student Health Service

Auricht, Dr C. 0., Medical Officer (T 7077--99) VICTORIAN FOUNDATION ON ALCOHOLISM AND DRUG DEPENDENCE Travers, D. J., Chief Executive Officer (T 13632— 43) W. D. SCOTT and CO. PTY LTD

Donovan, J. B., Chief Economist, Sydney, NSW (T 10257 — 61) WAY BACK COMMMITTEE ** Dalton, Dr M. S. Y., Medical Director and Director of Addiction Services, Westmead Community Centre, Parramatta, NSW

(T 10673— 734B) ** Duncan, D. W., Vice President and Social Worker, Westmead Community Centre, Parramatta, NSW (T 10673 — 734B) WAYSIDE CHAPEL CRISIS CENTRE, Sydney, NSW

Crews, W. D., Director (T 11774— 819) WESTERN AUSTRALIAN TEMPERANCE ALLIANCE Athersmith, A. W. , General Secretary (T 1033 — 36) WHOS FELLOWSHIP

Fryxell, J. R., Deputy Director (T 10068— 158A) Gordon, D., Executive Director and Founder (T 10068— 158A)


McCrudden, J . , Executive Member (T 10068--158A) WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION May, G. E., Past President, SA (T 7354— 64) YOUNG LABOR COUNCIL, NSW

Cseti, D., Council Member (T 9826 — 45) Quarry, P. K., Council Member (T 9826 — 45) YOUNG LIBERAL MOVEMENT, Vic. Allan, G. D., President (T 9168--83)

Lowrey, M. R . , President, Burwood Branch (T 2698--701) YOUTH EDUCATION SEMINARS, Chippendale, NSW Palk, H., President (T 12785 — 803)


Persons, other than those mentioned above, who gave oral evidence.

ARUNDELL, B., private citizen, South Caulfield, Vic. (T 9199— 202) BARTHOLOMEW, Dr A. A., Forensic Psychiatrist, Heidelberg, Vic. (T 2918--33) BEACH, K . , Social Worker, Brunswick, Vic. (T 8914--28) BILNEY, B . , private citizen, Kensington Gardens, SA (T 7429--40) BLAIKIE, B. R. , MLA for Vasse, WA (T 6S9--69) BORTON, R. C. , Gardener, Darwin, NT (T 582S--34) BOYD, J. C . , MLA for Byron, NSW (T 11680--88A) BRITTEN, Dr E. J., Professor of Agriculture, University of

Queensland (T 15849--60) BROADHURST, Dr N . A., Medical Student, Eden Hills, SA (T 6773— 807) BROWN, R. A., Lecturer in Law, New South Wales Institute of

Technology (T 12529--36) BUCKHAM, J. M. L., College Principal, NSW (T 9868H--78) BURGESS, P. F . , Journalist, Sydney, NSW (T 11893 — 917) BURKE, E. K . , Musician, Carlton, Vic. (T 9192--98) BURNS, T. J . , MLA for Lytton, Qld (T 18977--86) BURNS, T. P. B. , private citizen, Manly, NSW (T 14421 — 31) BYWATER, E. E ., Clerical Assistant, Croydon, NSW (T 11546--50) CHESHER, Dr G. B., Reader in Pharmacology, University of

Sydney, NSW (T 10401--509) CHIPP, D . L., former Minister for Customs, (now Senator for Victoria) (T 9312--24) CHRISTIE, Dr D. , First Assistant in Clinical Epidemiology,

Department of Community Health, University of Melbourne, Vic. (T 9183--87) CLAFFEY, Dr T. J., Director, Accident and Emergency Centre, St. Vincent's Hospital, Darlinghurst, NSW (T 10524--33) COBCROFT, A. J. , Lecturer in Statistics, Victorian College of

Pharmacy, consultant to Institute of Drug Technology, Vic. (T 9339--42) COLLINS, R. L., MLA for Arnhem, NT (T 63S6--94) CORBY, K. P . , Pharmacist, Kettering, Tas. (T 1243--47A) CRIDLAND, K. H. , (practising as WHITE, K. H.) Psychologist,

NT (T 6085--100) DAVIES, M., Lecturer in Social Work, Granton, Tas. (T 4291--93) DAX, Dr E. C ., Psychiatrist, Lindisfarne, Tas. (T 4187--95) DICK, Dr T. H. G., Director of Forensic Psychiatry, Hobart,

Tas. (T 4196--207) DORRIES, K. L., Queensland Police Officer (T6528--33) DRURY, L. , MHA for Mawson, SA (T 14247A— 52) DUNLOP, Dr R. J. M . , Medical Practitioner, Edgecliff, NSW

(T 12056-66A, 14522--25, 14683--84) EADIE, Dr M. J., Professor of Clinical Neurology and Neuropharmacology, University of Queensland (T 4959--7S, 15292--93) EASTWELL, Dr H. W. B., Senior Lecturer, Department of

Psychiatry, University of Queensland (T 15715--34) EVANS, G. J., Senator-elect (now Senator) for Victoria, Vice President of the Victorian Council for Civil Liberties and former member of the Australian Law Reform Commission (T3034--52) EVERIST, Dr S. L., formerly Director of Botany Branch,

Department of Primary Industries, Qld (T 2221--28)


FITZGIBBON, L. G., Copywriter, New Farm, Qld (T Z269--93) ** GABRYNOWICZ, Dr J. , Medical Director, Alcohol and Drug Addicts Treatment Board, Parkside, SA (T 8710-61) GAFFEY, P.. J . , Creative Director, Advertising Agency (T 4656--7A)

GARRETT, Dr W. J . , Director, Department of Diagnostic Ultrasound, Royal Hospital for Women, Paddington, NSW (T 20964--78, 2342S--39) GIDLEY, Dr T . H . , Consultant Psychiatrist, Vic. (T 9017--29) GOLDBERG, B., Pharmacist and Counsellor, Vaucluse, NSW

(T 11016--63) GORDON, A. R. L . , MLA for Murrumbidgee, NSW, and Minister for Conservation and Water Resources (T 12071 — 77) GRAY, K. D ., DFC, Commodore (Retired) R.A.N., Campbell, ACT

(T 12804--28) GRIFFITHS, M. A., Psychologist, Brisbane Street Clinic, Sydney, NSW (T 12405--57) ' '

HAINES, J ., Senator for South Australia (T 67S7--72) HATTON, J. E . , MLA for South Coast, NSW (T 12650--56B) HENDTLASS, Dr J . , Psychologist, Burwood, Vic. (T 3167--93) HICKINGBOTHAM, L. G., Pharmacist, Hawthorn, Vic. (T 272S--32) HIPKINS, R. M. C ., Engineer and Town Planner, East Perth, WA

(T 1036--43) HODGMAN, W. Μ . , MP for Denison, Tas. (T 4263--70) HOOPER, K. J . , MLA for Archerfield, Qld (T 5068--73) IRW'IN, R. P ., Senior Lecturer, Canberra College of Advanced

Education, ACT (T 3496--S36) ISBISTER, Dr J . P ., Consultant Physician, St Vincent's Hospital, Darlinghurst, NSW (T 15286--87) JACKET!, J. G. T., MLA for Burwood, NSW (T 12078--91) JONES, R. T ., Professor of Psychiatry, University of California,

San Francisco, USA (T 18060--181) KAILIS, M. G. , Chairman of the Western Australian Marine Services Association (T 13846--71) KINCAID--SMITH, Dr P., Professor of Medicine, University

of Melbourne, Vic. (T 3078--82) KRUPINSKI, Dr J . , Medical Practitioner, Bentleigh, Vic. (T 3011--34) LAWRIE, A. D . , MLA for Nightcliff, NT (T 6363--72) McCASKILL, T. J . , Headmaster, Hornsby, NSW (T 9862--68G) MACLURKIN, Dr I . D. Μ. B ., Medical Practitioner, New Farm, Qld

(T 4760--78) McCOY, Dr A. W . , Lecturer, School of History, University of NSW (T 18470--582) MEDIANIK, Dr Μ. B ., Medical Practitioner, Royal Park, SA

(T 8803--06) MEMMOLO, G. B. , Solicitor (T 43S--37) MILDREN, C. K . , Video Operator, Darwin, NT (T 5811--18) ** MILNER, Dr G. M. , Director, Alcoholics and Drug Dependent

Persons Services Branch, Health Commission of Victoria (T 2S73--638, 8945--9014) MILTE, K . , Barrister, Senior Lecturer, University of Melbourne, Vic. (T 18620--62) NESBITT, V.. M ., Scientific Consultant, Sydney, NSW

(T 14690--785) NICHOL, P. E ., private citizen, Elwood, Vic. (T 2364--81) NIXON, J. W . , President, Northern Territory Waterside Workers' Federation and Trades and Labour Council (T 5806--10A)


NOONAN, P. T., Musician, East Fremantle, WA (T 891--906) O'LOUGHLIN, J. P., Roman Catholic Bishop, Darwin, NT (T 6079--84) OSCAR, G. M., President, Pharmaceutical Society of Australia

(T 2720--28) PANG, Dr H. , Medical Practitioner, ACT (T 8032 — 45, 12309— 21) PATTERSON, C. V. , Architect, Darwin, NT (T 6193— 97) PAULING, T. I., Stipendiary Magistrate, NT (T 6221— 51) PETERS, Dr F. E ., retired Australian Government Analyst, Curtin,

ACT(T 3406--29) POCHI, R. M . , private citizen (T 437--38A) QUADRIO, Dr C ., Psychiatrist, West Perth, WA (T 13739--49) RAINER, D. , Acupuncturist, Neutral Bay, NSW (T 12635— 40) RAMSAY, Rev. P. D . , Member of Uniting Church of Australia, Qld

(T 2115 — 36) RANDO, L. L ., Student Counsellor, Canberra College of Technical and Further Education, ACT (T 3487 — 96) RATCLIFF, Dr E. V. R. , Psychiatrist, Launceston, Tas. (T 4350--68) REXED, Professor B. A., Executive Director, United Nations Fund for

Drug Abuse Control (T 9524— 31, 24106--07, 24375 — 81) RICH, D. A., Health Worker, NSW (T 12261 — 78) ROBERTSON, J. M. , MLA for Gillen, NT (T 5860 — 73) ROLAND, Dr M. J., Medical Practitioner-in-Charge, Wistaria

House, Parramatta, NSW (T 14507 — 18) ROMANO, B. , Solicitor (T 469 — 71) RUMBLE, P. R. , Law Graduate, NSW (T 10881 — 922) RUTHERFORD, J . B., Stipendiary Magistrate, City of the Gold

Coast, Qld (T 4622--31) SHEARER, R. W., Pharmacist, South Perth, WA (T 1011— 21) SHIPTON, R. F. , MHR for Higgins, Vic. (T 3073 — 77) SMYTH, P. J. , Solicitor, Supreme Court, ACT (T 439 — 41) SPENCE, Dr W. A., Consultant Specialist in Alcoholism and

Drug Dependence, Sydney, NSW (T 11265B— 91) STACK, Dr E. M . , Mayor of Darwin, NT (T 5838— 59) STARMER, G . A . , Associate Professor of Pharmacology, University of Sydney, NSW (T 12829 — 40) STEVENSON, L. P., private citizen, Pearcedale, Vic.

(T 8901 — 14, 13553) TEWFIK, Dr G. I., Psychiatrist, Thornlie, WA (T 959 — 76) THOMPSON, L. V., Current Affairs Director, Radio 2UE, Sydney, NSW (T 14786 — 93) TOMASIC, R. A., Senior Research Officer, Law Foundation of

NSW (T 10033 — 41) TONKIN, Dr D., MLA, Leader of Opposition, (now Premier) SA (T 8807 — 32) TUDEHOPE, Dr D . I., Director of Neonatology at Mater Mother's

Hospital, Brisbane, Qld (T 13317 — 31) VEYVODA, F. J. , Chief of the Organised Crime Control Bureau, New York Police Department, NY, USA (T 18187— 247) VINEY, A. E. A., MLA for Wakehurst, NSW (T 10018— 23F) WADE, Dr D. N . , Professor of Clinical Pharmacology, University

of New South Wales (T 12756— 84A) WATSON, Dr D. S. , Medical Counsellor, Western Australian Institute of Technology (T 1043 — 53) WHITE, B. H. , Radio Broadcaster and Journalist, Sydney, NSW

(T 10520 — 23)


WIGHTON, G. L., Chief Pharmacist, Launceston General Hospital, Tas. (T 4373 — 82) WILLIS, J. E . , Lecturer in Legal Studies, La Trobe University, Vic. (T 3137--67) WRIGHT, K. W . , MLA for Rockhampton, Qld (T 5141— 49)


Other organisations and persons who made written submissions to the Commission.

ADELAIDE CITY COUNCIL, SA (T 14956) ALDRED, K . , MP for Henty, Vic. (T 9029) * ALLISON, Η . , MP for Mt Gambier, SA (T 7407--09) * ANDREW, J. F. and M., private citizens, Mt Gambier, SA (T 7410) ANDREWS, M . , private citizen, Deagon, Qld (T 17512) ANSETT AIRLINES OF AUSTRALIA (T 21922--24) ARCHWAY REHABILITATION CENTRE, Adelaide, SA (T 6936 — 48) ARMIDALE CITY COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT CENTRE, NSW (T 15530--32) ASHFORD SHIRE COUNCIL, NSW (T 9891) ASSOCIATION EXPOSING PSEUDO-RELIGIOUS CULTS, Melbourne, Vic.

(T 17521 — 31) ASSOCIATION OF PRINCIPALS OF CATHOLIC SCHOOLS OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA (T 8665--70) ATKINSON, Dr L . , Director, Institute of Radiology, Prince of Wales

Hospital, NSW (T 15310, 17395) '


14272— 73)



(T 15329)

* AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY HEALTH SERVICE, Canberra, ACT (T 7627— 29) AUSTRALIAN YOUNG LABOR, ACT Branch (T 15116 — 43) BAIN, Dr B. J., Haematology Department, Princess Alexandra Hospital,

Brisbane, Qld (T 21815) * BARRATT, P. S ., et al, Medical Students, Adelaide, SA (T 7911— 31)

BATEMAN, T. H., MLA for Canning, WA (T 13770) BATES, V., private citizen, Cloverdale, WA (T 13799— 800) BAUME, Dr P. E. , Senator for NSW (T 14923 — 26, 17391 — 92, 21846--56) BEILHARZ, Dr R. G., Reader in Animal Breeding, School of

Agriculture and Forestry, University of Melbourne, Vic. (T 24110) BEILIN, Dr L. J. , Professor of Medicine, University of Western Australia (T 15307 — 08) BLEASEL, Dr K. , Visiting Neurosurgeon, St Vincents Hospital Medical

Centre, Sydney, NSW (T 15299 — 300) BRIDGE CLINIC, Murray Bridge, SA (T 14954— 55) BRIGHTON CITY COUNCIL, SA (T14260--62, 14957— 58) BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, UK (via the Australian Medical

Association) (T 15331— 32) BROTHERHOOD OF ST. LAWRENCE, Fitzroy, Vic. (T 12095— 97) BROWN, D. , and WOELLNER, R., BROWNE, R. , HALL, D., Members of the Drug Sub-Committee of the New South Wales Council for Civil

Liberties (T 19284--85)


BROWNE, R., and BROWN, D . , WOELLNER, R. , HALL, D., Members of the Drug Sub-Committee of the New South Wales Council for Civil Liberties (T 19284--85)

BRUEL AND KJAR AUSTRALIA PTY LTD (T 21612--13) BULL, R. A., Storeman (via Town Clerk, Whyalla, SA) (T6675--88) BURGESS, F. , private citizen, Elizabeth East, SA (T 7440--41) BUSH PILOTS AIRWAYS LTD, Cairns, Qld. (T 15413, 15419--23) * BYRNE, S. E . , Associate and COSTELLO, B. R . , Psychologist, SA

(T 14284--308) CAMBOURN, Dr P. , Physician, Cammeray, NSW (via the Australian Medical Association) (T 15330) CAMERON, C., MP for Hindmarsh, SA (T 6667) CAMPBELL, Dr I., Department of Psychology, University of Melbourne,


(T 7480--89) * CHYNOWETH, Dr R . , Reader in Psychiatry, University of Adelaide, SA (T 7490--518) CLARKE, Dr Μ. V., Medical Practitioner, Melbourne, Vic. (T 21817 —


COLLIE SHIRE COUNCIL, WA (T 13783) COLLINS, C. H . , Child Guidance Therapist (T 17513--14) COMMUNITY STANDARDS ORGANISATION, Tas. (T 9359--7S) COMMUNITY STANDARDS ORGANISATION, Uralla Branch, NSW (T 14936--40) CONNAIR PTY LTD, Alice Springs, NT (T 15414— 16) COSTELLO, B. R . , Psychologist, Millswood, SA (T 21618— 24) * COSTELLO, B. R . , Psychologist, and BYRNE, S. E ., Associate, SA

(T 14284 — 308) CRIDLAND, Dr M. D . , Medical Practitioner, Double Bay, NSW (T 15278) CROWTHER, S. H . , private citizen, Mt Gravatt, Qld (T 17505) CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT CENTRE, Manuka, ACT (T 12106— 07) CUSTOMS AND EXCISE SERVICE, Hong Kong (T 21641 — 49) DARBY, E. D. , MLA for Manly, NSW (T 11884 — 92) DAUBE, J., private citizen, Kuranda, Qld (T19886--88) * DAWSON, S., private citizen, Forestville, SA (T 14278--83) * DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STUDIES, Sturt College of Advanced Education,

SA (T 8491 — 94) DESMOND, P ., private citizen, Mossman Park, WA (T 13821— 22) DEVLIN, F . , private citizen, Brunswick Junction, WA (T 13813) de WILDE, Dr F. W. , Director, Radiotherapy Department, St. Vincents

Hospital, NSW (T 15282--83) * DICKINS, Dr J. A., Psychiatrist, Unley, SA (T 7555 — 83) DOCKRILL, S., private citizen, Alstonville, NSW (T 14417— 20) DOWLING, D. R . , Dean, Physics Department, Ballarat College of

Advanced Education, Mt Helen, Vic. (T 13549— 52A) DUERDEN, D. H . , Pharmacist, Latrobe, Tas. (T 9367— 73) DUNN, G. V'., Postmaster, Exmouth, WA (T 13792 — 93) DWYER, Dr B., Director, Department of Anaesthetics and Pain Clinic,

St. Vincents Hospital, Darlinghurst, NSW (T 15267— 68)


EAGLEHAWK AND LONG GULLY COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTRE, Vic. (T 9203— 05) EASTERN SHORE DRUG EDUCATION GROUP, Howrah, Tas. (T 9379— 80) ECHUCA CITY COUNCIL, Vic. (T 14941) EKERT, Dr H . , Director, Department of Clinical Haematology

and Oncology, Royal Childrens Hospital, Melbourne, Vic. (T 15269 — 70) * ELURA CLINIC, Outpatient Clinic of Alcohol and Drug Addicts

Treatment Board, North Adelaide, SA (T 7584— 621) EMMERSON, Dr B. T., Professor of Medicine, University of Queensland (T 15301— 02) EVERINGHAM, Dr D ., MP for Capricornia, Qld (T 6520--23) FAIRFIELD HOSPITAL, Vic. (T 9361 — 62) FEDERATION OF AUSTRALIAN RADIO BROADCASTERS, Sydney, NSW

(T 21269--75) ** FESTIVAL OF LIGHT (T 14919— 22, 14961— 64) * FINLAYSON, G., private citizen, Glenside, SA (T 7622— 25) FLINDERS MEDICAL CENTRE, Department of Anaesthesia and

Intensive Care, SA (T 21819— 25) * FOTHERINGHAM, Dr B. G., Medical Superintendent, Modbury Hospital, SA (T 8578) * FOUNDATION FOR MULTI-DISCIPLINARY EDUCATION IN COMMUNITY HEALTH,

Adelaide, SA (T 7373 — 405) * FRANKLIN, A. M. , private citizen, Parafield Gardens, SA (T 7626)

FRASER, J. , private citizen, Perth, WA (T 13802 — 11) FRASER, S. E . , Professor, Centre for Comparative and International Studies in Education, La Trobe University, Vic. (T 17973--99) FURNASS, Dr S. B. , Director, University Health Service, Canberra,

ACT (T 10268— 71) * GAA'L, Dr C. L., Medical Practitioner, Adelaide, SA (T 8708--09)

* GALE, Dr A. E ., Medical Practitioner, North Adelaide, SA (T 7630— 31) GARDTNER, H. 0., private citizen, Cotton Tree, Qld (T 17516— 17) GAWLER BAPTIST CHURCH, SA (T 14274— 75) ** GOLD COAST DRUG COUNCIL, Qld (T 7632 — 42, 15408--09) * GRAHAM, Dr J. R., Specialist Physician, Panorama, SA (T 7643— 62)

* GRAHAM, Dr J. R . , with Drs TOTTMAN, V. D., and WRIGHT, G. D., Medical Practitioners, Adelaide, SA (T 7857— 910) * GRIFFITHS, G., private citizen, Mt Gambier, SA (T 7663— 65) HALL, D. , and BROWN, D., WOELLNER, R., BROWNE, R. , Members of the

Drug Sub-Committee of the New South Wales Council for Civil Liberties (T 19284— 85) HALL'S CREEK SHIRE COUNCIL, WA (T 13779) HAMBLY, Dr C. K., Director, The Hallstrom Institute, Sydney, NSW

(T 15311)

* HANCOCK, H. R. , Journalist, 0b Flat, SA (T 7665— 67) * HANSEN, H. C., and Η. M., private citizens, Salisbury East, SA (T 7667--70) * HARVIE, P. J. , Farmer, Laura, SA (T 7671— 82)

HAWKER DE HAVILLAND AUSTRALIA PTY LTD (T 15534— 36, 17542— 43) HEBER, Dr B. Η. P. , Physician, Mudgee, NSW (T 15334) * HEDDLE, Dr R. C., Director, University of Adelaide Student Health Service (T 7100— 15)

HELLS ANGELS MOTOR CYCLE CLUB, Hawthorn, Vic. (T 12094) HENDERSON, Dr D. A., Medical Practitioner, Brisbane, Qld (T 17396) HENLEY AND GRANGE CITY COUNCIL, SA (T 6668) * HENNESSY, J. H., private citizen, Mt Gambier, SA (T 7699)


HICKEY, J . de G., Director, Kimberley Doone Projects for Youth, Hawthorn, Vic. (T 9206--12) * HIGGINS, J., Council Employee, Parkside, SA (T 7699--701) HILLS, Dr N. F . , Consultant Psychiatrist, Bunbury, WA (T 13793--95)


ILBERY, Professor P. L. T., Director, Medical Branch, National Health and Medical Research Council, Canberra, ACT (T 15303--06) * INTERNATIONAL MEDITATION SOCIETY, North Adelaide, SA (T 7740— 59) INTERNATIONAL SECRETARIAT, NATIONAL BOARD OF HEALTH AND WELFARE,

Stockholm, Sweden (T 24301--09) JACOBI R., MP for Hawker, SA (T 22910— 17) JEFFREY, J., Dental Technician, Frankston, Vic. (T 9190— 91) JEMALONG SHIRE COUNCIL, NSW (T 9892) JOHNS, Dr K . , Physician, Newcastle, NSW (via the Australian

Medical Association) (T 15333) JOINT COUNCIL SUB-COMMITTEE ON ALCOHOLISM AND DRUG DEPENDENCE, (Australian Public Service), Canberra, ACT (T 14635 — 71) JONES, A. R. , private citizen, Clayfield, Qld (T 15112) * JONES, Η. B., Professor of Medical Physics and Physiology, University

of California, USA (T 7762 — 92) JONES, P. V., MLA, Minister for Education, Cultural Affairs and Recreation, WA (T 13776) * KIDMAN, M . , private citizen, Kalangadoo, SA (T 7793 — 96) * KILDEA, Dr Η. B., Medical Practitioner, Adelaide, SA (T 7796— 830) * KURTYE, G . , private citizen, Glen Osmond, SA (T 7831--32)

KYNAST0N, Dr B. , Medical Practitioner, Aspley, Qld (T 15273 — 77, 17388--89) LANGLANDS, Dr A. 0., Director of Radiotherapy, Westmead Hospital, NSW (T 15316) LAURIE, M . , private citizen, Doveton, Vic. (T 13542— 43) * LAVERS, L. A., Journalist, Medindie, SA (T 7832 — 35) * LAWSON, Dr W. S., Medical Practitioner, North Adelaide, SA

(T 7835 — 37) * LEE, K. , private citizen, Mt Gambier, SA (T 7837 — 42) LEVI, Dr J. A., Physician in Oncology, Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney, NSW (T 15314— 15)

LEWIS, Dr P. J., Opthalmic Surgeon, Orange, NSW (via the Australian Medical Association) (T 15336) * LILLY INDUSTRIES PTY LTD, West Ryde, NSW (T 11064— 81) * LIVE-ALONG WORKSHOPS INC., Norwood, SA (T 7843— 51)

LOEWENTHAL, P. V., Judge of District Courts, Qld (T 5197— 200) LOUIS, Dr W. J., Professor of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Melbourne, Vic. (T 17397 — 99) LOVELL, Dr S. H. , Surgeon, NSW (T 15339 — 40, 23243 — 44)

LUNZER, Dr M . , Staff Specialist (Gastroenterology), Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney, NSW (T 15297) MACRAE, I. F. , private citizen, Perth, WA (T 13814— 16) McCREA, H . , private citizen, Vic. (T 9504) McKECHNIE, P., MLA for Carnarvon, Qld (T 5134) McKEE, Dr A. N . , Central Science Laboratory, University of

Tasmania (T 21167 — 87) McKENZIE, J., and ROBINSON, I., Law Students, NSW (T 10862--80) McWHIRTER, Dr W. R., Senior Lecturer in Child Health, University of Queensland CT 15309)


* MARANATHA COMMUNITY DRUG REHABILITATION CENTRE, Ardrossan, SA (T 7852— 56) MARION CITY COUNCIL, SA (T 6669--72) MASSEY, I. C., and TENNANT, B. G., Law Reform Campaigners, Subiaco,

WA (T 14930--32) * MEDICAL INDUSTRIES PTY LTD, Vic. (T 11064— 93) * MERRITT, M . , private citizen, Mt Gambier, SA (T 7931 — 34)

MESTER, J., private citizen, Carlton, Vic. (T 19889— 90) MIELL, L ., Student, Taperoo, SA (T 14276— 78) MILLAR, Dr A. P ., Physician, Sydney, NSW (via the Australian Medical Association) (T 15337) MILLHOUSE, R. , Leader of the Australian Democrats, SA (T 6772) * MILLS, L ., Psychology Student, Adelaide, SA (T 7934— 44)

MOON, Dr J. R . , Consultant Physician within Psychiatry, Vic. (T 9498— 99) MORELAND HALL ALCOHOLISM AND DRUG TREATMENT CENTRE, Vic. (T 17400 — 05) MORGAN, Dr E. H. , Director of Anaesthetics, Royal North Shore

Hospital, Sydney, NSW (T 17387, 21747— 814) MUIR, Dr A. L ., Consultant Physician, Royal Infirmary, Department of Medicine, Edinburgh University, Scotland (T 21826— 45) „ MURRAY BRIDGE DISTRICT COUNCIL, SA (T 14951— 52) MURRAY BRIDGE HIGH SCHOOL, (via Murray Bridge Council) SA (T 14953) * NARCONON INC. , SA (T 21080 — 91)


22906 — 09) NICHOLAS PTY LTD, Chadstone, Vic. (T 7944— 93) NYE, Dr J. A., Medical Practitioner, Brisbane, Qld (T 17503) * OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH NURSES SECTION, Royal Australian Nursing

Federation, (SA Branch) (T 7994--8030) OFFICER, Dr J. C. S . , Acting Medical Superintendent, Repatriation General Hospital, Hobart, Tas. (T 1381— 82) O'KEEFE, F. L. , MP for Paterson, NSW (T 9885 — 86) OLIVER, N. , MLC for West Province, WA (T 13772) O'NEIL, P., MLA for Fannie Bay, NT (T 17533— 34) ORANGE CITY COUNCIL, NSW (T 9887 — 88) 0'REGAN, Dr J., Director of Psychiatry, Royal Brisbane Hospital,

Qld (T 6525 — 27) 0RR0R00 AREA SCHOOL COUNCIL, SA (T 8031) OWEN DISTRICT COUNCIL, SA (T 14264 — 65) PACKHAM, Dr. N. , Surgeon, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney,

NSW (T 15338) PARA VISTA LUTHERAN CHURCH, Women's Discussion Group, SA (T 8553 — 77) PARSONS, Dr R. S., Chemistry Department, University of Tasmania

(T 21174— 87) PATERSON, J. W., Professor of Clinical Pharmacology, University of Western Australia (T 15280 — 81) PEARSON, L. A., private citizen, NT (T 5837) PENINGTON, Dr D. G., Chairman, Department of Medicine, and Dean,

Faculty of Medicine, University of Melbourne (T 15298— 99) PERKINS, N. G., MLA for MacDonnell, NT (T 5819--20E)




PIRIE DISTRICT COUNCIL, SA (T 14263) POLE, W. J . , private citizen, South Melbourne, Vic. (T 21261— 63) PORT LINCOLN HIGH SCHOOL PARENTS AND FRIENDS ASSOCIATION, SA (T 8096)

ROUGHER, Dr J . C. E ., Co-ordinator, Community Development Centre, Mental Health Services, WA (T 13790--92) POWELL, P . , Member of the Board of Management of the National Theatre, Perth, WA (T 13822--25) PRINCE OF WALES HOSPITAL, Randwick, NSW (T 24316— 17) PRITCHARD, J . M . , private citizen, Darwin, NT (T 6396) PROGRESS PARTY OF AUSTRALIA, Qld Branch (T 14942 — 43) * PROPRIETARY ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA, Sydney, NSW (T 10946— 91)

QUEEN ELIZABETH HOSPITAL DRUGS COMMITTEE, Woodville, SA (T 17394) QUEENSLAND TEMPERANCE LEAGUE (T 14978--79) * RANDALL, R ., private citizen, Washington D.C., USA (T 8097— 99) REYNOLDS, J. , private citizen, Mentone, Vic. (T 13540)

RICE, Dr M. S ., Medical Practitioner, Adelaide Children's Hospital Inc., North Adelaide, SA (T 15294) * ROBERTS, J. , private citizen (T 8845 — 59) ROBINSON, I., and McKENZIE, J. , Law Students, NSW (T 10862--80)


Branch) (T 14964 — 69) ROYAL AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND COLLEGE OF PSYCHIATRISTS, (Tasmanian Branch) (T 11094— 95) ROYAL DISTRICT NURSING SOCIETY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA INC. (T 8099— 100) RUTTER, Dr J. F . , Medical Practitioner, Vic. (T 17539)

SAINSBURY, Μ. , MP for Eden-Monaro, NSW (T 14672 — 82) * SALTER, Dr W. F . , Superintendent, Hillcrest Hospital, SA (T 8101— 09, 8115 — 62)

SARFATY, Dr G., Medical Director, State Cancer Council of New South Wales (T 15279, 21816) SAUNDERS, Dr C . , Medical Director, St. Christophers Hospice, Sydenham, London (T 21857 — 83) SCHOLES, G. G. , MP for Corio, Vic. (T 9031 — 35) SHEPHERD, Dr V. B. , Physician, Qld (T 15325 — 28) * SHERMAN, Dr D . J., Medical Practitioner, Glen Iris, Vic. (T 8163— 66) * SIDEBOTHAM, N., Rehabilitation Officer, South Australian Railways





(T 8269--77G, 8278--91) * SOUTHGATE, Dr P. T., Acting Medical Superintendent, Pt Lincoln Hospital, SA (T 7760--62) STOKES, H. , private citizen, Parkville, Vic. (T 17506) * STORER, Dr B. T . , Medical Practitioner, SA (T 8466--6S)

STRAUSS, I., private citizen, Brighton, Vic. (T 12498Q) STREAKY BAY AREA SCHOOL WELFARE CLUB, SA (T 8469) * STUART, C. K . , Stipendiary Magistrate, Adelaide, SA (T 8470--90) STUART HIGH SCHOOL, Whyalla, SA (T 6673 — 74) * STURGES, G. W. , Hypnotherapist, Whyalla, SA (T 6674) * STURT COLLEGE OF ADVANCED EDUCATION, Department of Health Studies,

SA (T 8491--94) SUBSTANCE ADDICTION GROUP, Orange, NSW (via Orange City Council) (T 9889--90) TAMBELLUP SHIRE COUNCIL, WA (T 13780) TASMANIAN ALKALOIDS PTY LTD, Westbury, Tas. (T 19939--40, 19942--43) * TASMANIAN COUNCIL OF SOCIAL SERVICE, Task Force on Victimless Crime

(T 7551— 55) TATTERSALL, Dr N. Η. N., Professor of Cancer Medicine, University of Sydney (T 15295) * TAYLOR, Dr B ., Medical Officer, Alcohol and Drug Dependence,

Hillcrest Hospital, SA (T 8110— 13, 8115 — 62) TAYLOR, M., private citizen, Warrnambool, Vic. (T 17511) TEACHERS' ADVISORY COUNCIL ON ALCOHOL AND DRUG EDUCATION, Manchester, UK (T 21573— 610) * TEMPERANCE ALLIANCE OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA INC., SA (T 8494— 502)

TENNANT, B. G. , Social and Law Reform Campaigner, Subiaco, WA (T 8502--07) TENNANT, B. G., and MASSEY, I. C., Law Reform Campaigners, Subiaco, WA (T 14930— 32) TINK, Dr A., Officer in Charge, Leukemia Clinic, Royal Alexandra

Hospital for Children, NSW (T 15312 — 13) * TOTTMAN, Dr V. D., with Drs WRIGHT G. D. , and GRAHAM, J. R. , Medical Practitioners, Adelaide, SA (T 7857 — 910) TOWNSEND, Sir Lance, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University of Melbourne,

Vic. (T 15317 — 18) TRIVETT, B. A., private citizen, Mt Hawthorn, WA (T 13797— 99) TWYCR0SS, Dr R. G., Consultant Physician, Sir Michael Sobell House, Oxford, UK (T 21665 — 717) ULVERSTONE SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE DRUG AND ALCOHOL USE,


VAN DUGTEREN, H. , Law Student, NSW (T 10847 — 61) VAN LUYN, B. , Nurse, Applecross, WA (T 13817 — 20) VICTORIAN FOUNDATION ON ALCOHOLISM AND DRUG DEPENDENCE (T 9502--03)

WALKER, A. E . , private citizen, Burnie, Tas. (T 9363 — 66) WAVERLEY MUNICIPAL COUNCIL, NSW (T 12092 — 93) WEBB, Dr R. A. J . , Senior Psychiatrist in Charge, Drug Education Unit, Central Drug and Alcohol Advisory Service, New South Wales

Health Commission (T 19372 — 429) WEBSTER, Dr I. W., Professor of Community Medicine, University of New South Wales (T 15288--89) ** WHITLOCK, Dr F. A., Professor of Psychiatry, University of Queensland

(T 8515— 52, 14969 — 71)


* WHITMORE, R . A., Officer in Charge, Drug Squad, C.I.B., Perth, WA (T 8508 — 14) WHYALLA CITY COUNCIL, SA (T 6673) WILLUNGA DISTRICT COUNCIL, SA (T 14265 — 67) * WILSON, E ., private citizen, Fullarton, SA (T 8553)

WILSON, Dr G . , Senior Physician, St. George's Hospital, Sydney, NSW (T 10262 — 67) WILSON, Μ. , MHA for Torrens, SA (T 14257 — 59) WITHERS, W. R. , MLC for Northern Province, WA (T 14933— 35) WOELLNER, R . , and BROWN, D., BROWNE, R . , HALL, D . , Members of the

Drug Sub-Committee of the New South Wales Council for Civil Liberties (T 19284--85) * WOOLER, Dr H . 0., Medical Director, Medical Industries Pty Ltd, Vic. (T 11064— 93) * WRIGHT, Dr G. D . , with Drs GRAHAM, J. R . , and TOTTMAN, V. D. , Medical

Practitioners, Adelaide, SA (T 7857--910) WRIGHT, Dr R. D . , Professor and Deputy-Chancellor, Howard Florey Institute of Experimental Physiology and Medicine, University of Melbourne, Vic. (T 15271) YATES, W. , MP for Holt, Vic. (T 13542 — 43) YOUTH HOSTELS ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA INC. (T 9895)

ZACEST, Dr R . , Director of Clinical Pharmacology, Queen Elizabeth Hospital Woodville, SA (T 15296)


The Commission also received confidential evidence from 603 persons of whom 158 also provided open evidence. In addition, 28 persons made anonymous submissions which were included in evidence.


Exhibits — open

The following evidence was received into the Commission's records in the form of Open (public) Exhibits. These exhibits are listed below in chronological order of tendering. The transcript reference following each exhibit description indicates the point in the Commission's transcript of open evidence at which it was tendered. A 'CT' reference

indicates that, although a particular exhibit was not the subject of confidentiality restrictions, it was tendered during an in-camera sitting of the Commission.

1 Table showing Drug Seizures and Prosecutions-- Australian Narcotics Bureau, 1976 — 77 (T 34).

2 Photographic register showing drug types and methods of

concealment used by traffickers (T 54).

3 'Heroin Manufacture in Australia', Dr I. Dainis, paper

delivered to the Fourth National Symposium on the Forensic Sciences, Melbourne, 1977 (T 77).

4 'Banking in Hong Kong': extract from 'Opium Production,

Narcotics Financing & Trafficking in South East Asia', report to U.S. Congressional Select Committee on Narcotics Abuse and Control, April, 1977 (T 77).

5 World map showing areas in which drugs are produced and

distribution centres (T 91).

6 Tables showing details of bail absconders by State, Customs charges and State charges since 1972 (T 100P).

7 Tables showing details of persons charged under the Customs Act in Superior Courts in each State (T 100S) .

8 Table showing Narcotics Bureau establishment. Operational and clerical staff by level by State and total Australia (T 102).

9 Table showing Customs Bureau State prevention group staffing figures. Main port and outports by level by State (T 104).

10 'Organised Crime in a Democratic Society', R. E. Dixon, paper presented to the Symposium on Law and Justice in the ACT, 1973 (T 113).


11 Paper entitled 'International Criminal Police Organisation (Interpol); Its Role and Activities in Combatting the Illicit Traffic in Drugs', including details of recommendations from Interpol General Assemblies (T 118).

12 Drug Intelligence Report, Blank Form used by State police and Narcotics Bureau officers in reporting drug-related crime to Compol (CT).

13 Table showing Australian controls over legal trade in drugs of dependence, by area of control, (importation, manufacture, etc.), controlling authority, appropriate legislation etc. (T 147B).

14 Extract from Customs Act 1901 Customs (Narcotic Substances) Regulations Customs (Prohibited Imports) Regulations Customs (Prohibited Exports) Regulations Narcotic Drugs Act 1967 Psychotropic Substances Act 1976 Therapeutic Goods Act 1966 Extract from National Health Act 1951

(T 147B)

15 Commonwealth Department of Health, 'Cannabis: Summary Review of Current Situation', July 1977 (T 148).

16 Commonwealth Department of Health, paper explaining the operations of drug conventions and international controls, the U.N. Commission on Narcotic Drugs, etc. (T 148).

17 'Marijuana, The Problem in the City of New York.'

Sociological, Medical, Psychological and Pharmacological Studies by the Mayor's Committee on Marihuana, under the Chairmanship of George B. Wallace M.D. (Circa 1942) (T 150).

18 Cannabis Report by the Advisory Committee on Drug Dependence, under the Chairmanship of Sir Edward Wayne, UK Home Office, 1968 (T 150).

19 'Drug Trafficking and Drug Abuse', report from Senate Select Committee, under the Chairmanship of Senator J . E. Marriott, Tasmania (T 150).

20 National Drug Information Service Technical Information Bulletins, Nos. 1, 14, 27, 29 re Canadian Commission of Inquiry into the Non-Medical Use of Drugs.













Initial report 'Cannabis, a report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Non-Medical Use of Drugs', Gerald Le Dain (Chairman) 1972 (T 150).

Interim Report of the Canadian Commission of Inquiry into the Non-Medical Use of Drugs, Gerald Le Dain (Chairman), 1970 (T 150).

Final Report of the Canadian Commission of Inquiry into the Non-Medical Use of Drugs, Gerald Le Dain, (Chairman), 1973 (T 150) .

'Marijuana: a Signal of Misunderstanding', First Report of the National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse, USA, March 1972 (T 150).

National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse, United States Schafer Commission, Press Release 1973 and Second Report of the U.S. National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse, 'Drug Use in America-- Problem in Perspective', 1973 (T 150).

'Drug Dependency and Drug Abuse in New Zealand', First Report of Interdepartmental Committee, 1970 (T 151).

'Drug Dependency and Drug Abuse in New Zealand', Second Report of Interdepartmental Committee, 1973 (T 151).

World Health Organization, Technical Report Series, 544--5S3 (T 151) .

Marijuana--Hashish Epidemic and its Impact on United States Security-- Hearings of U.S. Senate Sub-Committee, 93rd Congress (T 151).

Marijuana--Hashish Epidemic and its Impact on United States Security, The Continuing Escalation, Hearing of U.S. Senate Sub-Committee, 94th Congress, Part 2 (T 151).

Reports by the Australian Government regarding the operation the International Treaties on Narcotic Drugs, 1921 — 1969 151) .

of (T

Drug Abuse in Australia-- Technical Report, Commonwealth Police, 1975 (T 151).


32 'Drugs De-mystified1, H. Nowlis, UNESCO Press , 1975 (T 151).

33 Report by President Carter on drug-related matters to United States Congress, 2 August 1977 (T 151).

34 'Treatment and Rehabilitation', Dr. P. G. Bourne, Consultant, Drug Abuse Council, Washington D.C., Report prepared for U.N. Division of Narcotic Drugs (T 151).

35 Press Report from British Columbia Health Minister-- 'British Columbia Will Impose Compulsory Treatment (of drug addicts)'--' 'The Journal', 1 September 1977 (T 151).

36 'Methadone Use in the Treatment of Narcotic Addiction', paper produced at the request of National Standing Control Committee on Drugs of Dependence by the Working Party of the Mental Health Committee of the National Health and Medical Research Council (T 152).

37 National Drug Information Service, Technical Information Bulletins, Nos. 12, 14, 16, 19, 20, 21, 32, 33, 3S--43, 45--4S (T 152).

38 'The Amphetamines and Lysergic Acid Diethylamide1, report by the Advisory Committee on Drug Dependence, UK (T 153).

39 American Academy of Political and Social Science, 'The Annals', January 1975, Drugs and Social Policy (T 153).

40 White Paper on Drug Abuse, September 1975--Report from the U.S. Domestic Council Drug Abuse Task Force (T 153).

41 Schedule of cannabis plantations detected in Australia, 1971 — 74 (T 174).

42 Drug Abuse in Australia, Technical Reports, Commonwealth Police, 1970 to 1976 inclusive (T 188/90).

43 Reports on the operation of Drug Treaties in Australia 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976. These are later editions of the reports tendered as Open Exhibit 30 (T 191).

44 'Problems in Legislating against Abuse of Hallucinogenic Fungi in Australia' , Dr M. C. Hall, from Bulletin on Narcotics, Vol XXV, No. 3, July--September 1973 (T 192).
















Table showing prices of illicit drugs 1 July to 30 September 1977, by State by drug type, and average price for Australia (T 210) .

Statistical summary of drug charges preferred in the ACT, 1973--31 October 1977 (T 215) . ~

Schedule of ages and sex of persons charged in the ACT with drug offences, 1973 — 31 October 1977 (T 224).

Certificate of Conviction of Farid Souper Eshov for selling a narcotic substance (Methaqualone) (T 233).

Certificate of Conviction of Farid Souper Eshov for possession of the narcotic drug Methaqualone (T 233).

Record of Convictions of Farid Souper Eshov (T 234).

Comparative Table of Drug-related Offences and Penalties, by State and Territory, as at November 1977 (T 237).

Recommendations for Penalties for Offences against ACT Poisons and Dangerous Drugs Ordinance 1933 and Public Health

(Prohibited Drugs) Ordinance 1957 (T 238).

Table of detected offences in the ACT involving driving, alcohol and drunkenness generally', 1971--30 September 1977 (T 241) .

Prosecutor's brief in relation to charges against Bozo Jurkovic and Zvonko John Kovac (T 244).

Police brief in relation to Mark Francis May and John Lawrence (T 246).

Customs Act 1901, Customs Regulations, and Customs Amendment Act 1977 No. 154-- trans 1713 of 20.12.77 (T 288).

Transcript of proceedings (open), Royal Commission into Drug Trafficking in New South Wales(CT).

Paper entitled 'Marijuana-- Penalties and Attitudes', being a comparison of Australian legislation with that of the U.S., Canada and. New Zealand (T 386) .


59 Report by A. T. Carmody dated April 1974 on proposals to

establish a National Law Enforcement Authority (T 465).

60 Table showing number of persons charged and charges laid since the inception of the Western Australian Drug Squad, 1968--1977 (CT).

61 Table showing types of charges preferred against those charged, 1968— 1977 (CT).

62 Details of some notable seizures of drugs in Western Australia for year 1976--77 (CT).

63 Extract from Western Australian Police Act (Part VIA) (CT).

64 First Schedule to Western Australian Police Act (Dangerous Drugs) Regulations (CT).

65 Particulars of persons charged with drug offences and

absconding bail in Western Australia from 1 January 1976 (T 533).

66 Narcotics Bureau, Western Australia, Summary of Operation 'Peron1 (T 647).

67 Reasons for Judgment, R. v. Douglas; R. v. Jolly; R. v. Austin, R. v. Alrich-- the case resulting from Operation 1 Yellow' (T 651).

68 Judge's summing up to jury in R. v. Jurd, Langdale-Hunt and Mitchell-- the case resulting from Operation 'Hoana' (T 670).

69 Statistical details of drug offences against the Customs Act in Western Australia-- 1971 to 1977 (T 672).

70 Alcohol and Drug Authority Act 1974 (Western Australia) (T 712).

71 Report of Working Party established by the Western Australian Alcohol and Drug Authority to investigate Methadone and its use in the community, May 1977 (T 717).
















Report of the Education Sub-Committee of the Western Australian Alcohol and Drug Authority entitled 'Education and Drugs', December 1976 (T 724).

Report of the Honorary Royal Commission appointed to inquire into and report on the treatment of alcohol and drug dependents in Western Australia, 1973 (CT).

Hong Kong Narcotics Report 1975 — 1976 (CT).

Syllabus for training course for Preventive Officers, Bureau of Customs, Western Australia, 13 June to September 1977 (T 771).

Bureau of Customs Assessment Documents for goods entering Australia (CT).

Part of the Constitution of the Independent Schools Association of Western Australia (T 843).

Poisons Act and Poisons Regulations, Western Australia (T 861).

Record of Numbers of First Notifications of Addiction, Western Australia, 1966--1977 (T 865).

Table showing number of ten milligram Methadone tablets supplied in WA, 1971--1977 (T 871).

Map of Kimberley Region of Western Australia showing the coastline (T 887).

Record of coastal surveillance activity, September 1977, Western Australia (T 982).

Table of arrivals and departures of vessels by port by ship, Western Australia (T 988).

Schedule of Knutsen Line Ships calling at Western Australian ports. Departure and arrival dates at each port (T 988).

Commonwealth Department of Transport Minute Paper of 15 September 1977 with details of landing areas in Pilbara and Kimberley districts of Western Australia attached (T 993).


86 Table listing Government Aerodrome Establishments in Western Australia showing staff numbers by occupation at each location (T 994).

87 Commonwealth Department of Transport instructions specifying what constitutes authorised landing and alighting areas (T 994).

88 Two charts which together cover the north west area of Western Australia and have marked upon them the location of Established Landing Areas (T 995).

89 Map of north-western Australia showing air distances from Australia to Indonesian ports (T 997).

90 List of aircraft registered in Western Australian Region (T 1000 ) .

91 List of licensed air operators based in Western Australian Region, above the 26th parallel (T 1001).

92 Mobil Aviation Refuelling Guide, Shell Aviation Availability List, Air BP Aircraft Fuelling Centres (T 1002).

93 Copies of forged prescriptions presented to Mr R. W. Shearer, a Perth pharmacist (T 1017).

94 Correspondence between Mr Shearer and the Western Australian Minister for Health relating to forged prescriptions, etc. (T 1020 ) .

95 Tasmanian Drug Bureau Annual Report, year ending 30 June 1977. Statistics of numbers of offenders and charges and statistics of admissions under Alcohol and Drug Dependency Act, 1968 — 1977 (T 1133).

96 Tasmanian Drug Bureau Annual Report, year ending 30 June 1977. Statistics on a monthly basis showing numbers of persons charged with drug offences, 1968 — 1977 (T 1133).

97 Tasmanian Drug Bureau Annual Report, year ending 30 June 1977. Statistics showing sex and marital status of persons charged with drug offences, 1968 — 1977 (T 1134).














Tasmanian Drug Bureau Annual Report, year ending 30 June 1977. Statistics showing ages of persons charged and committed to institutions, 1968--1977 (T 1134).

Tasmanian Drug Bureau Annual Report, year ending 30 June 1977. Statistics showing the types of drugs, in relation to which prosecutions were instituted, 1968 — 1977 (1 1135).

Tasmanian Drug Bureau Annual Report, year ending 30 June 1977. Statistics showing occupations of persons charged with drug offences, 1968— 1977 (T 1135).

Tasmanian Drug Bureau Annual Report, year ending 30 June 1977. Statistics showing ages of persons charged in relation to particular offences, 1976 — 1977 (T 1135).

Tasmanian Drug Bureau statistical data, 1 July 1977 to 30 November 1977, showing numbers of charges and numbers of persons charged (T 1136).

Tasmanian Drug Bureau statistical data July 1973 to June 1974. Record of charges showing court offence, penalty and origin of drug (T 1140A).

Tasmanian Drug Bureau statistical data July 1974 to June 1975. Record of charges showing court offence, penalty and origin of drug (T 1140A).

Tasmanian Drug Bureau statistical data July 1975 to June 1976. Record of charges showing court offence, penalty and origin of drug (T 1140A).

Tasmanian Drug Bureau statistical data July 1976 to June 1977. Record of charges showing court offence, penalty and origin of drug (T 1140A).

Detailed submission to the Commission from the Australasian Society of Engineers, Tasmanian Branch (T 1141).

Table showing establishment and lines of control of Bureau of Customs (Tasmania) (T 1154).

Table showing seizures of narcotic drugs and implements 3.1.1965 to 27.9.1973 by Special Services Staff (Tasmania).


Per annum volume of narcotic goods seized by Narcotics Bureau and Special Services Staff 1974 to 30.9.77 (Tasmania) Drug seizure prosecutions for 1973 (Tasmania) (T 1156).

110 Summary of drug offences under the Customs Act 1971 to 1977 (Tasmania) (T 1170).

Ill Summary of drug-related prosecutions 1974--1977 (Tasmania) (T 1170).

112 Chart showing structure of Mental Health Services Commission, Tasmania (T 1204).

113 Tasmanian Alcohol and Drug Dependency Act, 1968; Alcohol and Drug Dependency Order, 1969; Alcohol and Drug Dependency (Treatment Centres) Order, 1969; Alcohol and Drug Dependency Regulation, 1969 (T 1205).

114 Tasmanian Alcohol and Drug Dependency Bill, Introductory Second Reading Notes (T 1251).

115 Details of the inspection procedures adopted by Commonwealth Department of Health officers at the premises of Tasmanian Alkaloids Pty Ltd, Westbury (T 1360).

116 Drug Offenders on Probation, statistics 1 November 1976 to 31 October 1977, Tasmania Probation Service (T 1377).

117 Statistics of pre-sentence reports requested by Courts and penalties for drug offenders in respect of whom a pre-sentence report was requested, Tasmania Probation Service, 1974 — 1977 (T 1377).

118 Report: 1 Six Case Histories of Tasmanian Drug Users' (T 1388).

119 Submission by Mr F. D. Potts, Tasmanian Department of Health Services, to the Tasmanian Parliamentary Select Committee on Victimless Crime (T 1402).

120 Tasmanian Legislation:

Public Health Act Part VIII; Poisons Act; Public Health (Food Hygiene) Regulations; Therapeutic Goods and Cosmetics Act; Pharmacy Act, Road Safety (Alcohol and Drugs) Act (T 1416).

El 04















Submission by the Alcohol and Drug Dependency Board to the Tasmanian Parliamentary Select Committee on Victimless Crime (CT).

Australian Capital Territory, Poisons and Dangerous Drugs Ordinance (T 1570).

Australian Capital Territory Public Health (Prohibited Drugs) Ordinance 1957 (T 1570).

Statistics of dispensing of narcotics for the year 1977 (to 5 November), Australian Capital Territory (T 1573).

Bibliographic material supplied by J . V. Barry Memorial Library, Australian Institute of Criminology (T 1598).

Aliens Act 1947 (T 1618).

Migration Act 1958 (T 1620) .

Australian Citizenship Act 1973 (T 1648).

Department of Defence Report on the detected illegal use of drugs in the armed services (T 1648).

Interim report of the Committee on Government Operations, United States Senate-- Federal^ Narcotics Enforcement, 19 July 1976 (CT).

Extract from United States Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act (CT).

List of Acts administered by the Minister for Business and Consumer Affairs (CT).

Report of the National Commission for the Review of Federal and State Laws relating to Wire Tapping and Electronic

Surveillance, United States, April 1976 (CT).

The Role of the Commonwealth Laboratory in the Control of Drugs of Dependence, Licit and Illicit, F. E. Peters, Commonwealth Analyst (CT).


135 Recommendations arising from visits to laboratories in United States and Canada in 1972, Dr I. Dainis (CT).

136 Recommendations from the United States--Australia Seminar, 1974, attended by Dr I. Dainis and Dr Dahl (CT).

137 Summary and recommendations arising from visit to North America by Commonwealth Government representative to examine forensic aspects of the drug problem (CT).

138 Commentary on the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs;

Commentary on the Protocol Amending the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs; Commentary on the Convention on Psychotropic Substances (United Nations publications) (CT).

139 Statistical tables: Country in which Australians were arrested overseas by type of drug involved, 1976 and 1977; Country of arrest, 1973--1977 (CT).

140 National Policy on Methadone, National Health and Medical Research Council (CT).

141 Australian Capital Territory Noxious Weeds Ordinance (1921— 1959) with Proclamation of 19/10/62 (T 2006A).

142 'Australian Pilot' Volume V, corrected to 28 October 1976, Western Australia, with various charts of the coastline attached (T 2036).

143 Report showing details of persons dealt with for drug offences in District and Supreme Courts, Queensland, since 1972 (T 2057).

144 Health Act, Queensland, 1937 — 1976 (T 2062).

145 Report showing details of bail absconders, Queensland, 1972 — 1977 (T 2064).

146 'A Contemporary View of the Drug Scene in Queensland', D. Hassell, Health Education Officer, Queensland Health Department (T 2107).















'Advice to Principals', (re drugs): extract from New South Wales publication 'Inside Education' Volume 66, December 1972 (T 2109).

List of Drug Rehabilitation Centres known to Queensland Police (T 2110).

Extract from Annual Report, 1976 — 1977 'The Haven', Salvation Army Counselling Centre, 75 Shakespeare Street, Coorparoo, Queensland (CT)

Pharmaceutical Council of Western Australia, Newsletters, September and November 1977, relating to forged prescriptions for drugs of addiction (T 2203).

Pro forma: Report of conviction of person coming within the scope of the Migration Act (in use by New South Wales Police) (T 2204) .

Particulars of Australians arrested for drug offences overseas for the years 1976 and 1977 (T 2204).

Narcotic drug statistics (1971) compiled by Australia Crime Intelligence Centre for the United Nations (T 2206).

Queensland Department of Health, Division of Psychiatric Services, Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 1977 (T 2208).

First report on Alcohol and Drug Use by Queensland School Children, Research Branch, Department of Education, Queensland, July 1975 (T 2245).

Third report on Alcohol and Drug Use by Queensland School Children, Research Branch, Department of Education, Queensland, March 1976 (T 2245).

Poisons Regulations (Queensland) (T 2249).

Prescription Form, Queensland Methadone Syrup Program (T 2254).

Two tables from Australian Capital Territory Health Commission showing details of persons treated for drug and alcohol problems, 1976--77 (T 2319).


160 Table showing numbers of persons arriving at Melbourne airport from overseas during the years 1971 to 1977 (T 2328).

161 Blank Bureau of Customs Unaccompanied Baggage Statement (T 2345).

162 Details of offenders charged with drug offences under the Customs Act by Narcotics Bureau, Southern Region, 1976 and 1977 (T 2348).

163 Drug Users Parents Aid (DUPA) Foundation Statistical Report July 1975 to January 1978 and Foundation Constitution (CT).

164 Map showing Port of Melbourne (T 2519).

165 1976 Annual Report, Alcoholics and Drug Dependent Persons Services Branch, Health Commission of Victoria (T 2598).

166 Alcoholics and Drug Dependent Persons Services Branch, Health Commission of Victoria, Lecture Note No. 64, Dr G. Milner, 'Methadone' (T 2598).

167 Three articles by Dr G. Milner entitled:

'Drink, Drugs and the Driver'; 'The Cost of Drugs to the Australian Society'; 'Australian Management Programme for Drinking Drivers' (T 2609A).

168 Letter from Alcoholics and Drug Dependent Persons Services Branch, Health Commission of Victoria to Dr Drew, Mental Health Section, Department of Health, Canberra, about ways of assessing the number of persons treated for drug addiction in Victoria (T 2609A).

169 'Recommendations for an Australian Response to Drug Use Problems', Milner, Dr G., Frame, Dr M. , MacKenzie, C. E ., 1973 (T 2612).

170 'Implications of a Survey of Victorian Drug Users', 1976, by Dr G. Milner (T 2612).

171 Summary of Victorian Statutes and Regulations dealing with drugs (T 2679).


172 Newspaper cuttings dealing with consumption of cigarettes and tobacco;

extracts from Medical Journal of Australia including items on cigarette smoking by Sydney school children;

article on the clinical problems of methadone maintenance treatment;

article from the Australian Family Physician;

Australian Greek Welfare Working Paper on migrant welfare (T 2696).

173 The Misuse of Drugs (Notification of and Supply to Addicts) Regulations (UK), 1973. Statutory Instrument No. 799, Home Office, 19 April 1973 (T 2705).

174 'PSA Reviews Poisons Schedules', Article in Australian Journal of Pharmacy, December 1977 (T 2708).

175 Map of Victoria showing locations at which Indian Hemp is known to have been cultivated (T 2751).

176 Photographs, Indian Hemp plantations, Mt Toob-be-Wong, and Lorne, Victoria (T 2756).

177 Canadian legislation-- Protection of Privacy Act, Part IV.1---Invasion of Privacy, Interception of Communications (T 2787A).

178 Charts showing prescriptions qualifying for Commonwealth pharmaceutical benefits (T 2838A).

179 'Psychosocial Aspects of Drug Dependency' by Dr A. A.

Bartholomew, Medical Journal of Australia 1971, 1:840; Copy of address entitled 'The Drug Problem in Victoria-- Adults' by Dr A. A. Bartholomew (T 2920).

180 'The Concept of a Detention Centre for Alcoholics and Drug Dependent Persons', by Dr A. A. Bartholomew, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 1975 (T 2929).


181 Patient questionnaire provided by the Royal District Nursing Service relating to drug knowledge and use in the community, pro forma (T 2934).

182 Survey titled, 'Drug Use by the Young Population of Melbourne', Special Publication No. 4, Institute of Mental Health Research and Post Graduate Training, Mental Health Authority, Melbourne, 1973 (T 3012).

183 Survey titled, 'Survey of Drug Use in a Rural City',

(Ballarat), by G. D. Graves, Senior Research Psychologist, Institute of Mental Health Research and Post Graduate Training, Victoria (T 3012).

184 Chapter 7, Interim Report of Australian Law Reform Commission and Appendix (T 3035). 185 Survey titled, 'Alcohol and Drug Use-- The Geelong Area', prepared by the State Group of the Barwon Regional Association for Alcohol and Drug Dependence,

1977 (T 3054).

186 Letter to Mrs J . Nolan (Commonwealth Department of Health) with comments on draft report of assessment team, Drug Education Sub-Committee, Health Education Centre, Victorian Health Commission (T 3069A). 187 Narcotic Drugs International Postal Rules (T 3365).

188 Postal Services Act 1975 (T 3374).

189 Regulations under the Postal Services Act (T 3374).

190 Passports Act, Passport Regulations (T 3443).

191 Copies of forms (Commonwealth Department of Foreign Affairs): Application for Australian Passport, Report of Loss of an Australian Passport, Consent to Issue of Passport, Passport Inquiry, Application for Amendment to an Australian Passport (T 3443).

192 Copies of cablegrams (Commonwealth Department of Foreign Affairs) relating to the use of fingerprints on passports and other documents in overseas countries (T 3444).

193 Portion of letter from Dr S. B. Furnass to South Australian Royal Commission into the Non-Medical Use of Drugs (T 3489).


194 'Drug Education Programs and the Adolescent in the Drug

Phenomena Problem' by Dr R. P. Irwin, a report of the

Australian National University Drug Education Project, Canberra, 1976 (T 3498).

195 Blank Permit to Import Drugs, Blank Permit to Export Drugs (T 3768).

196 Commonwealth Department of Health, statistical tables of imports and exports of narcotic drugs (T 4032).

197 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961 (T 4141).

197A Compol Table A13-- Involvement of offenders with individual drug types by age-- Australia, 1976 (T 4103A).

198 Diplomatic note from Secretary-General, UN, to Minister for Foreign Affairs regarding Convention on Psychotropic Substances. Psychotropic Substances Act (T 4142).

199 Details of outstanding prosecutions in each State and bail absconders in each State under the Customs Act (T 4184A).

200 Sample of prescription form used in the Federal Republic of Germany (T 4384).

201 Map showing Brisbane Port Limits (T 4506).

202 Map of Port of Brisbane showing wharves at which Bureau of Customs is required to exercise control (T 4512).

203 Map of Queensland showing aerodromes, authorised landing areas and airways operations units, Commonwealth Department of Transport (T 4814).

204 Map of Queensland showing marine navigational aids with manned lighthouses underlined in red, Commonwealth Department of Transport (T 4825).

205 Details of the Australian Ship Reporting System including information and forms given to ships' captains, Commonwealth Department of Transport (T 4831).


206 Brochure of aerial photographs, remote sensing services, prepared by Spectral Data Corporation (T 4949).

207 Diagram showing parts of electro magnetic spectrum and expansion of visible spectrum (T 4950).

208 Photograph of four channel multi-bank aerial camera (T 4954).

209 List of Queensland Supreme Circuit Courts showing number of offenders whose recognizances have been estreated and number of absconders, 1.1.73 to 31.12.77 (T 5086).

210 List of Queensland District Courts showing number of offenders whose recognizances have been estreated for drug offences as compared to other offences and number of absconders, 1.1.73 to 31.12.77 (T 5089).

211 List of Queensland Magistrates Courts showing number of offenders whose recognizances have been estreated for drug offences as compared to other offences and number of

absconders, 1.1.73 to 31.12.77 (T 5092).

212 List of Queensland Magistrates Courts showing number of offenders whose recognizances have been estreated for drug offences as compared to other offences and numbers of

absconders for years 1973 to 1977 inclusive (T 5092).

213 List of Queensland Magistrates Courts, for which no information had been supplied-- estreated recognizances considered minimal (T 5092) .

214 Details of some drug offenders appearing in Queensland Courts in respect of whom bail was estreated (T 5093).

215 Ordinances of Norfolk Island and report on assessment of drug activities Norfolk Island, R . D. Cooper, Chief Narcotics Agent. Amendments to the Poisons and Dangerous Substances Ordinance 1957, No. 5 of 1968 and No. 8 of 1973 (T 5126).

216 Misuse of Drugs Acts and Regulations and Amendments, 1973, Republic of Singapore (T 5135).

217 3 photographs of Thai 'Tripping Grass' from Queensland Police files (CT).
















Press clipping 'The Solomon News Drum', 29 July 1977, regarding crash of plane attempting illegal exit (CT) .

Table relating to detection of cannabis plantations in Queensland, 1972--77 (CT).

Commonwealth Department of Immigration and Ethnic Affairs: copies of Form M48 (Application to Visit Australia); Form M1325 (Application for Entry for Temporary Residence in Australia to Engage in Employment or Other Activity for a Specified Period); Form M1130 (Application for Enrolment in other than a Secondary Course) (CT).

Administrative Structure Chart, Northern Territory Police (T 5662).

Table of drug of fences in Northern Territory, 1976. Dangerous Drugs Ordinance Amendments (NT) (T 5662).

Dangerous Drugs Ordinance of Northern Territory (T 5681).

Prohibited Drugs Ordinance of Northern Territory (T 5681).

Poisons Ordinance of Northern Territory (T 5682).

Three photographs of equipment used at Wollongorang cannabis plantation, NT, discovered 9.12.77 (T 5688).

Five photographs of cannabis plantation discovered at Katherine, Northern Territory, 26.11.77 (T 5689).

Map: RAAF flight information publication (Australasian Areas) 3.11.77 (T 5769).

Graph plotting the range in nautical miles against the altitude of an aircraft visible to radar (T 5770).

Radio Navigation Chart: Tennant Creek--Darwin--Port Hedland (T 5774). 231 Outline of Programme of Forster Foundation for Drug Rehabilitation (T 5899).

File of background papers on the formation of the Forster Foundation for Drug Rehabilitation and Banyan House (T 6096).


233 Copy of Speech by J. Doolan, MLA for Victoria River, to

Northern Territory Legislative Assembly on 24.11.77 on Drugs Bill 1976 (T 6102).

234 Northern Territory Council for Civil Liberties statement on Drugs Bill 1976, dated November 1976 (T 6107B).

235 Northern Territory Council for Civil Liberties statement on Drugs Bill 1977, dated 6 June 1977 (T 6107B).

236 Article by D. Aitkin in National Times, 13— 18 February 1978, entitled 1 Illegal Drugs are a Hazard But Bad Laws are Worse' (T 6108) .

237 Collection of press cuttings on drugs, Northern Territory News, September 1975 to June 1976 (T 6109).

238 Press release, Federal Government's proposals to increase police powers of surveillance (T 6112).

239 Extract from 1975/76 Report by Secretary, Northern Territory Council for Civil Liberties, under heading 'Drugs’ (T 6115).

240 Press cuttings on drugs, Darwin Star 2.6.77, Northern Territory News 6.6.77 (T 6115).

241 List of Vietnamese refugee boats arriving in northern Australia showing name of vessel, point of arrival, date and numbers on board, 27.4.76 to 6.1.78 (T 6129).

242 Extract from Mass Detection Observations Handbook, July 1973; Chapter 7 figure 2 (T 6383).

243 Map of Australia showing meteorological radar stations, Queensland map showing radar coverage diagrams for target height 10,000 ft (T 6384).

244 Map-- Northern Territory Pastoral (T 6395).

245 International chart series, Australian north coast and adjacent waters, published by Hydrographic Service, R.A.N. (T 6395).

246 Compel records relating to sightings of unidentified aircraft in Northern Territory (CT).


247 Aerial photograph, black and white, Lanyon Homestead, Tharwa, ACT (T 6441).

248 Aerial photograph, colour, suburb of Higgins, ACT (T 6441).

249 Aerial photograph, black and white, Defence Buildings Complex, Canberra, ACT (T 6441).

250 Aerial photograph, colour infra-red, Second Creek, Fraser Island (T 6442).

251 Aerial photograph, colour infra-red, Second Creek, Fraser Island (T 6442).

252 Map of Queensland showing land use and indicating five areas coloured in overlay ink which were the subject of cost

estimates for conducting cannabis aerial location surveys (T 6452).

253 Circular memorandum dated 24/1/78 to Queensland Clerks of Court and Registrars of District Courts requesting information in respect of the estreating of recognizances in relation to

(a) drug charges, and (b) offences other than drug charges (T 6462)

254 Plan of the Port of Adelaide, Waterfront area (T 6583).

255 Map of the South Australian coastline extending into Victoria (T 6584).

256 Department of Transport Air Safety Incident Report dated 8 February 1978 relating to a sighting near Gove of unidentified aircraft (T 6889B).

257 Appendices 1--8 of South Australian Health Commission. Submission to the South Australian Royal Commission into the Non-Medical Use of Drugs (T 7172).

258 Letter from Dr P. S. Woodruff, (17/10/77) to Commissioner Dr E. Hackett,. South Australian Royal Commission into the Non-Medical Use of Drugs, and enclosures:

Copy of L. R. H. Drew's Review on South Australian drug treatment programs, August 1977.


Papers from meeting of NSCC of September 1977 relating to drug education and methadone consumption in Australia (T 7173).

259 Narcotic and Psychotropic Drugs Act, 1934--1977 (South Australia) and Regulations thereto (T 7186).

260 Regulations under the Food and Drugs Act, 1908--1972, South Australia (T 7187).

260A Alcohol and Drug Addicts (Treatment) Act, 1961--1971, South Australia (CT).

261 Graph showing South Australian Service to Youth Council Drug Referrals and drug-related cases and SYC Annual Report 1977 (T 7323) .

262 Minutes of open meetings referring to terms of reference of South Australian Royal Commission (T 7407).

263 Attachments to Submission by National Hyperactivity Association (South Australian Branch) (T 7701).

264 Modbury Hospital, South Australia: statistics, overdose admissions, Attempted Suicide Survey, March 1973--January 1974, February 1975--December 1975, January 1976--December 1976 (T 8578) .

265 Proceedings of Seminar on Alcohol and Other Drug Dependencies in Canberra, ACT, May 1975, ACT Council of Social Service, editors H. Pang, G . Scully, P. Stolz (T 8578). 266 Policy of the Royal Australian Nursing Federation, South Australian Branch concerning the non-medical use of drugs (T 8631).

267 Nurses Registration Act, 1920 — 1963, South Australia and Regulations under the Nurses Registration Act (T 8633).

268 Paper by Dr J. Gabrynowicz, A. W. Moore, B. Van 'Diagnosis of Alcoholism among Drunken Drivers and their Profile' delivered to Seventh International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, Melbourne, January, 1977 (T 8751).

269 Two speeches by Dr D . Tonkin (now Premier of South Australia) on drug problems of young people dated 21 July 1970 and 29 October 1970 and comments on Dangerous Drugs Act Amendment Bill (South Australia) (T 8810).














Submission from Narconon Inc. South Australia (originally made to the South Australian Royal Commission into the Non-Medical Use of Drugs) and supporting documentation (T 8835) .

Map of South Australia (T 8859).

Submission of Dr L. W. Shears (Director-General of Education, Victoria) to Senate Committee on Drug Trafficking and Drug Abuse, 7 October, 1970 (T 8881).

'Report on Health Education in Victorian Primary Schools', G. Preston, Curriculum and Research Branch, Department of Education, Victoria, June 1977 (T 8887).

Booklet, ' A Guide to Drug Education', prepared by the

Curriculum and Research Branch, Victorian Education Department, 1975 (T 8889).

Health Education Resources Directory prepared by the Curriculum and Research Branch, Department of Education, Victoria (T 8891).

Address given by Director-General of Education, Victoria, Dr L. W. Shears, at Seminar on 'Drugs and Society', Monash

University, Vic., 1 May, 1973 (T 8901).

Statement prepared by Mr J. Samulis describing the Agency Abuse Referral Therapy Foundation, Victoria (T 8924) .

Extract concerning marihuana from Meyler's 'Side Effects of Drugs', Volume 8, 1975 (T 8928) .

Letter of 24 January 1978 by Director to senior officers of all units of Alcoholics and Drug Dependent Persons Services Branch, Health Commission of Victoria, concerning illegal use of opiates by people on methadone programs.

Working Note No. 13 'Management and Treatment Principles', Health Commission of Victoria (T 9011).

Article 'Drugs, Drink, Crime and the Expert Witness' by Dr G. Milner, Health Commission of Victoria, and supplement thereto, Lecture Note No. 61 (T 9017).

Four Bulletins from the Pharmaceutical Society of Victoria:


No. 171 Aug/Oct 1976 -- Poisons Act changes, forged prescriptions; stolen prescription forms

No. 175 July/Sept 1977-- guidelines for dispensing to persons suspected of being drug dependent

No. 176 Oct/Dec 1977 -- methaqualone transferred to Schedule 8

No. 177 Jan/Feb 1978 -- faked and forged prescriptions (CT).

282 Three circulars sent to members of the Victorian Register of Pharmacists dated 23 August 1973, 4 July 1974 and 20 May 1976 on marked increase of prescribed drugs, Methadone and Palfium (CT).

283 Legal Resources Book 1977, Bill Lane, La Trobe University: section on drugs (CT).

284 Newspaper cuttings dealing with drugs and massage parlours (T 9189).

285 Clinical memorandum No. 4 'Drug Trafficking and Drug Abuse' December 1970. Submission to the Senate Select Committee by Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (T 9500).

286 Publication 'Drug Dependence: The Scene in Victoria1, being the report of The Study Group of the Victorian Foundation on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, 1974 (T 9502).

287 'Voices in the Wilderness 1, report on tour of North America by D. J . Travers, Chief Executive Officer, Victorian Foundation on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, February 1976 (T 9503).

288 Addenda to the Report of the Board of Inquiry into allegations against members of the Victorian Police Force, 1976, unpublished (T 9503).

289 Map of Melbourne and Victoria (T 9504).

290 Sydney (Kingsford Smith) Airport---Summary of Offences---Drug Arrests, 1977 (T 9576).

291 Sydney (Kingsford Smith) Airport-- Summary of Offences --Drug Arrests, 1978 (T 9576).

El 18














Map of Australia showing actual and required radar stations to provide minimum coastal detection capability for low flying or high flying aircraft (T 9649).

Specifications of Arafura and Carpentaria Class Patrol Boats (T 9650A).

Brochure 'Introducing the Hawker de Havilland Surveillance Pod' (T 9650D).

Health Commission of New South Wales paper entitled 'Control of Drug Distribution and Use-- TG90/1' (T 9719).

Poisons Act of NSW 1966--1977; Poisons List 1977 (T 9720).

Therapeutic Goods and Cosmetics Act New South Wales, 1972--1975 (T 9721).

Document entitled 'Health Commission of New South Wales-- Guide to the Therapeutic Goods and Cosmetics Act 1972' (T 9721).

List of licensed manufacturers and wholesale distributors of therapeutic substances, New South Wales, as at 1.5.77 (T 9722).

Paper entitled 'Health Commission of New South Wales-- Guide to Poisons Legislation for Pharmacists' (T 9722).

Copy of Form No. 8 being page of NSW Drug Register (T 9724).

Paper entitled 'Health Commission of New South Wales-- Approved Systems for Recording of Prescriptions' (T 9725B).

Draft reports of the New South Wales Government for

incorporation into the Annual Report of the Australian Government for the calendar years 1970, 1971, 1972, 19/3, 1974 on the Working of the International Treaties on Narcotic Drugs (T 9725D).

Report of study tour to examine drug control and administration in North.America and Europe by R. M. Dash, Senior Pharmacist, Health Commission of New South Wales (T 9727).


305 Extract from New South Wales Hansard--- Second Reading Speech introducing Bill for the Poisons (Amendment) Act 1970 (T 9728).

306 Circular entitled 1 Recognising and Handling Addicts' prepared by Health Commission of New South Wales (CT).

307 Map of New South Wales showing major Customs control points (shipping ports, airports, inland sub-collectorates, Narcotics Bureau offices) (T 9763). .

308 Documents supplied by New South Wales Branch of AMA relevant to its attitude on education in clinical pharmacology, April 1978 (T 9818) .

309 Book by Dr E. Puddy and A. Litt, 'Social Education, Talking with Students', a course in human relationships for secondary schools, January 1970.

Health Education syllabus guidelines for South Australian secondary schools (T 9902A).

310 Summary of United States Office of Education, Drug Education Programme (T 10023E).

311 Report from United States Federal Health body detailing expenditure of funds on drug education by State (T 10023E).

312 'Recent Scientific Evidence on Marihuana', report by D . Martin for Eastland Committee, U.S. Senate (T 10023F).

313 Monograph-- 'Deterrence and the Drinking Driver', R. Tomasic, Law Foundation of New South Wales, 1977 (T 10033).

314 Monograph-- 'Drugs, Alcohol and Community Control', R. Tomasic, Law Foundation of New South Wales, 1977 (T 10033).

315 Article by R. Tomasic in Journal of Drug Issues, Volume 7, No. 4, pp 377--S4, 'Court Based Referral Programs for Alcoholic and Drug Dependent Persons' (T 10033).

316 'The Odyssey House Method-- A comprehensive programme for the prevention and treatment of drug addiction', paper by Dr J . Densen-Gerber (T 10255A).


317 Report by Dr S. B . Furnass, to Sir John Crawford, Vice­

Chancellor, Australian National University, on some aspects of drug consumption in Canada, UK, Sweden, Denmark, U.S. and Australia, 1970 (T 10271).

318 Studies entitled-- 'The interaction of Ethanol and delta 9 Tetrahydrocannabinol in Man', Medical Journal of Australia 1976, 2:159--63, and 'Ethanol, and delta 9

Tetrahydrocannabinol-- interactive effects on human perceptive, cognitive and motor functions', Medical Journal of Australia 1977 1:478--81 (T 10501A).

319 Booklet, Transport Australia No. 17/1977, Commonwealth Department of Transport (T 10549).

320 Article entitled 'Post Mortem Blood Alcohol in General Aviation Pilots' by T. C. Brown and J. C. Lane, Aviation Medicine

Branch, Department of Transport, Melbourne (T 10557).

321 International Airports-- extract from Airways Information Publication, Commonwealth Department of Transport (T 10572).

322 Chart: Organisation and Data Flow for Programmed Surveillance, Coastal Surveillance Organisation (T 10572).

323 Functional layout of Coastal Surveillance Organisation (T 10572).

324 Commonwealth Department of Transport Radio Navigation Charts 1 and 7; Chart 1-- Victoria and Tasmania, Chart 7-- Parts of Queensland, New South Wales, South Australia and Northern Territory (T 10582B).

325 Commonwealth Department of Transport Radio Navigation Chart 3 superimposed on Radio Navigation Chart 2, Radio Navigation Chart 3 containing the coastline of New South Wales (T 10582B).

326 Commonwealth Department of Transport: Sheets 1--73 of the RAC Operations Section of the aeronautical information publication entitled 'Approximate Coverage from DCA Radar Installations for Australia' (T 10582B).

327 Monograph from Department of Health Education and Welfare, Food and Drug Administration in the U.S., 'Over-the-counter drugs', 8 July 1977 (T 10643).


328 Map-- World Aeronautical Chart, Series Broome, with relevant markings indicating flight path and possible landing sites of unidentified aircraft 7/4/78 (T 10669).

329 Instructions to Commonwealth Department of Transport Airways Operations Officers relating to unusual aAnd/or suspicious aviation activities and coastal surveillance, 27 May 1971 (T 10670).

330 Instructions to Commonwealth Department of Transport Airways Operations Officers relating to unusual and/or suspicious aviation activities and coastal surveillance, 4 November 1976 (T 10671).

331 Instructions to Commonwealth Department of Transport Airways Operations Officers relating to unusual and/or suspicious aviation activities and coastal surveillance, 11 August 1977 (T 10671) .

332 Instructions to Commonwealth Department of Transport Airways Operations Officers relating to unusual and/or suspicious aviation activities and coastal surveillance, Attachments 10 April 1978 (T 10672).

333 Instructions to Commonwealth Department of Transport Airways Operations Officers relating to unusual and/or suspicious aviation activities and coastal surveillance, 20 April 1978 (T 10672) .

334 Way Back Committee theoretical diagrammatic representation of clinical impressions of drug use by youth (T 10709).

335 'Methadone Blockade in the Treatment of Opiate Addiction: A Follow-up Study', Medical Journal of Australia, 1976 1:755 — 56. Paper-- 'A Six-Year Follow-up of 50 Methadone Blockade Patients' April 1978 (T 10726) .

336 New South Wales Police Department drug statistics for six types of offences, 1967 to 1976 inclusive (T 10727).

337 Amendments to the principles and rules for the issue of

authorities for the use of methadone in addict management, Health Commission of New South Wales, Western Metropolitan Health Region (T 10726).

338 Educational material provided by the Narcotics Education Service of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church (T 10787).













'The Kentucky Study' (on Marihuana) by G. Galbraith (T 10832).

Proprietary Association of Australia; Annual Report 1976--77. 3 pamphlets outlining aims and ethics of the Association (T 11013).

Submission originally made by Proprietary Association of Australia to South Australian Royal Commission into the Non­ Medical Use of Drugs, July 1977 (T 11013).

Submission made by Proprietary Association of Australia to Joint Committee of Legislative Councl and Legislative Assembly on Drugs (NSW), January 1977 (T 11013).

Proprietary Association of Australia: a view of the

recommendations of the National Health and Medical Research Council in relation to restrictions on sale of mild analgesics, July 1977 (T 11014).

Drug Inter-Action Guide circulated to doctors, pharmacists and hospitals (T 11061).

Festival of Light paper concerning drug abuse among American soldiers in South-East Asia based on Dr Hardin B. Jones' research (T 11094).

Curriculum vitae of Dr Hardin B . Jones, and bibliography of his books, together with three tapes of meetings and lectures by Dr Jones,

. Marijuana and Youth . Marijuana: the Myth of Harmlessness . Marijuana: a Matter of Concern (T 11094).

Educational and background material on Festival of Light (T 11094).

Article published in British Medical Journal 1978, Vol. 1, pp ■80--93, entitled 'Changing pattern of drugs used for self poisoning' , A. T. Proudfoot and J. Park (CT) .

Sample of blank forms for the purpose of compiling information for each person treated at the Salvation Army's William Booth Institute (CT).


350 Synopsis---'A Bird's-eye View of the Salvation Army's William Booth Institute and Bridge Programme' (CT).

351 Articles written by a medical officer of the Salvation Army:

. The System Part 1

. The System Part 2

• Paper presented, 1976 Autumn School of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs in Melbourne . 'The Alcoholoid' (CT).

352 Correspondence from a private citizen to the Premier of New South Wales and others relating to an alleged assault (CT).

353 Report on public inquiry into self-regulation for Australian broadcasters, dated July 1977 (T 11256).

354 Australian Broadcasting Control Board

Television program standards 1975 and amendments Broadcasting program standards 1967, and amendments (T 11256).

355 Booklets published by the GROW Organisation (T 11313).

356 'Marihuana: Chemistry, Biochemistry and Cellular Effects', ed. Dr Nahas, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1976 (T 11429).

357 'Sensual Drugs', Dr Hardin B. Jones, and Helen Jones, Cambridge University Press, 1977 (T 11429).

358 'Marihuana Today--A Compilation of Medical Findings for the Layman', G. K. Russell, Myrin Institute for Adult Education, New York, 1976 (T 11544).

359 Two charts--(1) GROW Hostel-- report on first 6 months' results;

(2) Time table for residents of the GROW Live-in Centre at Cairns, January 1978 (T 11553).

360 List of narcotic or psychotropic compounds marketed by Roche Products Pty Ltd in Australia (T 11554).

361 Documents containing statistics of unit sales by Roche Products Pty Ltd for various types of drugs for the years 1973— 1977 (T 11555).


362 Analysis of sales and promotion costs of drugs and substances covered by Exhibit 361 for the years 1973 — 1977 (T 11555).

363 Representative papers produced by Roche Products Pty Ltd:

. 'Alcohol and the Benzodiazepines' . 'The General Practitioner's Identification and Management of Emotional Disorders' . 'Physical Dependence on Benzodiazepines?'

. 'Acute Overdosage with Benzodiazepine Derivatives' . 'Present Status of Drugs as Teratogens in Man' . 'A Review of the Effects of Diazepam on Cognitive and Psychomotor Performance'

. 'Residual Effects on Skills Related to Driving after a Single Oral Administration of Diazepam, Medazepam or Lorazepam' . 'The Effect of Medazepam and Alcohol on Cognitive and

Motor Skills Used in Car Driving' . 'Abuse of Psychoactive Drugs-- Fact or Myth?' (T 11558).

364 Paper on Abusecreen Radioimmunoassay for morphine by Roche Sirius (T 11559).

365 Pamphlet, 'The Drug Issue-- A Guide for Parents' issued by New South Wales Health Commission (T 11682).

366 Publications from Transcendental Meditation Society:

. 'Transcendental Meditation Programme' . 'The Restoration of Creative Intelligence through The Programme' . 'Enlightenment for Ideal Rehabilitation:' . 'Scientific Research on Transcendental Meditation

Programme', Collected papers Vol. 1 . Paper of proceedings of First World Assembly on Law, Justice and Rehabilitation (T 11741).

367 A report on the Robert Crown Centre for Health Education and recommendations for its implementation in Australia, February 1978 (T 11805).

368 'The Wayside Chapel', Reverend T. Noffs, Collins Fontana Books, 1969 (T 11805).

369 'Drugs and People', Reverend T. Noffs, Ure Smith, Sydney, 1976 (T 11805) .

370 Six medication cards, Royal Newcastle Hospital (T 11925).


371 1976 Statistics on misuse of drugs in United Kingdom; Home Office news release of 18 October 1977 (T 12089).

372 Copy of First Interim Report of Advisory Council on Misuse of Drugs, Treatment and Rehabilitation; Working Group, Department of Health and Social Security of Great Britain, September 1977 (T 12089) .

373 Report of the Health Education Study Group (1977) under the chairmanship of N. Wadrop, South Australian Department of Education, to the Council of the Curriculum Development Centre, Manuka, ACT (T 12106).

374 Publications by Dr H. Pang, Medical Practitioner, ACT

. 'How China Beat Opium Addiction', September 1975. . 'Addiction and the Relevance of China', November 1974. . 'Human Ecology as an Approach to Alcoholism and Drug Dependence1, Aug/Sept 1976 (T 12313).

375 Correspondence referred to in Dr Pang's submission (T 12313).

376 Copy of painting 'Open Studio' and chart entitled 'The Problem of Opium and its Derivates' (T 12319).

377 Photographs of ultrasonic machine for possible use in detecting the presence of foreign objects in body (The new U . I. Octoson Echoscope produced by Ausonics Pty Ltd) (T 12325A).

378 Transcript of evidence given to Senate Standing Committee on Social Welfare (Reference : Continuing oversight of the drug use problem) 1976--77, Vols. 1--3 (T 12358).

379 Report entitled 'Drug Problems in Australia-- an intoxicated society?', Senate Standing Committee on Social Welfare, AGPS, Canberra, 1977 (T 12358).

380 Submission to South Australian Royal Commission into the Non­ Medical Use of Drugs by Australian Pharmaceutical

Manufacturers' Association (T 12537).

381 Code of Conduct for Pharmaceutical Industries (Fourth Ed. August 1975) (T 12629).















Press statement by Acting Chairman of the National Health and Medical Research Council, Dr Evans, on recommendations on analgesics (T 12629).

Description of Drugs of Dependence Monitoring System (T 12630).

Document showing Structure of Poisons Schedules, Key to References (T 12630).

Document showing number of in-patients in mental health institutions in Australia per 1000 population, total deaths and deaths as a percentage of admissions for each year, 1940--1972 (T 12630).

Director-General of Health's Report, 1976--77, on

pharmaceutical benefits: Table 49, prescriptions and costs of more frequently prescribed drug groups (T 12630).

Health Commission of New South Wales, Guide to the Poisons Regulations for Medical Practitioners, 1974 (T 12631).

Health Commission of New South Wales, Guide to the Poisons Regulations for Pharmacists, 1974 (T 12631).

Health Commission of New South Wales, Guide to the Poisons Schedules for Poisons Licence Holders and Other Sellers of Poisons, 1974 (T 12631).

Health Commission of New South Wales, List of Drugs of

Addiction, Schedule 8 (T 12632).

Health Commission of New South Wales, List of Appendix D Drugs-- Prescribed Restricted Substances (T 12632).

Health Commission of New South Wales, Guide to Labelling Requirements of the Poisons Regulations, 1974 (T 12632).

Code of Practice for Wholesale Distributors of Therapeutic Goods (T 12633).

Health Commission of New South Wales, Guide to the Therapeutic Goods and Cosmetics Act, 1972 (T 12633).


395 1 The Fact Book-- The Prescription Medicine Industry in Australia', Third Edition, January 1977, compiled by Health Economics Services, a division of the Australian Pharmaceutical Manufacturers' Association (T 12633).

396 References to articles in Medical Journal of Australia dealing with the prescription of psychotropic drugs by general practitioners (T 12633).

397 Report by IMS America Ltd to Drug Enforcement Administration, National Institute on Drug Abuse, upon the working of DAWN (Drug Abuse Warning Network) being Phase 3 report for the period April 1974 to April 1975 (CT).

398 Curriculum vitae of Dr D. N. Wade, Professor of Clinical Pharmacology, University of New South Wales (T 12756).

399 Letter dated 6 September 1977 from Dr P. L. T. Ilbery, Medical Director of the Cancer Institute, Victoria, re the use of heroin for patients with severe intractable pain, or terminal cancer (T 12757).

400 Clinical Pharmacology Bulletin, No. 2 of 1978, editors Wade and Meredith (T 12778).

401 'Sedatives and Hypnotics', paper by Professor Wade (T 12784).

402 Copy of the questionnaire completed by members of Pharmacy Guild of Australia to indicate pharmacists' approach to retailing over-the-counter goods and dispensing (T 12898).

403 Guild Insurance Company statistics including graphs of pharmacy burglary and armed robbery attacks, for calendar year 1977 (T 12902).

404 Uniform Poisons Standard as adopted by the National Health and Medical Research Council, 84th Session, November 1977 (T 12903).

405 Table 27: Bar Chart. Analysis of responses to query on forged prescriptions in questionnaire distributed by Pharmacy Guild of Australia (T 12906).

406 Sample of form-- request for medicine to be sold only with approval of pharmacist or doctor; developed by C. J. Bayly,


pharmacist, to help curb excessive demand for antihistamines linctuses, analgesics (T 12903A).

407 Table 9, Bar Chart. Analysis of responses to query on source of information on drug abuse trends and fads in the community in questionnaire distributed by Pharmacy Guild of Australia (T 12918).

408 Table 19. Legal supply of drugs of addiction to addicts: i -e ., analysis of responses to the question of extension of program to include heroin in questionnaire distributed by Pharmacy Guild of Australia (T 12926).

409 Table 20. Legal supply of drugs of addiction to addicts: i .e ., analysis of responses regarding the supply of heroin to registered addicts as part of pharmaceutical services in questionnaire distributed by Pharmacy Guild of Australia (T


410 Tables showing analysis of answers to questionnaire distributed by Pharmacy Guild of Australia not incorporated elsewhere (T 12938A).

411 Statistics relating to under-bond removal of goods for 1975, 1976, 1977 at Sydney Kings ford Smith Airport, Port of Sydney, Newcastle, Port Kembla, Botany Bay, Eden, Parramatta and Richmond (T 12976E).

412 Statistics relating to mail passing through Sydney, Newcastle, Port Kembla Mail Exchanges-- 1975, 1976, 1977 (T 12978).

413 Letter from Sir Alan Carmody to the Editor of 'P and D News', Customs Officers' Association of Australia, dated 12.11.74, former Comptroller-General of Customs, expressing the Department's attitude on law enforcement (T 12981).

414 'Self poisoning with barbiturates in England and Wales during 1959— 74'. Article by Dr M. W. Johns, Vic., witness and

published in British Medical Journal, Vol. 1, pp· 1128 to 1130, 30 April 1977 (CT).

415 Community Service Publications by the Hospital Benefits Association entitled 'Drugs of Addiction and You', (A handbook for children and their parents) , and 'Alcoholism-- Its Closer than you Think' (T 13505).

416 Hospital Benefits Association Corporate Objectives (T 13506).


417 'Comparative Cost Benefit Statement-- effect on Treasury receipts of a reduction in alcohol abuse' by L. P. Stevenson, Vic. (T 13553).

418 Statistics and details of 16 mm films used by the Education Department, Vic. (T 13555).

419 International Drug Report, Vol. 18, No. 5, May 1977 (CT).

420 Article entitled 'The Drug Problem and its Management' by Dr J. F. Rutter, Vic., published in the Australian Family Physician, Vol. 3, August 1974 (CT).

421 Annual Report of the Victorian Foundation on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (VFADD) for the year ended 30 June 1977 (T 13633) .

422 'Glue Sniffing' : Abuse of volatile solvents and gases, 2nd Edition, February 1976, Drugs of Dependence Section, Department of Health, Canberra (T 13681).

423 Handbook for field workers prepared and published by the Health Education Council of Western Australia (1971) (T 13734).

424 Three film guides produced by the Health Education Council of Western Australia.

'The Choice' 1971 1 The Road to Charlie' 1974 'Where are we heading' 1970 (T 13734).

425 Pamphlets published by the Health Education Council of Western Australia

'Medicines and how to use them' 'Talking about the drug issue-- for parents' 'Drugs, who, why and where' 'Drug education-- can it be taught' 'Us and our drugs' Evaluation of leaflet 'Us and our Drugs' (T 13734).

425A Pamphlets and leaflets published by the Health Education Council of Western Australia, including 'Doing something about drugs' (T 3387A).

426 Health Education Council of Western Australia Information Bulletins


Drugs No. 20-- The heroin--marijuana relationship---a basic aspect of drug management Social Issues No. 36G-- Current status and problems of alcohol education in schools Drugs No. 37-- Commentary on marijuana Drugs No. 38-- Youth's challenge-- (extract from 'Drugs

Demystified') Drugs No. 39-- Booby Traps in Drugs (T 13735).

427 'Pot'-- an address by J. T. Carr, Executive Officer of the Health Education Council, WA, to the Local Government Association Conference, Perth, 9.8.72 'The right of the individual to health' , address by witness at

Summer School 1970, Adult Education Board, University of Western Australia (T 13735).

428 'Trigger Kit.' Three folders containing information on

The Drug Issue The Alcohol Issue The Smoking Issue Produced by the Health Education Council of Western Australia

(T 13736).

429 Health Education News and Views, Special Edition No. 1, December 1977,-- Drug Education Special. A review guide to current literature for professionals engaged in health education in schools and the community (T 13738).

430 Map of northern Australia and adjacent islands illustrating possible civilian surveillance (T 13871).

431 Details of a survey conducted by the Committee of Illegal Drugs Abuse Conference, WA, to establish the nature and extent to which general practitioners are exposed to abusers of illegal drugs (T 14137).

432 Booklet 'Schools and Drugs-- Some Guidelines' published by the Education Department, SA, 1978 (T 14331).

432A Circular to schools 'Drugs and Schools' dated April 1978 from Director-General of Education, SA (12 Guidelines for dealing with drug use and abuse in schools) (T 14232).

433 Information Handbooks produced by the Education Department, SA

Health Education-- Primary Syllabus Guidelines for years 4--7, 1977 Health Education-- Secondary Syllabus Guidelines, 1978 Health Education-- years 8--10 Teachers Handbook, 1977(T 14247).


434 Booklet: 'Education: a discussion paper1 produced by the South Australian Royal Commission into the Non-Medical Use of Drugs, Adelaide, 1978 (T 14247).

435 'Actions and Reactions', Book three of a Thematic English Course by Maureen Stewart and Terry Doyle, 1973 (T 14419).

436 Newspaper extract-- 'Northern Star', 19 April 1978--- Richmond River mother tells of 18 years old son taking 'Gold Top'

mushrooms (T 14419).

437 Extract from Waterside Workers Award Variation (No. 4178 of 1977, Mr Justice Robinson, Sydney, 14 December 1977) (T 14671).

438 Pamphlet-- 'Alcohol and Drug Dependence--- A joint

Union/Management responsibility', produced by Australian Foundation for Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Canberra, November, 1974 (T 14671).

439 List of Member Companies of the Australian Pharmaceutical Manufacturers' Association (T 14671).

440 Policy guidelines on Packaging and Labelling of Prescription Pharmaceuticals in Australia issued by the National Working Party on Packaging and Labelling, October, 1977 (T 14671).

441 Gasoline Inhalation Literature.

'Petrol sniffing Case Study', British Journal on Addiction, 1974. 'Mental Illness Due to Voluntary Inhalation of Petrol Vapour', Medical Journal of Australia, 1967. 'Self-intoxication by Petrol Vapour Inhalation', Medical

Journal of Australia, 1967. 'Hunger for Stimuli Petrol Inhalation', British Journal of Medical Psychiatry, 1970. 'Petrol Sniffing Rises Among Young Blacks', Adelaide

Advertiser, 1976. 1 The Threshold Toxicity of Gasoline Vapour', the Journal of Industrial Hygiene and Toxicity, 1943. 'Solvent Sniffing', Pediatrics, 1967. 'Glue Sniffing', Abuse of Volatile Solvents and Gases,

Commonwealth Department of Health, Drugs of Dependence Section, 1976 (T 14690).

442 Extracts from the following publications


'Elixir of Love', Father David, The Family of Love 'Media Sexploitation', Professor W. B. Key, A Signet Book, 1972 'Public education-- River of Pollution', Dr J. P. Bean, Educator Publications (T 14784).

443 Table-- Airport Safety Officer and Airport Traffic Officer establishment and actual staffing within the various regions of the Commonwealth Department of Transport, May 1978 (T 14795).

444 Duty statements covering the establishment mentioned in Exhibit 443 (T 14795).

445 Report: Review of Airport Police Branch, Commonwealth Police Force, 28 May 1976, by A. J. Watt, Assistant Commissioner, Compel and R. M. Green, Assistant Secretary, Department of Transport.

International standards and recommended practices on security at international airports. First edition 1974 and supplement (T 14795).

446 Air Navigation Orders Part 99, Section 99.0, Issue 1. Aviation Security Programmes and Precautions (T 14795).

447 Air Navigation Orders Part 99, Section 99.0, Issue 2 (Amends Issue No. 1). Aviation Security Programmes and Precautions (T 14795).

448 Commonwealth Department of Transport policy regarding Aviation Security matters and associated papers, 1973 (T 14795).

449 Air Navigation Regulations. Determination by Secretary of the Commonwealth Department of Transport and Director-General of Civil Aviation of conditions of the use of aerodromes regarding passenger and baggage searching (T 14795).

450 Statutory Rules 1977 No. 124. Regulations under the Air Navigation Act 1920, Amendment relating to Aviation Security for international air services (T 14795).

451 Aviation Security Programmes-- information on training of persons engaged in security screening of passengers and luggage (T 14795).

452 Australian Aviation Security Status Report, March 1978 (T 14795).


453 'Alcohol, drugs and accident risk', Department of Motor Transport, New South Wales Traffic Accident and Research Unit, November 1975.

'The Relationship between Alcohol Dosage and Performance Decrement in Humans', reprint from the Journal of Studies on Alcohol, Vol. 37, No. 3, Rutgers University, March 1976 by Franks, Hensley, Starmer and Leo.

'The Interaction between Ethanol and Antihistamines', Medical Journal of Australia, April 22, 1978, 1: 449--452 by Franks, Hensley, Starmer and Leo.

'The Effects of Caffeine on Human Physiological Functions, Alone and in Combination with Alcohol', extract from the proceedings of Australian Society of Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology, 6th Meeting 1972 by Franks, Hagedorn, Hensley, Robinson and Starmer.

'The measurement and analysis of body sway as a means of detection of Alcohol, Centrally Active Drugs and Disease States', from proceedings of 6th International Meeting Forensic Science, Edinburgh 1972 by Franks, Starmer and Thorp.

'The Effects of Librium and Valium on Human Physiological Functions Alone and in Combination with Alcohol', from the proceedings of 30th International Congress on Alcoholism, Amsterdam 1972 by Franks, Hagedorn, Hensley, Robinson and Starmer.

'The Effects of Dexchlorpheniramine and Meclastine on Human Physiological Functions, Alone and in Combination with Ethanol', from the proceedings of the Australian Physiological and Pharmacological Society, 1973 by Franks, Hensley and Starmer.

'The Interaction of Alcohol and THC in Man: Effects on

psychomotor skills related to driving', paper and extract from proceedings of 6th International Conference on alcohol, drugs and traffic safety in Toronto, 1974, by Franks, Starmer, Chesher, Jackson and Hensley.

'The Effect of Disodium Cromoglycate on Human Psychomotor Performance, Alone and in Combination with Ethanol', from the proceedings of the Australian Society of Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology, 1974, 8th meeting, by Franks, Starmer, Hensley and Crawford.

'The Effect of Disodium Cromoglycate on Human Performance, Alone and in Combination with Ethanol', paper published in Medical Journal of Australia, 1975, by Crawford, Franks, Hensley, Starmer and Leo (T 14795).

454 Cassette containing--


Drug addicts 'tripping out' in Victoria Street, Darlinghurst--- broadcast of Steve Raymond programme, 18th May 1978.

Young woman 'tripping out' in Oxford Street, Darlinghurst--broadcast of Nightwatch, 1969.

Elderly women under the influence of drugs in Bayswater Road, Kings Cross-- broadcast of Nightwatch, 1974.

East Sydney brothel-keeper describing the heavy drug involvement in prostitution broadcast of Mike and Sue programme, June 19, 1978 (CT).

455 Submission from Uralla branch of the Community Standards Organisation re marihuana (T 14940).

456 Progress Party booklet giving policy objectives, candidate's pledge, and constitution (T 14942).

457 Australian Law Reform Commission

'Powers of the Australia Police Force'-- a working paper on surveillance devices (T 14950).

458 Submission by Dr E. M. Stack on the programme at Banyan

House-- to be presented to the Australian Foundation on Alcohol and Drug Dependence Conference on Alcohol and Drug Dependence (T 14958).

459 Australian Development Assistance Agency First Report on 'Thai--Australia Highland Agronomy Project'. Report to the Department of Public Welfare and Chiang Mai University, of the Kingdom of Thailand, on pasture agronomy research carried out

in 1972 — 75 (T 14987).

460 Reference material from Hawker de Havilland Aust. Pty Ltd:

HDHR Report/Cons/9 Operational and Economic Aspects of a Surveillance--Reaction Base at Broome (Study for Customs Department)

Project Arafura-- Feasibility Study and its related Appendices-- Private Industry's Examination of Surveillance and Patrol Boat Design Parameters and Operations

HDHR/Project Note/2 The Coastal Protection Problem

HDHR/Project Note/3 Coastal Protection Surveillance Requirements


Guest Lecture to the Symposium on Light aircraft-- 1 The Coastal Protection Problem'

Pacific Defence Reporter February and March 1978---'The 200 Mile Zone-- The Approach and Equipment Implications', Parts I and II (T 15533).

461 Report on petrol inhalation by aboriginal youngsters at Maningrida in Arnhem Land dated 1st September 1978 by Dr H. D. Eastwell, Qld (T 15733).

462 Leaflet Australian Coastal Surveillance Organisation---produced by the Commonwealth Department of Transport (T 15759).

463 Ten photographs depicting crop substitutes in Thailand (T 15860).

464 Documents prepared for Rotary Community and Drug Awareness Projects outlining 3 stage project under the auspices of Queensland Rotary Clubs in co-operation with the Division of Health Education and Information, Queensland Department of Health (T 15910).

465 Manual 1 Drug Education: A Guide for Teachers of Health Education1 , produced by the Queensland Health Education Council in collaboration with the Department of Education, Queensland, 1972 (T 15919).

466 Folder containing material on mass communication supplied by representatives of the Advertising Federation of Australia (T 15944).

467 Letter dated 18.9.78 from R . G. Spanswick, Secretary of the NSW Branch of the Customs Officers' Association of Australia requesting leave to cross-examine witnesses of the Department of Business and Consumer Affairs from the Public Gallery (T

16028) .

468 Commendations contained in transcript of evidence to officers of the Commonwealth Department of Business and Consumer Affairs for their action.

- In the District Court of NSW before Judge Torrington, Sydney, Monday, 5 December 1977 in the case of R. v. William Burns Coster (convicted).

- In the District Court of NSW before Judge Hicks, Sydney, Thursday, 10 August 1978 in the case of R. v. Patricia Mary Moylan, Graham Twaddell (convicted) (T 16042).












Circular No. 1978/40 of September 1978 from Australian Public Service Association (Fourth Division Officers) to members in the Department of Business and Consumer Affairs-- report on Business and Consumer Affairs Consultative Council Meeting on 21 August 1978 (T 16145).

Organisation charts of the Commonwealth Department of Business and Consumer Affairs, August 1978. Bureau of Customs Narcotics Bureau (T 16244).

Tender schedule No. C2/78/71-- Hire of Light Twin Engined Aircraft for Coastal Surveillance. Specifications for Charter Aircraft Tasks (T 16259).

Collection of assessments by Senior Preventive Officers of the submissions by the NSW Branch of the Customs Officers'

Association (T 16335).

Copy of Small Craft Report Form-- Customs (T 16398).

Copy of questionnaire for distribution amongst unions affiliated with the Labor Council of New South Wales to gauge involvement in drugs by union members (T 16455).

Press release of 16th June, 1978 by the Labor Council of New South Wales supporting the action taken by Customs Officers' Association in appearing before the Australian Royal Commission of Inquiry into Drugs (T 16472).

Sample of forms previously used in Regional Offices of the Narcotics Bureau to record drug seizure statistics (T 16680).

Samples of national consolidation of drug seizures compiled by the Narcotics Bureau, Canberra showing type of drug, quantity seized for each year (1967-1976) (T 16680).

Extracts from Official Year Book of Australia-- No. 59 of 1973, No. 60 of 1974, No. 61 of 1975--76-- Statistics on Drug

Offences (T 16681).

Booklet produced by the Commonwealth Department of Business and Consumer Affairs, Narcotics Bureau 'Australian Drug Situation-- an outline for United States Congressional Delegation Visit-- January 1978'. Statistics of seizures by Australian Narcotics Bureau 1975 — 77 (T 16682).


480 Nine annual reports of the Commonwealth Department of Business and Consumer Affairs also titled 'Review of Activities', 1970— 77/78 (T 16695).

481 Letter of 16.6.78 from Senior Counsel to H. Bates requesting update of statistics of drug seizures (Open Exhibit 1) and clarification of figures for 1972 and 1976.


Reply dated 6.7.78 from H. Bates to Senior Counsel to letter of 16.6.78 with statistics of Drug Seizures Narcotics Bureau under drug types and prosecutions for 1977 and 1978 to 30th June. Copy of telex to Regional Offices requesting return of drug seizures/prosecutions statistics urgently (T 16703).

Agents daily report sheets Narcotics Bureau for 20th January, 1978 showing summary of activities in connection with Investigators Hammond, Jones, Holier, Rainbow and Turner (T 16757).

483 Table headed Liaison with State Police, All States and A.C.T. showing number of instances information was passed by Narcotics Bureau to Police by Information Report or other means for the period 1.1.77 to 31.8.78 (T 16801).

484 Analysis of pleas. Offences under the Customs Act in Superior Courts in all States (T 16822).

485 Letter dated 6.9.78 from V. G. Montgomery, Commonwealth Department of Business and Consumer Affairs enclosing--

Organisation Chart, Bureau of Customs Organisation Chart, Narcotics Bureau Narcotics Bureau-- establishment Central Office and Regional Offices by Sections and Classification. Narcotics Bureau-- (i) Resignations, Retirements,

Dismissals; (ii) Transfers and promotions from; (iii) Appointments, promotions and transfers to;

(iv) internal transfers and promotions for years 1973--78.

Narcotics Bureau-- Operational Staff under designation/ classification, length of service in Bureau, duration of service in present position. Recruitment procedures-- an outline (CT).

486 Copy of Information Report form-- Narcotics Bureau (T 16960).


487 Commission file on Michael Dzialowski charged under Section 233B(1) (b) of the Customs Act-- illegal importation of cannabis resin (T 16983) .

488 Brief of evidence and transcript of proceedings against H. D. Hanke under Section 233B(1)(b) of the Customs Act 12.4.78 — 18.4.78 (T 17169) .

489 Research report-- 1 Choice of strong Analgesic in Terminal Cancer: Diamorphine or Morphine' by R. G. Twycross published in PAIN, Vol. 3 (1977) (T 17388).

490 Letter published in the British Journal of Clinical

Pharmacology (1977) from R. G. Twycross under the heading 1A comparison of diamorphine with cocaine and methadone'.

Article published in The Lancet 20th May 1967 titled

'Circulatory effects of heroin in patients with myocardial infarction' by H. R. MacDonald, H. A. Rees, A. L. Muir, D . M. Lawrie, J. L . Burton, K. W. Donald from the University

Department of Medicine, Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh (T 17390).

491 Articles on Banning of Heroin-- published in British Medical Journal-- 21st May 1955, 26th November 1955, 3rd December 1955, 10th December 1955, 17th December 1955, 31st December 1955, 4th February 1956.

Articles on Banning of Heroin published in The Lancet-- 18th June 1955-- letter from D . R. Laurence, 25th June 1955--leading article.

Paper 'The Clinical Evaluation of Morphine and its Substitutes as Analgesics' by Louis Lasagna, John Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore (T 17400).

492 Constitution of the Queensland Council for Civil Liberties (T 17406).

493 Letter from President, Queensland Council for Civil Liberties (F. D. 0. Fielding) enclosing a copy of an issue of University News containing an interview with Dr J . Irwin concerning the effects of drug convictions on the future careers of graduates

(T 17410).

494 Photograph, Enlarged Landsat, Broken Hill area (T 17411).

495 Newspaper cuttings, extract from Time magazine and other literature on Transcendental Meditation (T 17521).

El 39

496 Report on Marihuana prepared by a Sub-committee of the Humanist Society of NSW and adopted March 1974 (T 17535).

497 Article 'Acute Viral Hepatitis' by Ian D. Gust published in Australian Family Physician, Vol. 7, May 1st 1978 (T 17539).

498 Documents relating to the programme being implemented at the Windsor Youth Welfare Service-- alternative resource development for assisting young persons who have come into the care of the Victorian Social Welfare Department (T 17539).

499 Review of Quarantine effectiveness at Airports-- Kingsford Smith and Tullamarine, March 1974. Reported reasons for Preventive Officers leaving the Customs Service from 1.1.77 to 20.10.78 (T 17721).

500 Article by R . McCutchan, TM Practitioner, ' The Social and the Celestial: Mary Douglas and Transcendental Meditation', published in the Princeton Journal of the Arts and Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1977.

'The Holy Tradition', article distributed by the Transcendental Meditation movement describing the religious nature of TM, its invocation and rituals.

Medical bibliography compiled by the Association Exposing Pseudo-Religious Cults, Vic.

Extracts from 1 Citizens Freedom Foundation News', Vol. 3, No. 8, August 7th 1978, (USA).

Copy of editorial of the Journal of the Helen Vale Foundation by Shri Vijayadev Yogendra, Vol. 2, No. 2, 1978.

'World Government News', September 1978, Issue No. 9 published by the 'World Government of the Age of Enlightenment'-- founder Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (T 17956).

501 Photographs of the Ho Chi Minh City Drug Addiction Reform Centre, 7.9.78 (T 17997).

502 Paper 'The 30 day trip-- Clinical Studies of Cannabis Tolerance and Dependence' by R. T. Jones and N. Benowitz, Study carried out in Langley Porter Neuropsychiatric Institute, University of California, published in 'The Pharmacology of Marihuana' edited by M. C. Braude and S. Szara, Raven Press, New York 1976 (T


503 Photograph of part of the interior of premises, Tewantin (CT).



















Photograph of part of the interior of premises, Tewantin (CT)

Photograph of part of the interior of premises, Tewantin (CT)

Photograph of part of the interior of premises, Tewantin (CT)

Photograph of part of the interior of premises, Tewantin (CT)

Photograph of part of the interior of premises, Tewantin (CT)

Photograph of part of the interior of premises, Tewantin (CT)

Photograph of part of the interior of premises, Tewantin (CT)

Photograph of part of the interior of premises, Tewantin (CT)

Photograph of part of the interior of premises, Tewantin (CT)

Photograph of part of the interior of premises, Tewantin (CT)

Photograph of part of the interior of premises, Tewantin (CT)

'Police in Australia-- Development, functions, procedures' written and edited by K. L. Milte, assisted by T. A. Weber, Research Assistant in Criminology, University of Melbourne, published by Butterworth Pty Ltd 1977 (T 18621).

Report on The Commonwealth Police Force by K. L. Milte,

submitted to Senator the Honourable Lionel Murphy, Q. C ., former Attorney-General of Australia, 6th July 1973 (T 18621).

Photographs of part of the interior of premises, Tewantin (CT).

Excerpts from Queensland Hansard 25, 26 October 1978, 16 November 1978, 21 November 1978, 22 November 1978 (T 18977).

Copies of Queensland Hansard, 25 October 1978 and 23 November 1978 (T 18979) .

Depositions on the trial of Stavros Demos, Magistrates Court, Gympie, 3 and 4 July 1978, 25 and 26 September 1978 (CT).


521 Copy of CASOS Training handbook prepared by Customs Training Branch, Coastal Air Sea Operations Support Group, Narcotics Bureau (CT).

522 Private submission from D. Brown, R. Woellner, R. Browne and D. Hall relating to New South Wales drug laws (CT).

523 Organisation chart 17 May 1976, Department of Business and Consumer Affairs, Central Office (T 19286).

524 Organisation charts, August 1978, for Bureau of Customs and Narcotics Bureau (CT).

525 Graph submitted by the NSW Health Commission depicting the prevalence of Fourth Form Students using drugs at least once a week, 1971 to 1977

Table submitted by the NSW Health Commission showing frequency of drug use for students (T 19372).

526 Report 'National Forensic Institute' by Committee of Inquiry to the Attorney-General of Australia, April 1974 (CT).

527 Copy of booklet 1 The FBI Laboratory' published by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, United States Department of Justice (CT).

528 Copies of Government Analyst Certificates from Hong Kong (CT).

529 Organisation Chart of the Bureau of Customs, NSW, showing salaries and classifications of officers in the 4th, 3rd and 2nd Divisions (T 19864).

530 Banking Act, 1974 (No. 132 of 1974) amending the principal act dealing with Foreign Exchange, Foreign Investment etc.

Banking (Foreign Exchange) Regulations

Booklet-- Reserve Bank of Australia Exchange Control, November 1978

Form A1 Exchange Control-- Application for overseas payment

Form A3 Exchange Control-- Travel expenditure and Emigration (T 19882) .


531 Article published in 'SEED', Vol. 1, Number 1, 1977 by J.

Hester on the subject of legislation regarding marihuana in Victoria (T 19890).

532 1 The Politics of Heroin in South-East Asia1 by A. W. McCoy with C. B . Read and L. P. Adams, published by Harper and Row NY, 1973

Extracts from the New York Review of Books, Vol. 19, No. 4 , 21 September 1972 containing letters exchanged by the author, the publishers and the CIA prior to publication of 1 The Politics of Heroin in South-East Asia1 (T 19890).

533 Extract from the Western Australian Industrial Gazette 28 September 1977, 22 June 1977 relating to the Trawling

Industrial Agreement No. 46 of 1977

Extracts from the Western Australian Industrial Gazette 28 September 1977, 22 June 1977 and 15 December 1976 where

applications were made before the Western Australian Industrial Commission for re-instatement following dismissal action as a result of abuse of alcohol or drugs during working hours and the judgements given.

Copy of judgement by Western Australian Industrial Commission of 31 March 1978 (No. 126) about dismissal of employee from Goldsworthy Mining Ltd following conviction of possession of cannabis in quarters at mining town of Goldsworthy (T 19950).

534 Four forms relating to the Banking (Foreign Exchange)

Regulations (T 20000).

535 Queensland Police Department-- Instructional Circular No. 18/77 from Commissioner of Police dated 29 April 1977 on security and disposal of drugs and drawing attention to General Instruction N o .9 (216) (c) of the Queensland Policeman's Manual (T 20014).

536 Queensland Police Department-- Instructional Circular No. 31/1976 of 2 September 1976 signed by Commissioner of Police following a direction by Minister for Health that drugs etc. forfeited to the Crown, as a result of any conviction under the Health Act, be destroyed as follows:

in Brisbane, by the Government Analyst

in - country centres, by the State Health Inspector responsible for the district

and that the necessary certificate of destruction be issued (T 20014). '


537 Queensland Police Department Handbook 1 Official Procedures Relating to Investigations of Complaints Against Police' (T 20015).

538 Article 'Attacking the Financial Resources of the Traffic' Drug Enforcement, September 1978 by S. B. Wolfe, Assistant Commissioner (Compliance), Internal Revenue Service, United States (CT).

539 Extract from the Australian Federal Tax Reporter on Section 16 of the Income Tax Act, C. C. H. Australia Limited, 1978 (CT).

540 Extract from Australian Medical Association Gazette of 1 February 1979, entitled 'Heroin is medically useful' (T 20297)

541 Copy of Report on National Drug Education Program by Assessment Team of Drug Education Sub-Committee of National Standing Control Committee on Drugs of Dependence-- Second Report, Part 2-- April 1978 (T 20394).

541A Northern Territory Report on Drug Education Program by Assessment Team, Part 3-- April 1978 (T 22881).

542 Trial transcript of Peter M. Dawson, Robert H. Leith, Lance C . McMillan, charged under Section 233B (1)(d) of Customs Act--Importation, in the County Court of Victoria before Judge Howse, commencing 1.8.77.

Trial transcript of Ian Ramsay Brown in the County Court of Victoria before Judge O'Shea, commencing 3.4.78, on charges of conspiracy, importation, and larceny of Commonwealth property, viz. a quantity of Cannabis resin (T 20633).

544 Transcript of Court proceedings in the case of R . v. Anthony John Ang, trafficking in heroin, before Judge Goran, 15.10.76 (T 20642).

545 Two Functional Staff Deployment Charts: Bureau of Customs, at 31.8.78 (T 20884).

546 Organisation Chart, Bureau of Customs, NSW (T 20893).

547 ’An Overview of the Core-Shell Treatment System’ produced by the staff of the Core-Shell Project: Addiction Research Foundation, Toronto, Ontario, 1977 (Substudy No. 840)


'The "Average Package of Help" versus the Matching Hypothesis: a Doggerel Dialogue1 by F . B . Glaser, Addiction Research Foundation, Toronto, Ontario, 1977 (Substudy No. 891) (T 20934).

548 Copies of echograms of female, showing parts of the body, stomach, rectum, vagina and illustrating the use of ultrasound equipment in the detection of foreign bodies in these areas (T 20971) .

549 Brochure: Roche Axiscan 5 Ultrasound. Electronic Scanner--describes the principle, medical applications, technical specifications and an illustration of the instrument (T 20972).

550 Brochure: U . I. 0CT0S0N Echoscope Ausonics Pty Ltd (water display echoscope)-- tendered as an example of the type of equipment available-- describes the medical application and technical details and provides an illustration (T 20972) .

551 Brochure illustrating PICKER Ultrasound Echoview System SOL (contact echoscope) X-Ray and Electro Medical Equipment. Scientific and General Pty Ltd, Australia (T 20973).

552 Brochure illustrating the Combison 100 by Kretztechnik (ultrasound) (T 20973).

553 Extract from Airways Information Publication of 10 August 1978 by Department of Transport (T 21005).

554 Specimen prescription forms

Department of Health NHS Prescription forms with doctors name and prescribers code preprinted

Prescription forms for Schedule 8 drugs with doctors name and prescribers code to be inserted (T 21047).

555 Photographs depicting the Australian Army Military Dog Wing

based at Casula, NSW (T 21062).

556 Sample of forms used for assessing dogs through training and operational performance by the Australian Army Military Dog Wing, School of Military Engineering (T 21062).

557 Booklet 'New Techniques in Canine Training and Development' by Captain (now Major) G . L. Hulse, R.A.E, Wentworth Books, Sydney, 1973 (T 21063).


558 Queensland Police statistical returns showing involvement of New Zealand nationals in drug and other, offences in Queensland, 1974— 1978 (T 21188).

559 Audio scripts and 13 colour slides on anti-abuse advertising on drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes in Australia provided by representiatives of the Advertising Federation of Australia (T 21189).

560 Two cassette copies of Forum Programme 'Drugs', 4 January 1979, provided by Mr J . Conde, General Manager, Station 2UE, Sydney (T 21269).

561 Material supplied by Dr N. S . Waddy, Director of the Central Drug and Alcohol Advisory Service of the Australian Foundation on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, dealing with professional training programs for health professionals in addictive diseases including:

Copy of letter dated 3 July 1978 from Dr G. C. Wilson to R . Hunt, Minister for Health, Canberra, supporting proposed Professional Training Programme for Health Professionals in the Addictive Diseases.

Copy of 'New Sector' issue No. 3, January 1977, Journal of the Doctors' Reform Society, Paddington, NSW, dealing with alcohol abuse.

Copy of a letter from Senator P. Baume dated 26 June 1978 to Dr. Waddy about funding the education of health professionals.

Copy of paper describing the components of the physican and allied health education program established by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA).

Copy of NIAAA Information and Feature Service No. 27, 27 August 1976, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, U .S . Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Public Health Services, Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health


Copy of letter of 13 January 1977, from J. Trumbel, Training Branch, Division of Resource Development, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare to P . Stolz, AFADD, Canberra about NIAAA/NIDA Career Teacher program on Drug and Alcohol Abuse and Career Teacher Awards.

Copy of letter of 31 March 1979 from J. Trumble to R.

Watkinson, Health Commission, NSW similar to above.

Copy of program description and guidelines. An Academic Career -- Teacher Award in Narcotic Addiction, Drug Abuse and Alcohol Abuse.


Copy of letter of 3 May 1977 from P. Stolz, Executive Director, AFADD, Canberra to Dr S. E. Pulver, Director, Physician Education Project (University of Pennsylvania) Philadelphia. Attachments include copy of article 'Teachers Trained to Develop Alcohol Education for Doctors' published in NIAAA

Information and Feature Service of 3 March, 1977 by Dr S. E. Pulver. Copy of a circular letter signed by D. J. Husband, Physician, Education Project, about the article referred to above and enclosing a paper dealing with some general

principles of Physician Education.

Copies of 12 letters about NIAAA/NIDA Career Training Programme supplies to P. Stolz, Executive Director, AFADD, Canberra, from various organisations in America mainly about counselling and graduate training in alcoholism (T 21282).

562 1 Treatment' a report of the Commission of Inquiry into Non­ Medical Use of Drugs, Canadian Government, 21 January 1972, under the Chairmanship of G. Le Dain (T 21282).

563 Report 'Spectral Reflectance Analysis of Cannabis Sativa L.' by K . Grodewarld and S. Wenderoth, Spectral Data Corporation, New York (T 21354).

564 Paper entitled 'Educational Philosophy and Practice:

Contributors to Alcohol Abuse and Drug Dependence in

Australia?' by Cheetham, Ausburn and Call, Conference of Australian College of Education, Canberra, May 1978 (T 21571).

565 Three booklets referring to the Teachers Advisory Council on Alcohol and Drug Education (TACADE), UK (T 21571).

566 Paper entitled 'Hong Kong Government Central Registry of Drug Addicts' (T 21625) .

567 Copies of various articles and publications including

illustrations and technical information on remote sensing techniques submitted by J. J. O'Brien, Technical Director of Reprographics Pty Ltd, Brisbane, Qld (T 21650).

568 Quarterly Report, National Institute on Drug Abuse--

Statistical Series, Provisional Data October--December 1977--Series D, No. 5 'Data from the Client Oriented Data Acquisition Process' (CODAP), published by the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Public Health Services, Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Administration, Maryland, USA, printed April 1978 (T 21664).

569 Publication entitled 'The British Experience with Narcotic Dependency' prepared by J . S . Russell and A. McNicoll of the

E14 7

Alcohol and Drug Commission, Ministry of Health, Province of British Columbia, April 1978 (T 21664).

570 Publication entitled 'The Client/Agency Monitoring System', of the Alcohol and Drug Commission, Ministry of Health, British Columbia, by M. J. Hollander, Director, Research and Planning Division, 1977 (T 21664).

571 Publication entitled 'A Plan for the Treatment and

Rehabilitation of Heroin Users in British Columbia' prepared for the Minister of Health by the Alcohol and Drug Commission, April 1977-- Part III (T 21664).

572 Publication entitled 'Health Entry Plan for Heroin Users in British Columbia-- The Issues', June 1978 (T 21664).

573 Booklet entitled 'Topics in Therapeutics 4' edited by D . W. Vere, Royal College of Physicians of London, published by Pittman Medical, 1978 (T 21665).

574 'A Report of the Select Committee on Narcotics Abuse and Control'. Chairman L. L. Wolff, 95th Congress Second Session, USA, July 1978 (T 21928).

575 Copy of an article published in the Australian G.P., November 1978-- 'Use and Abuse of Medication Available Over the Counter or on Prescription' (T 22022).

576 Submission by F . D. Potts, Chief Inspecting Pharmacist, Pharmaceutical Services Section, Tasmanian Department of Health Services dated 21 May 1979 dealing with the pilot scheme for the introduction of the special prescription forms for narcotic drugs (T 22107).

577 Extracts from the 'Australian General Practitioners Journal', April 1979 (T 22162)

578 Extract from the Poisons Act, Tasmania, Part 2 Administration Section 6, dealing with the Poisons Advisory Committee

The minutes of the meeting 17 August 1978-- Poisons Advisory Committee-- at which a resolution was carried that the committee recommend to the Minister a scheme requiring special prescription forms for narcotic prescriptions be introduced (T

22169) .













Organisation Chart-- Department of Health Services, Tasmania (T 22182).

Organisation Chart of Pharmaceutical Services Section, Tasmania (T 22182).

Paper by A. McNicoll, Medical Sociologist, entitled 'The Case against the Decriminalisation of Cannabis-- A Special Report for Enforcement Agencies', December 1978 (T 22183).

Collection of documents and references about the Kamarn Breeders Association including material in relation to the supply of dogs for drug detection work (T 22285).

Organisational structure of Pharmaceutical Services Branch, Public Health Department, Western Australia

Public Health Department, Western Australia Hierarchy Chart, 1979 (T 22335).

Extract from the Australian General Practitioners Journal of March 1979-- editorial headed 'Pale Pink Prescriptions' (T 22373A).

Submission 'Coastal Surveillance of Tasmania' by Tasmanian Transport Commission, October 1978 (CT).

Department of Foreign Affairs, Annual Report, 1978 (CT).

South Australian Royal Commission of Inquiry Into the Non­ Medical Use of Drugs; Report, April 1979, together with a summary and recommendation supplement to that Report (CT).

Two papers, supplied by Department of Health, by L.

Penhallurick, 4/6/79, on the 'Treatment of Opiate Addicts with Heroin and Methadone in the United Kingdom' (T 22881).

Book by Dr G. Milner, 'Drug Awareness-- Drugs and Drink: Awareness and Action', 1979 (T 22905).

Copy of individual progress reports of operations financed by the United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control, June 1976--77, prepared by the Division of Narcotic Drugs, United Nations Economic and Social Council, 21 November 1977 (T 22905).


590 Papers regarding Army methods of dog training including a report from Major Hulse which is a proposal for management of an Animal Research Laboratory for use by military and civil organisations (T 22905).

591 Drug Seizures Australia 1974 to 1977 and extracts from

Australia's Annual Report on the Drug Treaties to the United Nations (T 22906).

592 Second and third submissions by S. Dockrill, NSW, dealing with educational problems and political considerations in relation to drugs (T 22910).

593 Annual Report of the Director-General of Health, 1977 — 78 (T 22918).

594 1 Alcohol and Tobacco Consumption Patterns, February 1977', Australian Bureau of Statistics, Canberra, ACT, Catalogue No 4312.0

'Apparent Consumption of Foodstuffs and Nutrients, Australia 1975/76 and 1976/77', Australian Bureau of Statistics, Canberra, ACT, Catalogue No 4306.0 (T 22918).

595 Extracts from the following publications:

Petersen, R . C. and Stillman, R. C ., 'Phencyclidine: An Overview' in PCP Phencyclidine Abuse: An Appraisal, NIDA Research Monograph Series 21, U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, 1978

'Drug Users and Driving Behaviours', NIDA Research Issues Series 20, U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, 1977.

'Drug Effects Can Go Up in Smoke1, report on 1979 Surgeon- General's Report on Smoking, FDA Consumer, March 1979, pp 17-­ 18.

'Smokers Face High Risk of Old Age Retinal Degeneration', Medical Tribune, 25.4.79, p. 2.

Zamel, N., Leroux, M. and Ramcharan, V., 'Decrease in Lung Recoil Pressure after Cessation of Smoking', Am. Review of Respiratory Disease, 119 : 205 — 211, 1979.

Bell, B. A. and Symon, L., 'Smoking and Subarachnoid

Haemorrhage', Br. Med.J. 1 : 577 — 578, 1979.


Isles, C ., Brown, J . J. , Gumming, Μ. M. et al, 'Excess Smoking in Malignant-phase Hypertension', Br. Med. J. , 1:579— 581, 1979.

Madden, J . , 'Problems Pertaining to the Care of Newborn Infants of Drug-Addicted Women', J. Reproductive Medicine, 20:303--306, 1978.

Hill, R . M. and Stern, C ., 'Drugs in Pregnancy: Effects ond the Fetus and Newborn', Current Therapeutics, February 1979, pp. 131 — 150.

Ananth, J ., 'Side Effects in the Neonate from Psychotropic Agents Excreted through Breast-Feeding', Am. J . Psychiatry, 135:801--805, 1978.

Gumpel J . and Mejia, A., 'Prenatal Management, Labor and Delivery Care and Postpartum Follow-up of the Drug Addict', J . Reproductive Med., 20:333--336, 1978.

David, R. C ., 'Psychosocial Care of the Pregnant Narcotic Addict', J . Reproductive Med., 20:316--332, 1978.

Harper, R. G. , Solish, G , Feingold, E. et al. 'Maternal

Ingested Methadone, Body Fluid Methadone and the Neonatal Withdrawal Syndrome', Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol., 129:417--424, 1977.

Stimmel, B . and Adamsons, K ., 'Narcotic Dependency in Pregnancy-- Methadone Maintenance Compared to Use of Street Drugs', JAMA Volume 235, No. 11, 1976, pp 1121--1124.

Collins, E. and Turner, G., 'Six Children Affected by Maternal Alcoholism', Medical Journal of Australia 1978, 2: 606--608.

Morrison, A. B. and Maykut, M. 0., 'Potential Adverse Effects of Maternal Alcohol Ingestion on the Developing Foetus and Their Sequelae in the Infant and Child', CMA Journal, Volume 120, 1979, pp/ 826--82S.

Ouellette, E. M. , Rosett, H. C ., Rosman, N. P, and Weiner, L., 'Adverse Effects on Offspring of Maternal Alcohol Abuse During Pregnancy', N. Engl. J. Med. 1977, 297: 428--530.

Little, R. E ., 'Moderate Alcohol Use During Pregnancy and Decreased Infant Birth Weight', Am. J. Pharmacy, 1977, Volume 67, p p . 1154--1156.

Weathersbee, P. S. and Lodge J . R ., 'A Review of Ethanol's Effects on the Reproductive Process', J . Reproductive Med., Volume 21, pp. 63--7S, 1978.

Himmelberger, D . U ., Brown, B . W. and Cohen, E. N., 'Cigarette Smoking During Pregnancy and the Occurrence of Spontaneous Abortion and Congenital Abnormality', Am. J. Epidemiology, 108: 470--479, 1978.


Landesman, S. and Emanuel, I., 1 Smoking During Pregnancy', Teratology, 19: 119--126, 1979.

Kelsey, J. L., Dwyer, T., Holford, T. R., et al, 'Maternal Smoking and congenital malformations: an epidiological study'. J. of Epidemiology and Community Health, 32: 102--107. 1978.

Ostrea, E. M. and Chavez, C. J. , 'Perinatal Problems (Excluding Neonatal Withdrawal) in Maternal Drug Addiction : A Study of 830 Cases', Journal of Pediatrics, Vol. 94, No. 2, 1979. pp. 292--295 (T 22918) .

596 Chemistry Division 1976 Handbook-- Information Series No. 119-- Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Wellington, New Zealand, 1976 (CT).

597 New Zealand Legislation.

Copy of an Act to consolidate the Narcotics Act 1965 and to make further provisions for the prevention and misuse of drugs, dated 1975 No. 116, 16.10.78.

An Act to facilitate the detection of certain drug dealing offences, to increase the maximum penalties that may be imposed in respect of such offences and to amend the Misuse of Drug Acts, 1975, 10 October 1975 (CT).

598 'The Australian Journal of Alcoholism and Drug Dependence' Volume 4, No. 4 of November 1977: 'Effectiveness of programmes to prevent drinking problems-- A review' by W. Bruen, Director of Evaluation Section, Commonwealth Department of Health, Canberra, ACT (T 23138).

599 'Taxation Review, Australia, 1977 — 78', Australian Bureau of Statistics, Canberra, ACT, Catalogue No 5506.0 (T 23138).

600 Australian Law Reform Commission Report No. 4 'Alcohol, Drugs and Driving', AGPS, Canberra, 1976 (T 23139).

601 'Drugs, Society and Personal Choice' by H. Kalant, Department of Pharmacology, University of Toronto and Addiction Research Foundation of Ontario and 0. J. Kalant, Addiction Research Foundation of Ontario, Thomas Nelson (Australia) Limited (T


602 Annual Report of the Commonwealth Police Force, year ended 30/6/78 (T 23139).

603 Wardlaw, Dr G., 'Drug Use and Crime', Australian Institute of Criminology, 1978 (T 23139).


604 Licensing Commission, Queensland, 42nd Annual Report of Operations under the Liquor Act 1912— 1978 for the year ended 30 June 1978 (T 23139).

605 Extracts from 'Road Traffic Accidents, Queensland', 1972--78, Australian Bureau of Statistics (Qld Office), Catalogue No.9404.3 (T 23139) .

606 Statistics on the consumption of amphetamines and

methylphenidate in Australia, 1972--79 Commonwealth Department of Health, Canberra, ACT (T 23150).

607 'Cannabis-- A Review of Some Important National Inquiries and Significant Research Reports', 1979, prepared by the Drugs of Dependence Section, Commonwealth Department of Health (T 23150).

608 Background paper to lectures by Dr Freed, Director of Alcohol and Drug Dependence Services, Queensland Department of Health, entitled 'Maximization and Minimization of Drug Dependence' (T 23159).

609 Summary of selected aspects of Australia's bilateral aid payments 1.7.76--30.6.79 in relation to Burma, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia, showing payments involved.

Tables showing the functional classification of Australian Overseas Development Assistance and major items of expenditure in relation to the countries mentioned above (T 23207).

610 Pamphlets: 'Australia's Aid to Developing Countries'

Education and Training Multilateral Aid Bilateral Project Aid

Australian Development Assistance Agency, Annual Report 1976-­ 77, AGPS, Canberra.

Australian Development Assistance Bureau-- Development Assistance Committee Memorandum: 1977, AGPS, Canberra 1979.

Australian Development Assistance Bureau-- Bilateral Aid Program, 1978-79, AGPS, Canberra, 1979 (T 23207).

611 Organisation proposal, organisation chart and duty statements for the creation of an Internal Affairs Unit within the

Commonwealth Department of Business and Consumer Affairs (T 23213) .


612 Report on the 28th Session of the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs, 12--23.2.79, Supplement No. 5, United Nations, New York, 1979 (CT).

613 Report of the International Narcotics Control Board for 1978, Geneva (CT).

614 The Report on the Organization and Management of Drug Abuse Control Activities in the United Nations by the Joint

Inspection Unit for United Nations Economic and Social Council dated 22/2/79 (CT).

615 Thai--Australian Highland Agronomy Project, Second Report, January, 1977, Australian Development Assistance Bureau, to the Universities Bureau and the Department of Public Welfare of the Kingdom of Thailand (CT).

616 Thai--Australian Highland Agricultural Project, Third Report, January 1978, Australian Development Assistance Bureau, to the Universities Bureau and the Department of Public Welfare of the Kingdom of Thailand (CT).

617 Thai--Australian Agricultural Highland Project Quarterly Report, February/March 1979 , Australian Development Assistance Bureau and Department of Agriculture, University of Queensland. Report prepared by P. Hoare, L. Falvey, A. C. Andrews, R. Chamberlin (CT).

618 Details of the Commonwealth Department of Business and Consumer Afairs drug detector dog units from 11.1.79 — 21.6.79 showing the type of drug detected and details of dog responses (CT).

619 Drug Enforcement Training Manual, Freight Containers, for use by Customs officers only, Australian Narcotics Bureau, Commonwealth Department of Business and Consumer Affairs (CT).

620 An article entitled 'Marihuana on Trial’ by Dr. R. Lewin, published, 'New Scientist1, 8/6/72, pp. 548--5S2 (T 23394).

621 Brochure depicting the body scanner Emisonic Model 4290 (T 23429).

622 NSW Police Department Submission to the NSW Royal Commission into Drug Trafficking 1978-- Public hearings (T 23461).














NSW Police statistics concerning persons absconding while on bail for drug offences in NSW for the years 1976--1977--1978 (T 23462) .

NSW Police statistics for the offences of forged and/or uttered drug prescriptions in NSW for 1971--78 (T 23462).

Statistics showing Annual Total Indian Hemp Infestations (Plantations) discovered 1973 — 1978 by the New South Wales Police Force (T 23462).

Statistics on drug offenders and offences recorded by the Drug Squad, New South Wales Police Department (T 23462).

List of money seized by NSW police from persons charged--alleged proceeds of illicit drug sales 1977--78 (T 23463).

A copy of the form used to provide NSW Drug Squad statistics showing the date of arrest, name, date of birth, charges preferred, personal details and drug types (T 23467).

Copy of crime information report sheet, New South Wales Police Department (T 23467A).

Drug Intelligence Report Form P56 for data on drug offenders (T 23467A).

ACT Police analysis of heroin arrests, details of offenders and offences, 1977 and 1978 (T 23603).

Correspondence by P. M. Moriarty, Co-ordinator of the Drug Referral and Information Centre, Canberra, relating to methadone program in Australia and the absence of this program in the ACT (T 23657).

Copy of the Federal budget papers on the Commonwealth Police sponsored Forensic Science Research Programme, 1979 — 1980 (T 23759) .

Unidentified Aircraft and Other Reported Sightings: a chronological list of all reported sightings held on ACSC Unidentified Aircraft files for the period 29 March 1978 to 23 August 1979, and results of investigations conducted by Customs

into unidentified aircraft reports received from the Australian Coastal Surveillance Centre (T 23780).


635 Guidelines for handling reports of aircraft activities of surveillance interest prepared by Department of Transport, Australian Coastal Surveillance Organisation, document No. ACS79/34 issued by the Standing Committee, 11th Meeting, 28 September 1979 (T 23782).

636 1 Cannabis---A Review of Some Important National Inquiries and Significant Research Reports' June, 1979, prepared by Drugs of Dependence Section, Commonwealth Department of Health, Canberra (T 23907).

637 Report: 1 The Use and Abuse of Medication available Over-the-counter or on Prescription’ by F. D . Potts, a submission to the Senate Standing Comittee on Social Welfare (T 23908).

638 New South tVales statistics relating to narcotics prosecutions under the Customs Act for the years 1972 — 78 (T 24094).

639 Copy of computer printout compiled by Dr R. G. Beilharz, University of Melbourne, showing references to scientific literature on the olfactory abilities of dogs (T 24110).

640 Analog-- Australian Forensic Drug Analysis Bulletin: Vol. 1, No. 1, March 1979 Vol. 1, No. 2, May 1979 Vol. 1, No. 3, August 1979

(T 24115)

641 Queensland Department of Harbours and Marine schedule of vessels which may be used for response to specific surveillance reports subject to the maintenance of essential services such as pilotage (T 24120).

642 23 photographs taken on 5 September 1979 by RAAF Orion aircraft of the devastated automatic weather station on Troughton Island (T 24125).

643 Organised Crime Control Commission, First Report, May 1978, Department of Justice, State of California, USA, prepared under the chairmanship of B. J. Glavas (T 24137).

644 Organised Crime Control Council, Florida, USA, 1976 Annual Report (T 24137).

645 U.S. Organised Crime Control Act of 1969. Report of the

Committee on the Judiciary to the United States Senate (T 24137) .


646 U.S. Organised Crime Control Act of 1970. Report of the

Committee on the Judiciary to the United States House of Representatives (T 24137).

647 Report of the Honourable Mr Justice Moffitt, Royal Commission into Allegations of Organized Crime in Clubs, 1974, Government Printer, New South Wales (T 24138).

648 Narcotic Drugs Amendment Act 1976, No. 176, an Act to amend the Narcotic Drugs Act 1967 (T 24138).

649 Copy of a Bill for an Act to amend the Customs Act 1901 (CT) .

650 Recommendations (1 — 77) of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Non-Medical Use of Drugs, South Australia (T 24153).

651 An extract from the United States Narcotics Control Digest, 27 June 1979 (T 24154).

652 Memorandum of Agreement, dated 14 February 1979, on the

formation of the Joint Task Force on Drug Trafficking in New South Wales, signed by the Commissioner, Williams, J. , and Woodward J., Commissioner of the New South Wales Royal

Commission into Drug Trafficking (T 24154).

653 Revised Agreement on the Joint Task Force on Drug Trafficking in New South Wales (T 24154).

654 Department of Defence, Annual Report 1978 (T 24273).

655 Paper entitled 'Country Profile-- Australia’ prepared by the Secretary of the Tasmanian Alcohol and Drug Dependency Board for presentation to World Health Organization Workshop II on Prevention and Treatment of Drug Dependence, Bangkok, 5--10 November 1979 (T 24273).

656 Report 'Trafficking in Fauna in Australia' by the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Environment and Conservation, September 1976 (T 24273).

657 Annual report 'Australian Transport 1977 — 78' , Commonwealth Department of Transport, Canberra, ACT (T 24274).


658 Australian Bureau of Statistics: Population and Vital Statistics (Preliminary): March quarter, 1979, Catalogue No. 3211.0 (T 24274) .

659 Telecom Australia, Annual Report 1977/78 (T 24274).

660 Australian Postal Commission, Annual Report 1978 (T 24274).

661 Report on junior counsel's visit to United States of America concerning law enforcement and organised crime (T 24274).

662 Statistical information relating to offenders and offences from the Queensland Drug Squad records for the three years ended 31 December 1978 (T 24274).

663 A report on Operation 'Julie1 which related to manufacture and distribution of LSD in the United Kingdom-- dissemination of intelligence, March 1976--August 1978 (T 24274).

664 Report of the working group, Chairman, P. Ryan, Australian Fisheries Council, on the 200 Mile Australian Fishing Zone, November 1977, AGPS, Canberra 1978. Statement on the

commencement of the 200 nautical mile Australian Fishing Zone by the Minister for Primary Industry.

A map of Australia and adjacent areas depicting the limit of the Australian Fishing Zone (T 24274).

665 'Narcotics Money Flow', R. L. Kobakoff, in Drug Enforcement, Volume 5, No. 1, July 1978 (T 24274).

666 'The Use and Abuse of Drugs', Division of Health Education, Health Commission of NSW, AGPS, Canberra, 1973, for the National Standing Control Committee on Drugs of Dependence (T 24274).

667 Copy of a Bill for an Act to amend the Passports Act 1938—

first reading, 7 March 1979 (T 24274).

668 Copy NSW Police Regulations (Allegations of Misconduct) Act 1978, No. 84 (T 24274).

669 Report by I. A. Foster, Chief Preventive Officer, Bureau of Customs, on Drug Detector Dogs (T 24274).


670 Royal Commission into the Non-Medical Use of Drugs, South Australia, Research Paper 1, 'Basic and Clinical Pharmacology of the Opiates' by D. J. Birkett (T 24274).

671 Royal Commission into the Non-Medical Use of Drugs, South Australia, Research Paper 2, 'Drug Prosecutions in South Australia' by S. Cole and W. Heine (T 24275).

672 Royal Commission into the Non-Medical Use of Drugs, South Australia, Research Papers 3, 4 and 5

Paper 3-- 'Trends in Psychotropic Drug Dispensing' by A. Mant.

Paper 4-- 'Drug Use in Adelaide 1978' by A. Mant and W. Heine.

Paper 5-- ' Estimating Prevalence of Opiate Use in South Australia' by A. Mant and B . Thomas (T 24275).

673 Royal Commission into the Non-Medical Use of Drugs, South Australia, Research Paper 6, 'Some Recent Advances in the Study of Cannabis', by G. B. Chesher, R. Malor, P. Scheelings (T 24275) .

674 Royal Commission into the Non-Medical Use of Drugs, South Australia, Research Paper 7, 'Drugs and the Law' by M. Goode (T 24275).

675 Royal Commission into the Non-Medical Use of Drugs, South Australia, Research Paper 8, 'A Social History of Drug Control in Australia' by J. Lonie (T 24275).

676 Royal Commission into the Non-Medical Use of Drugs, South Australia, Research Paper 9, 'Stimulants, Depressants and Analgesics' by D . J . Birkett (T 24275).

677 Royal Commission into the Non-Medical Use of Drugs, South Australia , A discussion paper-- 1 Education' (T 24275).

678 Royal Commission into the Non-Medical Use of Drugs, South Australia, A discussion paper-- 'Cannabis' (T 24275).

679 Royal Commission into the Non-Medical Use of Drugs, South Australia, A discussion paper-- 'The Social Control of Drug Use' (T 24275).


680 Results of surveys on drug use by 1 The Age' Melbourne,

Australian Public Opinion Polls (The Gallup Method) and the Roy Morgan Research Centre Pty Ltd (T 24275).

681 Australian Bureau of Statistics, The Australian Health Survey, 1977 — 1978. Catalogue No 4311.0 (T 24275).

682 Customs Amendment Act 1979, an Act to amend the Customs Act 1901 (T 24275).

683 Schedule of drug offenders known to have used internal

concealment on importation, 1977 — 1979 (T 24288).

684 A survey of drug overdose cases, Prince of Wales Hospital, Randwick, NSW, 1974--77 (T 24316).

685 Newspaper article included in the 'Weekend Australian' of 4-­ 5/2/78 by A. Fowler, titled '$19M. Drug Haul Smuggled in Van' (T 24374).

686 1 Modern Psychotropic Drugs', an article from the National Health and Medical Research Council Report of the 86th Session of the Council, O c t o b e r 1978 (T 24374).

687 The Report of the New South Wales Royal Commission into Drug Trafficking-- Volumes 1--3 (T 24374).

688 The Australian Postal Commission Annual Report 1979 (T 24374).

689 Copies of the Western Australian Government Gazette of 19 October 1979 (T 24374).

690 Report of the Royal Commission into New South Wales Prisons, 1978 (T 24396).


Exhibits — confidential

The following evidence was received into the Commission's

records in the form of confidential exhibits. These exhibits are described briefly below in chronological order of tendering.

Commonwealth Police report on criminals suspected of

involvement in organised drug trafficking.

2 Commonwealth Police Intelligence Bulletin, Domestic Editions, 1977, 1/30, plus photo supplements.

3 Commonwealth Police Intelligence Bulletin, Overseas Editions, 1977, 1/15, plus photo supplements.

4 Photographic Supplement to Overseas Edition of Commonwealth Police Intelligence Bulletin, Nos. 1/77--9/77.

5 Photographic Supplement to Overseas Edition of Commonwealth Police Intelligence Bulletin, Nos. 1/77 — 4/77.

6 Commonwealth Police, Persistent/Reputed Drug Offenders Manual, 5th Edition.

7 Commonwealth Police, Bail Absconder (Drugs) Report Form.

8 Commonwealth Police, Drug Detection Report Form.

9 Commonwealth Police, recent list of drug offenders.

10 Australian Capital Territory Police brief relating to a drug investigation.

11 Australian Narcotics Bureau brief relating to a drug

investigation, and report by a Narcotics Bureau officer relating to the heroin scene in Canberra and methods of

importing heroin into Australia from Bangkok.

12 Report by Senior Instructing Solicitor to the New South Wales Commission into Drug Trafficking regarding a suspected drug trafficker and a request for subpoenas to various ACT bankers, solicitors and accountants.


13 Program of the National Drug Enforcement Officers Course, 7 — 18 November 1977, conducted at the Australian Police College, Manly, NSW.

Table showing the number of matters in which information from State Compel districts was supplied to the Australian Narcotics Bureau and results thereof (successful, negative, not known).

15 Letter of complaint signed 1 a woman on her own' dated 12

November 1977 alleging involvement of a Customs officer in drug trafficking.

16 Article in 'The Bulletin', 6 August 1977, entitled 'Why the Drugs Got Through' by M. Turnbull.

17 Article in 'The Bulletin', 13 August 1977, entitled 'The Drug Runners’ by M. Turnbull.

18 Article in 'The Bulletin', 20 August 1977, entitled 'Our Dirty Tricks Bureau, Narcotics' by M. Turnbull.

19 Narcotics Bureau, Perth, brief for prosecution of drug smuggler under Section 233B(1)(b) of the Customs Act.

20 Psychiatric report on drug smuggler, the subject of the above prosecution.

21 Her Majesty's Prisons, Hong Kong, publication entitled 'Triads in Penal Institutions';

Royal Hong Kong Police, Narcotics Bureau Bulletin, second half 1976;

Scale of Rewards, Narcotics Bureau, Royal Hong Kong Police;

Royal Hong Kong Police Instructions, Head 54, Sub-Head 103; Rewards and Special Service, Information Money, Narcotics.

22 Bureau of Customs, Special Services Section, Disposition of Staff, 24 October 1977, Port of Fremantle and Perth Airport.

23 Commonwealth Police report dated 27 September 1977 by a

Detective Senior Constable regarding drug inquiries, in the south-west and eastern regions of Western Australia.















Commonwealth Police report dated 21 October 1977 by a Detective Senior Constable regarding drug inquiries, in the northern region of Western Australia.

Commonwealth Department of Transport Memorandum to Regional Directors relating to smuggling by light aircraft, and co­ operation between Department of Transport and Bureau of Customs.

List of drug-affected patients treated at two Tasmanian hospitals, from 1 October to 14 December 1977.

Tasmanian Police handbook of known offenders and persons suspected of involvement in the trafficking of drugs within Tasmania and elsewhere.

Computer printout showing prescribing of pharmaceutical benefits, May 1977 to July 1977 , Tasmania.

Map of Tasmania showing distribution of poppy crops 1977/78 and eleven photographs of poppies.

Prosecution brief for Tasmanian Crown Advocate in drug case.

As for Exhibit 29.

Department of Defence, Joint Intelligence Organisation, Study 9/1977, entitled 'Illicit Opiates and the Narcotics Trade in South-East Asia'.

Narcotics Bureau, History of Drug Enforcement in the USA.

Report of Inter-departmental Committee on the Commonwealth Police, December 1976.

Commonwealth Police report to the Narcotics Bureau on certain persons suspected of drug offences.

Map of Australia showing Customs and Excise control points.

Submission from Narcotics Bureau: Computer Systems in Use.

















Narcotics Bureau submission giving details of Operation 'Comet'.

Narcotics Bureau submission giving details of Operation 'Tempest' and Operation 'Zero'.

Narcotics Bureau, Police Manual.

Narcotics Bureau report on drug seizures and an evaluation of analysis information.

Map of Australia showing high frequency communications resources.

Cablegram relating to Landsat detection of marihuana crops in the USA.

Two letters from medical practitioners to social workers regarding drug addicts coming to their attention.

List of native, naturalised or commonly cultivated plants which affect the central nervous system.

Second Report of Queensland Alcohol and Drug Study-- Drug Use by Queensland School Children, 1974.

Table of offences by pharmacists in Queensland, 1973 — 1977.

Appendix to paper entitled 'Known Statistics of Drug-related Crime', Commonwealth Police.

Commonwealth Police Intelligence Bulletins, 17/77 and 35/77

Commonwealth Police Australia Crime Intelligence Centre, record of cannabis plantations detected.

Copy of passport issued to a convicted drug smuggler.

Table showing organisation and staffing of Narcotics Bureau, Southern Region.
















Narcotics Bureau, Southern Region, table showing number of drug seizures, 1973--1977.

Narcotics Bureau, Southern Region, Monthly Drug Statistics for years 1975, 1976 and 1977

Narcotics Bureau, Southern Region, briefs relating to a number of cases involving drug offences.

Narcotics Bureau brief relating to the importation of heroin into Melbourne.

Commonwealth Police, particulars of information supplied by Commonwealth Police to Narcotics Bureau.

List of prosecutions under Commonwealth laws outstanding at Melbourne County Court, February 1978.

List of Commonwealth prosecutions in Melbourne County Court 1975, 1976 and 1977.

Tasmanian Police, summary of drug intelligence on several known or suspected drug users or traffickers.

List of drug-related admissions to two Tasmanian hospitals during the period 1972 to 1977.

Tasmanian Police confidential reports on two drug addicts.

Map of Queensland showing Customs manned outports.

Customs statistics of Queensland outports, July to September 1977.

Customs statistics of Queensland outports, January to December 1977.

Bureau of Customs, Queensland, particulars of preventive establishment and staffing, at 30.6.74 and 31.12.77.

Bureau of Customs, Queensland, table showing aircraft departure, arrival and processing times at Brisbane Airport.
















Bureau of Customs, Queensland, graph showing increase in passenger arrivals and departures, Brisbane Airport, 1972 — 1977.

Bureau of Customs, Queensland, graph showing passenger flows in and out in relation to staff, Brisbane Airport, 1972 — 1977.

Statement by a witness about his being intimidated by a group connected with drugs.

Statement by a police constable confirming the information contained in Exhibit 68.

Survey of drug use in selected Queensland High Schools.

Photograph of unlicensed concealable firearms, ammunition, false vehicle registration plates and other items found in possession of a suspected drug trafficker.

Statutory declaration concerning drug charges and alleged police involvement in drugs.

Transcript of evidence in relation to court proceedings in a drug-related crime.

Papers from the Solomon Islands Police Force relating to the landing of an aircraft in the Solomons containing cannabis resin originating in India.

Organisational Chart supporting proposal to integrate Territorial police forces, Compel, and Customs areas.

Flight Service Report of unidentified aircraft sighted over Gove, 1978.

'Petrol Sniffing1. Notes to teachers in aboriginal schools in the Northern Territory.

Documents showing drug seizures from Parcels Post, Darwin, 1976 — 1977.

Document entitled 'Analysis of Street Heroin Seizures', Darwin, June--November 1977.


80 Document showing persons awaiting sentence or trial in the Northern Territory Supreme Court for drug-related offences.

81 Documents relating to the importation of Thai sticks concealed in a light aircraft flown from South-East Asia to an area near Katherine, NT.

82 Copy of brief relating to prosecution of a number of drug


83 Copy of Statutory Declaration concerning police assaults.

84 Copy of Telex from Fraud Squad, Sydney, to Brisbane and Darwin regarding the expected return of person wanted on fraud charges.

85 Copy of Standing Order No. 13 of the Northern Territory Police.

86 Copies of eight reports on aircraft sightings reported to the Bureau of Customs, Darwin, three months preceding 9 March 1978.

87 Copy of Record of Interview between a drug smuggler and a

Narcotics Bureau agent.

88 Documentary evidence of unauthorised flight of an aircraft intercepted in the Darwin area, January 1978.

89 Further evidence re above unauthorised entry.

90 Brief description of CASOS activities.

91 Press clippings referring to 'Mr Big', Brisbane drug scene.

92 Report on the Forensic Analysis Service provided by the

Commonwealth Department of Science to the Narcotics Bureau for the period 1972--76 and comments thereon.

93 Copy of anonymous letter to the Commissioner concerning funding and distribution of drugs in south-east Queensland and police comments thereon.

94 Various documents (postmortem report, etc) relating to the deaths of two persons by drug overdose.


95 Copies of documents relating to proposed Drugs of Dependence Bill.

96 Photographs illustrating a method of illegal importation of drugs into South Australia.

97 Drug seizures, Parcels Post, Adelaide, 1975 — 1978.

98 Correspondence re procedural guidelines for dealing with articles posted from overseas suspected of containing dutiable or prohibited items.

99 Drugs and Schools-- Some guidelines (for teachers), yet to be published by the relevant State Education Department.

100 Health Education questionnaire distributed to Victorian schools, 1977.

101 School Review Board Report, a Victorian High School, including details of a drug use survey.

102 Report of the emergence of illicit drugs at a Victorian metropolitan High School.

103 Survey of drug and alcohol use conducted in a large Victorian provincial High School.

104 Copies of prescriptions alleging laxity in prescribing habits by certain medical practitioners.

105 Copies of prescriptions alleging laxity in prescribing habits by certain medical practitioners.

106 Copies of prescriptions alleging laxity in prescribing habits by certain medical practitioners.

107 Copies of prescriptions alleging laxity in prescribing habits by certain medical practitioners.

108 Responses to questions put by a State Health Department to wholesalers and manufacturers of drugs of addiction in relation to losses, despatch methods, delivery checks, excessive ordering irregularities, security etc.

















Bureau of Customs, Special Services establishment figures, Melbourne Airport and North Wharf Road.

Bureau of Customs staff resources record for the fortnight ended 19 March 1978, Melbourne Airport/Pax Processing.

Statistics of inward and outward passengers at Melbourne Airport, July 1970 to December 1977.

Documentary material on a person convicted on charges of importing heroin from Bangkok.

Documentary material on suspected drug trafficker.

Documentary material on a medical practitioner allegedly illegally supplying Mandrax.

Documentary material on a person believed to be trafficking heroin from Sydney to Melbourne. ·

Documentary material on a known user and trafficker of heroin.

Documentary material on a person suspected of importing and trafficking in heroin.

Documentary material on a suspected drug trafficker.

Documentary material on a known user and possible importer and trafficker of heroin.

Documentary material on a trafficker and suspected importer of hashish and heroin.

Documentary material on a trafficker in heroin.

Documentary material on a person importing cannabis and opium in the mails.

Documentary material on a person suspected of receiving imported drugs.


124 Documentary material on a person present when premises were searched for drugs.

125 Documentary material on a person importing heroin in the mails.

126 Documentary material on a person arrested for possession of drugs.

127 Documentary material on a person suspected of importing drugs.

128 Documentary material on a person known to supply Buddha sticks.

129 Documentary material on a person arrested for uttering a forged prescription.

130 Organisational plan of a drug ring based in Sydney, NSW.

131 Blank form No. 299 Victoria Police 1 Report of Conviction of Persons coming within the scope of the Migration Act 1958— 66' together with an extract of the Victoria Police Standing Orders 111--114, relating to the completion of the form.

132 Details of Bureau of Customs staff at Melbourne Waterfront, current about 31/3/78.

133 Pastoral Map of the Northern Territory indicating the location of airfields.

134 Photograph and negative of marihuana plants grown in pots.

135 Bureau of Customs forms associated with passengers'

unaccompanied baggage, and statistics of number of clearances, examinations, forms completed and percentage of examinations of unaccompanied baggage ex ship and aircraft, Victoria.

136 Copy, press article, 'Melbourne Herald', 1/10/77, by G . Easdown re a deceased heroin addict.

137 Photographs of packing cases, cassette/stereo player used in attempted importation of heroin.

138 Document headed 'NSW Drug Statistics'. Blank form for use when arresting suspects on drug charges.

El 70
















List of plantations of cannabis detected in NSW.

Joint report on Bureau of Customs drug intelligence in NSW and witness' personal observations on same.

Container which previously held a quantity of Ritalin tablets dispensed by a Sydney pharmacist.

Correspondence describing the contents of 'Bex' powders and tablets and six documents relating to analgesic abuse.

Statutory declaration relating to an illegal gaming house.

Resource File. Names, addresses and phone numbers of

assistance agencies for all types of problems, including drugs, in NSW.

Report on medication errors, and the inpatient pharmacy distribution at a major metropolitan hospital.

Submission to the South Australian Royal Commission into the Non-Medical Use of Drugs on paracetamol by a drug manufacturer.

Extracts from training manual for Bureau of Customs Preventive Officers.

Paper, ' A Comparison of Australian and U.S. Customs Laws', 1977.

Report suggesting a framework of operational organisation to deal with the container situation under existing Customs Act.

Thesis written by a witness on aspects of law relating to drugs in Australia.

Five extracts from NSW Poisons Acts, Form 8 etc. and

recommendations relating to the DAWN system (USA).

Two documents relating to a plantation and distribution of the marihuana therefrom.

Information provided by a private citizen re suspected drug offences.


154 Report and statistics from January to December 1977 parentcraft courses conducted in Queensland schools. on

155 Report on Drug Trafficking in Victorian Prisons (principally Pentridge).

156 Further documents relating to problems of drugs in Victorian prisons.

157 Review of prisoner classification procedures in Victorian prisons.

158 Documents relating to a drug education campaign sponsored by a major health insurance fund.

159 Further documents as above.

160 Statistics relating to probationers, extracted from annual Reports of Social Welfare Department, Victoria.

161 Paper entitled 'Youth Survey: Alcohol and Drug Use'.

162 Transcript of committal proceedings in a case involving the cultivation of a marihuana plantation in the Northern Territory.

163 Transcript of the trial in the above case.

164 Copies of records of interview, etc., in the above case.

165 Copies of other exhibits, some presented in the above case.

166 Further documents relating to the above case.

167 Various documents relating to the operations of the Working Committee on Undergraduate and Postgraduate Training in Alcohol and Other Drugs, Australian Foundation on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence.

168 Photographs taken in June 1978 by RAAF Orion patrol (with Commissioner and staff aboard) of various airfields, boats etc., with possible links with drug importation.

El 72














Reclassified as Open Exhibit 564.

Documentary material on the movement of the ship Choryo Maru No. 5 and crew (Operation 'Crest').

Documentary material, including statements about Choryo Maru No. 5 crew and others (Operation 'Crest').

Copy of a document containing information on trafficking referring to Choryo Maru No. 5 (Operation 'Crest').

Documents relating to the vessel Choryo Maru No. 5 and crew, and other drug traffickers in Australia and New Zealand.

Interagency agreement between the United States Coast Guard and the United States Customs Service.

Copy of application for membership of South-East Alaska Law Enforcement Information and Operations Network (SEALION).

Information Report on the organisation SEALION for members and prospective members.

Copy of the by-laws of SEALION.

Copy of document describing the role of the Drug Enforcement Co-ordinating System (DECS) and copy of forms used in DECS.

Copy of Memorandum of Understanding relating to the New York Drug Enforcement Task Force.

Weekly Brief of El Paso Intelligence Centre (EPIC).

Copy of Class Schedule, National Training Institute, Drug Enforcement Administration, USA.

Copy of document 21 USC 848: 'Continuing Criminal Enterprise: A summary of existing case law', a legal account of the U.S. Comprehensive Drug Abuse, Prevention and Control Act, 1970.

Publication 'Supply Control: Drug Law Enforcement and Interagency Review', December 1977, Executive Office of the President οξ the United States.


182 Publication 'International Narcotics Control Policy---An Interagency Review', March 1978, Executive Office of the President of the United States.

183 Copy of Chapter 13---Food and Drugs-- Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act, 1970, United States.

184 Copy of an explanation of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organisations Statute, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington DC.

185 Copy of United States Legislation on anti-racketeering.

186 Booklet 'Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act’ with Statute, Regulations and forms plus a memorandum dealing with amendments to the Act, U.S. Department of the Treasury, 1972.

187 Photostat copy of photograph of the members stand at a Sydney racetrack, NSW.

188 Copy of transcript of the Committee of Inquiry of the New South Wales Legislative Council on the Criminal Justice System and Crime Control in NSW.

189 United States Drug Enforcement Administration--Copy of 'DEA Quarterly Intelligence Trends', Winter 1977/78.

190 United States Drug Enforcement Administration--Copy of 'DEA Quarterly Intelligence Trends', Spring/Summer 1977.

191 United States Drug Enforcement Administration--Copy of 'DEA Weekly Digest of Narcotics Intelligence', 14 July 1978.

192 Newspaper cuttings--Articles published in Brisbane newspapers about vessel Anoa, and other reports about the related drug seizure (Operation 'Crest').

193 Dossier on major drug importation networks in Australia and New Zealand.

194 Sample of Daily Intelligence Telex Reports from CIRB Canberra to all operational areas, Department of Business and Consumer Affairs.


195 Sample of Monthly 'Special Services Bulletin', distributed to enforcement officers, Department of Business and Consumer Affairs.

196 Sample of 'Monthly Drug Statistics', Australian Narcotics Bureau.

197 'Australian Customs Launch Fleet-- Proposals for

Rationalisation' prepared by the Department of Business and Consumer Affairs.

198 Photographs of operations board map on which was plotted the path of the vessel Anoa. One in 1 million plot (Operation 'Crest').

199 Photograph of operations board map on which was plotted the path of the vessel Anoa One in two million plot (Operation 'Crest *).

200 Aerial photographs of Pocklington Reef.

201 Copy of criterion for selection and examination of

unaccompanied baggage.

202 Copy of minutes describing circumstances of drug finds in cargo.

203 Sample of daily telex from CIRB Canberra to Special Services-- Narcotics Bureau co-ordinating officers and Sub-Collectors in all States.

204 Minute to Inspector Prevention, Special Services, Bureau of Customs, NSW, from two Preventive Officers detailing efforts to establish an Intelligence Unit as an extension of the

established Customs preventive screen.

205 Plotting chart of the course of the vessel Anoa (Operation 'Crest').

206 Report on the feasibility of computerising CIRB by Department of Business and Consumer Affairs ADP Branch Study team.

207 Copy of Narcotics Bureau Operation Progress and Assessment Report: Code name Operation 'Gantry'.

El 7 5

Copy of Narcotics Bureau Operation Progress and Assessment Report: Code name Operation 'Beef'.

Chart of offenders involved in Operation 'Beef'.

Copies of reports on Operation 'Beef'.

208 Copy of Narcotics Bureau Information Reports and documents on a suspected narcotics importer.

209 Documentation and information on Operation 'Bat'.

210 Samples of documentary material passed to Compol and State police by the Narcotics Bureau.

211 Documentary holding of the Narcotics Bureau on Operation 'Ambush'.

212 Dossier No. 1 Narcotics Bureau, on a suspected narcotics importer and trafficker.

213 Dossier No. 2 Narcotics Bureau, on a suspected narcotics importer and trafficker.

214 Dossier No. 3 Narcotics Bureau, on a suspected narcotics importer and trafficker.

215 Dossier No. 5 Narcotics Bureau, on a suspected narcotics importer and trafficker.

216 Dossier No. 4 Narcotics Bureau, on a suspected narcotics importer and trafficker.

217 Dossier No. 20 Narcotics Bureau, on a suspected narcotics importer and trafficker.

218 Report on Operation 'Eclipse' relating to conspiracy charges.

219 Copy of brief and record of interview (Operation 'Crest').

220 Copy of brief and record of interview (Operation 'Crest').


221 Copy of brief and record of interview (Operation 'Crest').

222 Copy of brief and record of interview (Operation 'Crest').

223 Copy of brief and record of interview (Operation 'Crest').

224 Copy of brief and record of interview (Operation 'Crest').

225 Copy of brief and record of interview (Operation 'Crest').

226 Statement on the use and distribution of drugs by occupants of premises, Tewantin.

Copy of Tewantin file, Narcotics Bureau.

227 Statement concerning investigations on the possession, use and distribution of drugs at Tewantin.

228 Statement concerning investigations on the possession, use and distribution of drugs at Tewantin.

229 Statement concerning investigations on the possession, use and distribution of drugs at Tewantin.

230 Statement concerning investigations on the possession, use and distribution of drugs at Tewantin.

231 Copy of Narcotics Bureau, Eastern Region, Running Sheet on Operation 'Crest'.

232 Dossier on Operation 'Crest', Narcotics Bureau, Eastern Region.

233 Map of Australia, Division of National Mapping (1:5,000,000) indicating sightings of unidentified aircraft, NT and WA, together with a schedule of unidentified aircraft sightings, NT and WA.

234 Map of Australia, Division of National Mapping (1:5,000,000) indicating number of known airstrips in northern Australia.

235 Map of Australia, Division of National Mapping (1:5,000,000) depicting the coastal surveillance of ACSC.


236 Map of Australia, Division of National Mapping (1:5,000,000) showing location of voluntary reporting contacts in remote areas.

237 Map of Australia, Division of National Mapping (1:5,000,000) depicting high risk corridors for small ocean-going craft carrying drugs (northern WA and NT).

238 Photographs-- Rubber sheath (condom) containing heroin.

239 Draft prosecution brief, record of interview and statements on suspected drug importers.

240 Copy of a Bill dealing with the proposed Tasmanian Listening Devices Act 1974.

241 Proposals by the Department of Business and Consumer Affairs to increase the establishment of the Narcotics Bureau.

Organisation Charts showing current establishment of the Narcotics Bureau and indicating the new positions agreed to by the Public Service Board.

242 Statistics dealing with narcotics prosecutions under the Customs Act, 1974— 1978.

243 Material on the International Narcotic Detector Dog Conference held in Singapore, 1977.

244 Report on the affairs of a suspected drug trafficker.

245 Technical details of Bureau of Meteorology radars.

246 Report on suspected importation of drugs by sea-plane and trafficking of drugs at a discotheque.

247 Four graphs illustrating the consumption, and the effect of consumption, of barbiturate hypnotics in England and Wales, 1959 to 1974.

248 Copy of UK Statutory Instrument 1973 No. 799 entitled Dangerous Drugs-- the Misuse of Drugs (notification of and supply to addicts) Regulation 1973.


















Copy of First Interim Report, September 1977, by Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, Treatment and Rehabilitation Working Group, Department of Health and Social Security, UK.

Sketch of premises at Tewantin.

Report about the activities at Tewantin.

Report on the investigations at Tewantin.

Sketch of floor plan of premises at Tewantin.

Photocopy of diary of police officer involved in an

investigation of drug trafficking at Tewantin.

Copy of evidence at the trial of a drug trafficker.

Copy of criminal history of a drug trafficker.

Sketch of floor plan of premises at Tewantin.

Copy of pages of note book showing names and addresses of suspected drug traffickers.

Photostat copy of diary showing entries and drug charges at Tewantin.

Copy of occurrence sheet relating to the execution of a warrant at Tewantin.

Copy of note book recording conversation at Tewantin.

Photostat copy of diary showing entries relating to drug charges made at Tewantin.

Photostat copy of diary relating to Tewantin raid.

Photostat copy of diary relating to Tewantin raid.

Photograph relating to Tewantin raid.


265 Four photographs showing the size of drug seizures at Tewantin, compared with a match box.

266 Photostat copies of documents relating to land ownerships at Magnetic Island.

267 Photocopy of statistics for Queensland showing various classes of drugs associated with drug offences during 1977— 78 compared with previous two years.

Photocopy of statistics showing quantity and types of drugs seized by police for the period 1/1/76 to 30/6/78.

268 Sample page from the Drug Register.

269 Photocopies of sample receipts from the Government Chemical Laboratory showing instances of materials destined for destruction or analysis.

270 Sample form, Drug Information Report, Queensland Police.

271 Photostat copy of diary showing particulars of raids in Tewantin area.

272 Manual-- CASOS Standard Operating Procedures.

273 Copy of Draft Army Policy on Drug Abuse.

274 Copy of Australian Navy order on drug use.

Copy of Defence instruction on the drug education programs.

Copy of Defence instruction on drug abuse in the R.A.N.

275 Copy of letters and statements about the International Meditation Society.

276 Documents relating to proposed Customs Inspection Service.

277 Three alert notices on a suspected drug importer and trafficker (Operation ’Genius').


278 Anonymous information on drug trafficking in the Nelson Bay area, NSW, and reports on the subsequent investigation.

279 Staffing statistics 1973/74 to 1977/78, for the Narcotics Bureau.

280 Copy of a precis of the backgrounds of outside applicants for advertised investigatory positions in the Narcotics Bureau.

Copy of disciplinary charges involving officers of the Customs Preventive Service and Narcotics Bureau, 1975/76 to 1977/78.

281 Statement covering events following the importation of a quantity of cannabis resin in January 1978 concealed in a cavity under the rear floor of a motor vehicle.

282 Papers on National Standing Control Committee on Drugs of Dependence-- Uniform Legislation Working Party.

283 Copy of report dealing with U.S. Customs, Drug Enforcement Agency, 'EPIC', and U.S. computer systems.

284 Documentation on some overseas computer systems.

Extract from Journal of Micrographics, Volume 9, No. 4, March 1976. 'Use of Microform in Federal Narcotics Intelligence and Law Enforcement' by S. P. Glickman and E. H. Levine of DEA.

Newsletter, Volume IV, No. 7, July 1977, published by U.S. Department of the Treasury.

285 Proposal to the Law Enforcement Working Party of the National Standing Control Committee on Drugs of Dependence on a computer system for the Department of Business and Consumer Affairs.

286 Documentation of a proposed Department of Business and Consumer Affairs computer system.

287 Sample of monthly return of drug statistics prepared by each Narcotics Bureau Region.

288 Chart of Narcotics Bureau Central Office Establishment.


289 Chart of Narcotics Bureau Regional Offices Establishment.

290 Table of resignations, retirements and dismissals from the Narcotics Bureau, 1973/74— 1977/78.

291 Table indicating the number of transfers and promotions from the Narcotics Bureau, 1973/74--1977/78.

Table indicating the number of appointments, promotions and transfers to the Narcotics Bureau, 1973/74— 1977/78.

292 Table indicating the number of internal transfers to, and promotions in the Narcotics Bureau, 1973/74— 1977/78.

293 Table showing details of operational staff in the Narcotics Bureau.

Paper setting out recruitment procedures of the Narcotics Bureau.

294 Statistical details of the Department of Business and Consumer Affairs Staff Suggestion Scheme.

295 Copy of Bureau of Customs position classification standards for Invoice Examiner, Investigation Officer, Preventive Officer and Investigator.

296 Copy of Schedule of U.S. DEA Conspiracy Training Seminar.

297 Notes identifying persons and concerning drug dealings in north Queensland.

298 Summary of poppy growing and codeine production in Australia.

299 Material on poppy production in Tasmania.

300 Documentary material on drug dealing and related matters in north Queensland.

301 Table showing details of repatriations of Australian bank notes by overseas banks and foreign exchange dealers, and numbers of outward travellers and expenditure recorded for the years 1971 — 1978.


302 Manual, Australia Exchange Control, Reserve Bank of Australia.

303 Documentation on kennelling arrangements of the Queensland Police drug detector dog.

304 Background Paper 1 Cultivation and Manufacture of Opiates in Australia: Issues involved in proposed reduction of levels internationally'.

305 Briefs of evidence, Narcotics Bureau, in relation to an importation, and conspiracy to import, narcotic drugs into Australia.

305A Several issues of Special Services Bulletin, Bureau of Customs.

306 Copy of a summary prepared for the Minister for Business and Consumer Affairs of outstanding drug prosecutions under the Customs Act and Commonwealth Crimes Act.

307 Details of the number of recorded instances of information passed by State police to the Narcotics Bureau, with examples of instances attached.

308 Narcotics Bureau Intelligence holdings on suspected users, importers and traffickers of drugs.

309 Narcotics Bureau intelligence dossier on a suspected importer and trafficker.

310 Narcotics Bureau intelligence dossier on a person suspected of drug dealing.

311 Narcotics Bureau intelligence dossier on a drug user and pedlar.

312 Narcotics Bureau intelligence dossier on a drug user and pedlar.

313 Narcotics Bureau prosecution brief (Operation 'Genius').

314 Narcotics Bureau prosecution briefs on persons involved in a conspiracy to import drugs (Operation 'Tempest').


315 Schedule of reported aircraft sightings in Northern Territory-- Queensland border area and Western Australia.

316 Diagram of a twenty-foot general cargo container.

317 Sample of metal security seal for use on cargo containers.

318 Analyst's reports on seizure of heroin in north Queensland.

319 Photographs illustrating problems being experienced as a result of conflict between State and Commonwealth legislation in relation to the illegal importation of drugs through the post.

320 Manual-- Australian Coastal Surveillance, June 1976.

321 Manual-- Littoral search operations for littoral surveillance aircraft operators, aircrew and observers, Australian Coastal Surveillance Organisation, November 1978.

322 Littoral Surveillance Observers Check List, Australian Coastal Surveillance Organisation, February 1979.

323 Reclassified as Open Exhibit 462.

324 A Report of the Select Committee on Narcotics Abuse and

Control, Ninety-Fifth Congress, Second Session, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, 1978.

325 Various documents (records of interview, police briefs etc) relating to a number of persons investigated for drug-related offences in NSW.

326 Various documents dealing with forged prescriptions including copies thereof.

327 Ten photographs depicting 21 condoms containing 33 grams of heroin taken internally and passed through the body system of a detected drug smuggler.

328 Two maps indicating areas of search for a possible opium poppy plantation in South Australia.


329 File containing various documents relating to a detected drug smuggler.

330 Papers regarding the role of pharmacists in drug education.

331 File containing memoranda originating from a Narcotics Bureau officer and relating particularly to the drug situation in Thailand.

332 Charts, etc., showing possible drug organisations with overseas connections.

333 Folders containing transcripts of tapes and running sheets on Operation 'Jackeroo'.

334 Further papers relating to Operation 'Jackeroo'.

335 UN/Burma program for Drug Abuse Control-- UN Division of Narcotic Drugs, Progress Report No. 5, July--December 1978.

336 Operation Progress and Assessment Report dealing with alleged cannabis importations by a certain ethnic group.

337 Bureau of Customs Small Craft Alert Notice (SCAN), 7S--24, of motor vessel suspected of being used for the importation of Thai sticks.

338 Paper entitled 'Surveillance: Commonwealth Police Force', written by a Compel officer for the benefit and assistance of Compol and other law enforcement agency officers who have been selected to attend a surveillance course at the Australian Police College or who can be called to conduct or participate

in surveillance.

339 Circular letter and questionnaire from the Collector of Customs, NSW to selected Customs Agents for reports and assistance on possible drug consignments.

340 Two photographs depicting cannabis concealed in bed-heads.

341 Report oh the Bureau of Customs Passenger Processing

Effectiveness Surveys, Sydney Kingsford Smith Airport.


342 Summons to a witness to appear before the Royal Commission and produce certain evidence.

343 The evidence referred to above.

344 Report relating to Operation 'Alfa Zebra'.

345 Seven photographs showing drug detector dogs used to facilitate the checking of hand baggage at Sydney Kingsford Smith Airport.

346 Bureau of Customs copy of procedures detailing the order of search used to conduct 100 per cent operation on a particular aircraft arriving at Sydney Kingsford Smith Airport.

347 Confidential submission of the Health Commission of New South Wales.

348 Recently developed profiles used by Bureau of Customs to assist in the identification of bogus cargo shipments and narcotics couriers.

349 Paper describing Australia's civil coastal surveillance program.

350 Coastal Surveillance Activity Report, July 1979.

351 Australian Coastal Surveillance Organisation, Routine Program, September 1979.

352 Sample of daily summary of surveillance matters reported to the surveillance centre.

353 The Littoral Surveillance Aircraft Patrols, Analysis of Sightings, Table 4, 1979.

354 Intelligence and Information Dossiers prepared by CASOS.

355 Small Craft Arrivals/Departures, November 1978 to September 1979, in the area between Geraldton and Broome, WA.

356 Statement of receipt of a telephone call by an officer of the Commission.


357 Report of the Management Review Team on the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Resource Utilisation, Australian Narcotics Bureau.

358 Commonwealth Department of Business and Consumer Affairs file relating to Exhibit 357.

359 Copy of a report on the attendance of a Narcotics Bureau

officer as a witness before the Commission.

360 Six diagrams described as being 'patterns of real time ultra scanners’, dealing with a study of the detection of drugs secreted in body cavities.

361 Joint submission to the Tasmanian Government on a separate Alcohol and Drug Dependency Service by the Tasmanian Alcohol and Drug Dependency Board and the Mental Health Services Commission.

362 Annual Report of the Tasmanian Alcohol and Drug Dependency Board, 1978 — 79.

363 Report of a trial of the Bureau of Meteorology radar facility at Broome, WA, conducted during the period 30 April to 18 May 1979.

364 Singapore Central Narcotics Bureau Bulletin, 3rd Quarter 1977.

365 Documentation on Operation 1 Gaslight1.

366 Intelligence gained as a result of Operation 'Gaslight1 .

367 Documents relating to the Joint Task Force on Drug Trafficking set up on the recommendation of this Commission and the New South Wales Royal Commission into Drug Trafficking (including monthly reports by the Task Force on its operations).

368 Report dated 24 October 1979 concerning a Narcotics Bureau Operation on the vessel Kota Bali, Fremantle Harbour, which subsequently resulted in the seizure of 13 524 grams of No. 3 heroin, and photographs of sections of the vessel Kota Bali

indicating where the drugs were located and seized.

369 Details of the Australian Defence Forces' contribution to the civil surveillance task for the year 1978--79.


370 Draft legislation, Australian Federal Police (Complaints Against Police) Bill, 1979.

371 Report dealing with tests using different types of equipment for detecting foreign objects hidden internally in the body.

372 Report and photographs relating to the seizure of 860 grams of heroin and the arrest of a person involved.


Commission Staff


C. E. K. Hampson, Q.C. E . W. Gillard (to February 1978) Μ. P. Moynihan (from February 1978) G. P. Miller


D . C. Mitchell (to January 1979) P. M. Le Grand A. J . Wilson (February 1978 to April 1978)


K . M . O'Shea, Queensland (to May 1978) W. P . Millican, Queensland (to May 1979) G . S. Cuylenburg, Queensland (May 1979 to September 1979) P. K. Kistler, Victoria

J . R. McKechnie, Western Australia M. D . Allen, Tasmania (to August 1979) Η. T. Foulds, Tasmania (from August 1979) P. J . Tiffin, Northern Territory (from March 1978)


A. J . Williams E. T. Corbett E. J. Wight



D. M. Lenihan (Acting Secretary to December 1977) R. J . Linford (December 1977 to March 1978) G . H . Gilmour (from March 1978)

Director of Research

D . W. Murdoch

Research Section

N. C. Bee, B.Sc.(Hons), (June 1979 to December 1979) M. A. Behan, LL.B. (from September 1978) A. P. Butler, B.A.(Hons), M.A.S. (August 1979 to October 1979) B. J. Clarke, M.A., LL.B. (from June 1979)

J. G. Christensen, M.Pol.Econ., B .Com., B.Econ., A.A.S.A. (May 1978 to February 1979) K. H. Hack, B .Econ.(Hons) (from July 1978) D. M. Kennedy', B.A., LL.B. (June 1979 to December 1979)


K. S. Lawrence, B.Bus. (from July 1978) B. C. Maclachlan, B.Econ., G.Dip.O.R. (from February 1978) J. L. Reynolds, B .Econ.(Hons) (from July 1978) T. R. Taylor, B.A. - LL.B.(Hons), B.Sc. (March 1979 to May 1979) B. M. Wilkins, B.A. (from July 1978) '

M . A. Wills, B.Econ., B.A. (from May 1978)


D . G. McKauge (from October 1979) Μ. H. Pawley (from January 1978) E . J. Sheil (from March 1979) I. C. Smith (March 1979 to October 1979) H. Stenzel (November 1979 to December 1979)

Administration and General Services

L. F . Bell (to April 1979) R . K. Cattle (from May 1979) R. J. Dunkeld (to February 1978) P. Hayman (to August 1978) D. L. Jolly (from January 1978) A. G. McCreath A. M. Mora itis B. A. Mulheran (January 1978 to October 1979) J. F . Naylon (from April 1978) R. M. Nugent (September 1978 to May 1979) L. M. O'Leary (to October 1979) C. S. Porter (from October 1979) J. M . Walker (to April 1978)

Typing and Stenography

A. Bow (to May 1978)

R . A. Curtin N. Massey (May 1978 to May 1979) M. A. Mayhew C. J. Wade (from April 1979)

Data Processing

D . K . Blacklock (from January 1978) A. M. Canning (January 1978 to April 1979) D. F. Chalk (January 1978 to August 1978)

G. M. Denison (January 1978 to July 1978) Μ. M. George (January 1978 to July 1978) V. Hudson (July 1979 to November 1979) K. M. Julian (January 1978 to July 1979) F . C. Kent (June 1978 to July 1978) L. Lee (April 1978 to February 1979) J. M. Martin (from March 1979) B. A. Montague-Elliott (from January 1978) P. I. NeiIson (January 1978 to July 1978) C. A. Oram (January 1978 to April 1978) D. J. Phillips (from April 1979) D . M. Pallisier (March 1978 to June 1978) P. F. Venamore (January 1978 to May 1978)


A. Voormolen (from January 1978) J. D . Wallace (from January 1978) B. K. Williams (April 1978 to June 1978) B. E. Wirth (January 1978 to July 1978)



C. C. Koch (to March 1978)

New South Wales

B. L. Parker (to October 1979) J. L. Clark (to October 1979) M. Flemming (April 1978 to October 1979)


R. Quinn (to August 1978) G. E. Gatti (to November 1978)

South Australia

R. B. Coombe L. D . Taylor (to April 1978)

Western Australia

K. Piotrowski (to March 1978) D . Griffiths (to March 1978)


F. L. Davies (to April 1978) S. McCann (to April 1978)

Northern Territory

A. J . Goody (to March 1978) M. Howard (to March 1978)

Australian Capital Territory

H. J. Tonkin (to December 1977)


1. The dates shown in the above list indicate either a period of employment from the beginning of the Commission to a particular date (e.g ., 'to February 1978'), a specific intermediate period of employment (e.g ., 'January 1978 to April 1979') or employment from an intermediate date to the date of presentation of the Report

(e.g . , 'from March 1978'). Where no dates are shown, the staff member was employed throughout the whole period.


2. It has not been practicable to include the names of a number of officers from the Department of Administrative Services who rendered valuable inaugural assistance in establishing the Commission. The list also does not include persons who worked for the Commission for periods of less than one month.

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